Reviews for The Hope for Freedom
Ocean soul chapter 19 . 2/13/2019
Love it to bits! Thank you for this marvelous story, it was such a pleasure to reread it once again.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/29/2015
Great! More please!
Hana13 chapter 19 . 12/6/2015

It's been a while since you last update! I really hope you'll continue this story!
Reilovernat1213 chapter 19 . 11/16/2014
Such an amazing and enticing story. I love ALL of your works thus far, but this is definitely my favorite! Normally a bit weary of AUs, this one is definitely one of my favorites ever and one of my favorite Fenris/Hawke stories period. They are so beautifully written and I love reading about a complex and multifaceted relationship like theirs! This story has left me giddy, angry, appalled, heartbroken, and everything in between. I really hope you keep working on this when you get the chance! Thank you for writing it!
Dumak chapter 1 . 10/2/2014
Beautiful story, thanks for updating!
shelby147 chapter 19 . 8/19/2014
I've just read the whole story and I must say that this AU is perfect! All the characters, situations and mostly Fenris' and Hawke's relationship are beyond great. Also I'm very glad that you decided to continue this story, it would be a shame to abandon it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and keep it up!
minerthreat chapter 19 . 8/10/2014
What a lovely surprise - you updated! Just checked my inbox and was about to respond to your PM from last month about this story's indefinite hiatus when I saw the notification. Thrilled and so excited to read more - and it seems I'm not the only one. :D Thank you!
Askeebe chapter 19 . 8/2/2014
I'm glad you continued this. It's an interesting story, and I do hope they find their freedom soon.
EkoCentric chapter 19 . 8/1/2014
Oh this is brilliant! On the one hand, they're back together, on the other hand, I'm quite sure Talla's going to give both of them a life in hell.
Enchanter T.I.M chapter 19 . 7/31/2014
I can be happy that hawke and fenris are together...but now she has her own tormentor. Just lovely.
EkoCentric chapter 18 . 7/30/2014
Yay! You came back! At first when I saw a notification mail, I felt so dreadful that perhaps you were going to say that you won't write this story anymore! But you continue the story! Bless you! I'm so happy even though the chapter is super sad, it's still amazing and the same story that I love so much!
Enchanter T.I.M chapter 18 . 7/29/2014
...*sets off a canyon of fireworks* you came back!
Woofters chapter 18 . 7/29/2014
Yeah, an update. This was one of my favorite H/F AU stories, I was sad to see if go away. Thank you for thinking of bringing it back. Here's hoping the H/F have a happy ending.
minerthreat chapter 17 . 7/23/2014
So terribly sad to just realize this was abandoned...damn. :(
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