Reviews for Hogwarts and The World
Irina Hunter chapter 16 . 6/20
Reviews make Voldemort cry? Count me in! Do they make Ubridge cry as well? *looks hopeful*
Irina Hunter chapter 8 . 6/20
It's the Restricted Section, not the Forbidden Section.
Irina Hunter chapter 1 . 6/20
The Baltic States were never said to be brothers.
miarokie chapter 16 . 4/7
I hate doing this to myself. Reading a really good story(a true gem 3) despite knowing they chances of it finishing are extremely low. Even though it seems you have abandoned your story(still hoping you will pick it up again) I am glad I read it! I enjoyed it. Thank you author! ;3
AyakoA-chan chapter 16 . 4/4
Cool story, good grammar and engaging technique. I hope you decide to update again!

P.S Make Voldemort cry he hurt precious innocent cinnamon roll Matthew.
Dragonp22 chapter 16 . 3/24
Make Voldemort cry because i'm gonna slaughter him for hurting Mattie and he is afraid I will take all his horcruxes and destroy them before watching him die.

Great story as well.
Ayako-Nee-chan chapter 16 . 5/20/2019
Guest chapter 12 . 10/9/2018
Meanwhile, Dumbledore pulls out some sunnies and popcorn and lets out his inner gay.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/9/2018
Canada's name isn't erased...

Guess they forgot to.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/9/2018
Hang on. Arthur's technically a squib right? Muggles aren't able to see Hogwarts because a charm is preventing non magical beings/people from seeing it.

So if Arthur is able to see the castle and even walk around in it, he's a squib?
Guest chapter 3 . 10/9/2018

Dude. Why the heck did he apply himself as a muggle in the first place. As a country with magic as a part of the folklore and culture (kinda - folklore plays a part in culture too), he should at least have some magical ability...

The hell...
Guest chapter 2 . 10/9/2018
Teaching 101. No introduction to his teaching or a preview of what they would be doing today.

Randomly introduces a magical creature like he's some summoner and proceeds to watch the student's reaction like a proud puppy.

Muggle indeed.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/11/2018
This is quite a amazing fanfiction. I hope you update soon.
Bonsai24 chapter 16 . 5/8/2018
THIS IS PERFECTION! I hope you update soon but I won’t rush ya.
mdmpinkie9088 chapter 16 . 12/24/2017
No updates since 2014. Does that sway the desicion of me going to follow, fave, and drop a review? F*** nope. This story is amazing, andeven if you have abandoned it, I’m still going to wait for the next chapter. It’s okay, take your time...
(If you are still invested in this story, I would be interested in being a beta, but I probably would’t get much done. I do have a lot of patience, though, when it comes to dealing with AWOL authors...)
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