Reviews for Trade
Guest chapter 8 . 5/12
Really good will u update more
Lex chapter 8 . 1/17
I've re-read this story a few times now, and it just seems to get better each time lol I hate that it leaves off on such a cliffhanger, I really hope you update soon, it was just starting to dive into the really good stuff. I love Bonnie's no nonsense attitude and her determination to protect her friend. In the show it gets on my absolute nerves that everyone is willing to sacrifice everything including their lives for Elena, and somehow it's always Bonnie and Caroline who get the short end of the stick. I love reading stories where their not pushovers like that and where their willing to fight for their own lives instead of being used to keep Elena's life going. Don't get me wrong i think friendship like that is special and hard to come by (friends that are willing to be put through hell and back for you) but I can't stand that it's for someone as selfish and wishy washy as Elena. The whole thing just gets on my nerves, i just really hate that no one ever says "enough is enough" because all of them especially Bonnie and Caroline deserve better then being thrown to the back burner for Elena.

I also have to say I'm not exactly hating how you are writing Caroline but I'm not exactly liking it either. Your story is really good and I've loved reading it all the times that I've read it and i really hope you finish it but i can't help but feel like Caroline is not being portrayed in the best light. She seems to be more like her human self then her Vampire self, extremely naive, shallow, insecure, etc and these are traits that were better suited to her human self but calmed down tremendously when she got turned into a vampire. So in that aspect i really think you took a few steps backwards instead of forwards. I do love Caroline and Klaus, I am 100% a shipper for them lol but I don't see human Caroline (which is what she's acting like) being very attractive to Klaus, I do however see her being attracted to him and ignoring certain things because she's infatuated with a pretty face and sweet pet names. So I hope that she gets a little bit more head strong and less insecure with herself that she's able to not be so air headed. Regardless though I love your story and I do hope you find the motivation to finish it .
merli99 chapter 8 . 10/21/2013
Hey I just read your story and find it awesome
It would be really cool if you would add finn/sage to the story
I hope to
Guest chapter 8 . 8/10/2013
I want more bonnie&kol please
meredith77 chapter 8 . 8/9/2013
this was so great! can't wait for an update! such a great story
jessnicole chapter 8 . 4/3/2013
THis story is fantastic! Just read the whole thing this morning great job.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/25/2013
Hey, I'm just re-reading the story. It's one I always enjoy. Will you ever update? I hope so! Although I don't think we need any love triangles. I'd love to see a new chapter and find out what Klaus was really up to.
Andrea-Andy-Roberts chapter 8 . 11/30/2012
OMG! Amazing! hehe I’m really sitting on the edge of my seat with this one!
I’ve been reading one of your other stories as well Breath of life, and I have to say I really like your plot lines, their fun, interesting and the whole shebang. XD if I were to offer any constructive criticism it would be the 'Coz' instead of because hehe but that’s no biggy just something i pause at but I’m weird so its ok!
haha i think this is the longest review i have ever done! that has to say something!
Please keep going! I think I’d die if you stopped writing these stories!
I’m loving the klaroline! I'd love to see some more Konnie! I love the sexual tension and the emotional side of it as well! I think its really important especially with Klaus.
I'm going to stop babbling now. XD
Lots of love.
Keep writing.
Esmerada007 chapter 8 . 11/28/2012
love it. hope you continue
Guest chapter 8 . 10/12/2012
Will you finish this? I LOVE IT
chibichibi98 chapter 8 . 9/19/2012
I love the story. Honestly I find it great that someone is firmly on Carolines side for once and I'm glad that's it Bonnie. Im really enjoying the klaroline and I'm hoping that klaus doesn't find out about the distraction plan and take it the wrong way. The Kol and bonnie pair is awesome. I'd love to read some Finn and sage. It would suck if they were against klaus though.

Take care and update soon!
Gizmo chapter 2 . 9/7/2012
"only she could fall victim to Stockholm syndrome in 2 hours" :)))
Guest chapter 8 . 8/24/2012
I'am loving this story so far ! Please the next ! Please.
LazyAnon chapter 8 . 7/21/2012

Missea.girl chapter 8 . 7/12/2012
Hi I love this Fic and I was just wondering if you planned on completing it.
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