Reviews for My Shinigami, My Hamburger
angelsmystique chapter 42 . 4/30/2019
I've been following this story for an awfully long time, and it is honestly one of my favoritesHopefully you continue with it at some point. 'No time like the present,' they say.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/27/2016
Nihonese? Wtf it's NihonGo. Nihon Japan Golanguage

Forest Edyne chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
I loved this story when I first read it. I was VERY happy to find it again. Your writing is so good and so descriptive, it makes this a true pleasure to read. I really hope you finish it someday.
tyleet88 chapter 41 . 10/28/2014
Man I totally forgot about this story and it is still a great story.
auroraflame25 chapter 42 . 6/3/2011
*pout* why didn't you finishthis great story!
Cristalake chapter 29 . 5/16/2010
omfg lol! Do you know how HILARIOUS it is to hear the Godess of Love and Romance proclaim that she

"can't stand all this mushy stuff."

LOL! Proof that if I diwof a fluff overdose I have full rights tp sue you in the afterlife ;p
KingofLoosePages chapter 12 . 5/7/2010
With your using Nihonese, is it because he's mixing japanese and english? Because the Japanese term for, well, Japanese is Nihonjin. There was also a part where they were in a taxi a few chapters back where Duo said "Kono wa?" but he should have used "Ano wa?" because Kono is "this (that is close to me)" So "kono hito"would be "This person near me" while "ano hito" would be "That person over there" and "sono hito" would be "that person near you."

tyleet88 chapter 42 . 3/30/2010
It has been a long time since I read this story. I really need to reread this. I was hoping to see it updating. But glad I found this story again.
Hyper Kid chapter 42 . 8/21/2009
... well here comes trouble. XD Shini's gonna kick his ass. Ah, Heero, the plan was so good... and then you hormoned. Naughty Heero! XD Is ya gonna add to it soon? Please? It's a really good story, more emotional than what I usually read... but that just proves how good it is!
Hyper Kid chapter 16 . 8/20/2009
Sorry I was sneak-reading before, it's a really incredible story I LOVE it... XD But something in this chapter really made me laugh... when Shini was wearing Heero's clothes and Heero said 'mortal clothing doesn't have wing holes', I realised I was actually wearing a shirt with a large hole in the back... wing holes! X3 Sorry Heero, you just need to wear women's clothing.
Kiota-chan chapter 42 . 6/10/2009
i love your story, and i would also love to see it completed, will you ever finish this story or have you abandoned it?
Sal chapter 1 . 11/6/2008
Hey, your story is fab!

although, did you know that japan doesn't actually have an army?

they're not allowed one, because of WW2
StoryTagger chapter 42 . 9/22/2008
NANI, WRITE MORE! AND KICK CUPID'S A*S!...I was thinking though, Cupid's arrows should not have as much of an effect on Heero as they would other, more normal mortals, right? Oh, and Heero so needs to read that book! And while thinking on it, wouldn't Heero have been ejected from his house if the blessing had been completed.
StoryTagger chapter 38 . 9/22/2008
Hmm, seems to me that Heero's previous incarnations must have killed themselves because Duo/Shini had yet to be born/created. It must have been heartrending for him to suffer loneliness. I wonder if he can actually die by normal means...
StoryTagger chapter 19 . 9/21/2008
Hmm, Heero should consider leaving Shini with Takamura for the rest of the day as 'divine punishment' for being a egotistical jerk. :)
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