Reviews for Introduction to the Wizard World
Traveler301 chapter 5 . 7/27
SFC Copperhead, I still wish I could have known your Dad. I bet he could have been hell on wheels if he was pissed. His stories always move me in some manner. Some laughter, some sadness, some what's he doing now, but always good.
Ron Pate
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 5 . 7/7
Enjoyed the story thanks!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/18
And once again delighted and marvelously entertained thank you
Gina chapter 4 . 4/24
LOVE the OC names
seagullalpha chapter 5 . 3/18
However belatedly, my condolences on his passing.

I enjoyed this story very much.
Priest chapter 5 . 1/30
I've just read the story for the first time and came to this end I'm sorry to hear about the loss of a great author and will proceed to go on to read his others.
lilashannah chapter 4 . 10/14/2019
I love this story. your dad was an amazing writer. I reread his stories all the ti.e.
martin.presston.9 chapter 5 . 9/5/2019
still one of the best writers on any site ive been on and will be missed still by those who only meet him through his stories. all my best wishes to his family and friends
Traveler301 chapter 4 . 8/11/2019
God I miss you MSgt. Snake, I will always remember your Dad.
Ron Pate
Hardy chapter 4 . 7/21/2019
After all this time you see this

I really liked this

I just wonder what specifically happened to Dumbledore you don’t say
Bronze chapter 2 . 6/15/2019
This isn't the first time I've come across Dumbles shoveling shit in Gringotts. It seems other authors love to give him different companions to shovel it with. Of course, in one they had a shit fight. Unfortunately for the prisoners, there were no showers to wash it off in. Anywho, this is such a fun story. I love the idea of several Pureblood families owing Harry for loans their families stopped paying on centuries ago. Now their descendants are stuck paying both interest and penalties on those loans.
Bronze chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
Though the MSgt is dead he was a hell of a writer. I've read a number of his HP stories and he just doesn't do wimpy doormat, Harry Potter. I really like that about his stories. Yes, JKR originally wrote the HP stories but she made Harry a doormat for everyone. She's never come right out and said it but, Dumbledore's actions show him to be Dark. I've read this before and enjoyed it so decided to reread it.
AbandonedPlay chapter 5 . 4/5/2019
Amazing story so sorry for your loss we lost a great author that day and I'm sure the world lost a great dad I hope he had a good life and thank you
Arial Wolf chapter 4 . 3/25/2019
Totally amazing tale wonderful thank you
sorry for your loss
Bronze chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
I've often wondered why Fumblemort never bothered to destroy the Horcruxes before Riddle could regain a body. To me it makes sense. Once the body he's possessing dies and he has no anchors, it's bye bye Tommy time! It would also be less dangerous for the magical world I would imagine. But I can imagine Tommy finding out the hard way they're gone. As in " Oh Shite! " Or possibly even " No! I am immortal! I can not die!"
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