Reviews for Ruins at Dusk
Mihaela Tudorica chapter 10 . 4/6/2014
I hate Athenodora!
kellyxxr chapter 4 . 5/10/2013
I adore every one of your fics, you're writing is otherworldly and utterly beautiful.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Such an amazing story, beautifully written with so much expression. You are truly gifted.
Darth Solus chapter 11 . 5/26/2012
This review is incredibly late, I know, Ky, but please forgive me. I just got my first mp3 music player, courtesy of my beta's daughter, and have finally entered the 21st century. So these past days, I have been utterly consumed with playing with my new toy. Ah well, better late than never, I suppose.

This chapter did make sense, the idea that Caius and Athenodora would at least have had a hunch as to what was going to happen. I find it intriguing that even Caius apparently has his limits as to what he is willing to witness/be a direct party to. Sometimes, I have trouble believing that of him.

This was a wonderful story, as your always are. What are you going to do next? I've been rereading your stories lately, especially Harlequinade. I'll eagerly await anything else you write, of course.

Congratulations on finishing the story! And thank you for it!
Hibiscus79 chapter 11 . 5/24/2012
Wonderful chapter! I can't believe this is the end, actually, I don't want your story to end. First, I never thought such pairing would be possible, but made it real. And it's probably the first story in which I feel sorry for all three persons in the triangle. I feel sorry for Didyme, because her wish doomed her. I feel sorry for Marcus, because he doesn't won't to dyny her anything, and thta't what kills her in the end. And I'm sorry for Caius, because he is too proud to safe her life, even though he want her to live. Wonderful story, I hope you're already planning your next one.
Merina Thropp chapter 11 . 5/23/2012
FLAWLESS. What a chilling last line! And what asd;lkfasd;fksahd;flkj Aro moments. That will be my new description for your writing from now on. As;as;kdsjhf;askdfj. It works, I think :D

And thank you for the thank you, as well :3
487501635018605841 chapter 11 . 5/22/2012
I haven't been reviewing lately O.o my apologies. Exams are...yea, ok, you want to read an actual review, not a whiny, most certainly blasphemous monologue from a girl that needs to lay off the caffeine and sleep more often.

I didn't think it was possible, because I honestly thought that your writing was more than just 'good', but you actually got better. I know I ask this in almost every single review, but have you ever considered pursuing an actual writing career? I mean, yea, science is you passion and I totally understand that, but maybe you could write in your spare time...? Seriously, your stories could be published if you'd just change names, places, and a few other things that distinguish Twilight vampires (or you could skip the vampire part altogether)

Anyway, I'll let you think on it :P you're still young, you have a long way to go.

(Yea, yea, I sound old -.-')

Everything about this chapter was heartbreaking, except for Athenodora/Caius because...well, because I love them too much :P but the last sentence! It pretty much explained everything regarding Didyme's death and its effect on those around her, and not in a way that leaves the reader unsatisfied.

Really, I don't know what else to say. I loved this fic from the start, and I really wish for more future chapters, but I guess that good things will always end too soon :P
ImBartSimpsonwhothehellareyou chapter 11 . 5/21/2012
So good. I wish there was more...
Merina Thropp chapter 10 . 4/4/2012
I think I'm just...just...starting to understand some of the things that make your writing so good. You're using nouns all the time - not *describing* stuff exactly, but...letting the things describe themselves, by choosing your words carefully. And you avoid adverbs, so when you do use one, it's more effective. And you make lots of comparisons and metaphors and similes. And use interesting verbs. And stuff. Yeah...

...MUST...BE...MORE...LIKE...KYILLIKI...*falls to knees*...

Anyway. I enjoyed the return of DidymexMarcus in this chapter very much. Controlling/unhealthy/doomed as it may be, I think it just works better. It's simple. Happy - mostly. And Caius really does belong with his Athena :)
wontusethisaccountagain chapter 10 . 4/2/2012
Not exactly a HEA, but I knew it wouldn't be. With those four? Not even close. I'd like to think that they both ended up happy...but we all know how well that worked for Marcus. I wonder if he ever regretted that Didyme did not end up with Caius instead.

I look forward to reading the ending.
Hibiscus79 chapter 10 . 4/2/2012
Very nice story! It is different, probably because I could never imagine Didyme with someone else but Marcus, and still... it makes sense.
H. K. Rissing chapter 10 . 4/2/2012
ummm, excuse me, but you're not allowed to finish this. Ever. It needs to keep going indefinitely :). This was such an amazing chapter. I always hated how Marcus seemed a little bit sappy for Didyme, but now it not only makes sense but was utterly enjoyable to read. I'm not sure if I liked this version of the beginnings of Caius and Athenodora, or the Wolf in the Fables' version better- all I know is that they're both marvelous.


wontusethisaccountagain chapter 9 . 3/9/2012
Ah Aro, ever the manipulator. And Caius will let Didyme go now, as it had to be in cannon. But I have to wonder if Aro would ever regret later, when he found himself the agent of his sister's death, that he had sent her to Marcus and not to Caius? Would it have saved her in the end...Didyme's life and Marcus's heart?

Please update soon!
H. K. Rissing chapter 9 . 3/9/2012
SQUEEE! I am disproportionately fond of Aro in this chapter (but then, are there any chapters in which i am NOT disproportionately fond of Aro?) And Caius was a darling, despite the loveliness of his angst-ridden thoughts, so yes. Thanks so much for the update- your writing is, as always, a cut above literally everything else i'm currently reading.
487501635018605841 chapter 8 . 1/29/2012
I've come to the conclusion that:

Kyilliki's writing emotional roller coaster ride

But in a good way, I assure you :P

And ah the drama at the end! I'm such a sucker for drama, despite it not being my favorite genre, and with my favorite characters angst-ing and the beautiful way in which your sentences are dear, you spoil me too much :P

I love how you keep Caius in character, even though you're mind's currently intoxicated by Caius/Didyme. A lot of authors, myself included, would rather go "PSHT, what is this in-character thing you speak of? THEY MUST BE TOGETHER!" Marcus would've fought for her (because he probably watches too much Disney xD) but Caius is more realistic. He knows that it's hopeless- that they're hopeless, and he'd rather not try in vain. Didyme doesn't seem to get that. Or maybe she just doesn't want to.

Or maybe I got it all wrong :P

Oh god, that's sad ; A ;

And please update as soon as you possibly can :D bet Athena's waiting somewhere backstage, glaring at her to-be-husband's back and at the writer for not giving her any screen time...remember: an angry Athena is a scary Athena O.o I'd update if I were you.


*will probably check inbox again 5 min later*
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