Reviews for HERAKLES KARPUSI: Unit User Manual
Lady Undertaker chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
I want one!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
Note: Depending on the ChibiGreece you get, you may want to keep him.

There are three different ChibiGreece units, the first of which is the basic ChibGreece, described above.

The second is the LittleHercules ChibiGreece, which is basically the only unit that can match America and/or ChibiAmerica in sheer strength. LittleHercules ChibiGreece is from the mid 700's BC, around the time of the first Ancient Olympics, and as such, is an athletic dynamo.

The third is still quite athletically driven, but is much more intellectual. LittleSocrates ChibiGreece is one of the most intelligent units offered. Wow your friends with your suddenly immense knowledge of the ancient world, which provides a better understanding of the modern world.

The LittleHercules and LittleSocrates units are part of a new line of Chibi Units, based on historical people and historical events. Both of these units, like the adult Greece, will be followed by cats, as cats are quite intelligent and very athletic. In fact, the two may be inspired by cats to create new Olympic events or theories.
Random fangirl lady chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
i want one :3 why can't these unit's exissssssst? ;3;
Neon Douche chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
OMG I love this sooooo much!