Reviews for Warp Element
Mageblood chapter 8 . 2/26
This is fantastic, more needs to exist!
IamAnMoron chapter 8 . 6/19/2019
Hate when they die righta at the good part
sonicxjones chapter 8 . 7/24/2017
Man this needs to keep going..
Takai-taka chapter 8 . 5/25/2017
I really hope that the writer continues but I'm not so sure since it's been 5 years since they updated it.
Bananarock509 chapter 8 . 1/21/2017
Why? This always seems to happen with writers. TheY hit a climactic turning point in their writing and stop. It was so good too!
Atb chapter 8 . 8/30/2015
Plllleeeeeaaaassseee update this! I've read every story on the BB fanfiction site and this fic is one of my top three. Don't abandon it!
PharaohsMagician chapter 8 . 4/23/2015
This was fantastic. I do hope you update this wonderful story soon. I love how Catwoman has this knowledge now. It makes it even more interesting. And I love how Dana knows. It should make Terry's life much easier when he returns. I bet when Terry regains his fighting memories that he will want to spar with them. It's possibly a once in a lifetime chance to do so considering he is from way into the future and their future counterparts may not want to battle him than while these one might. And to spar with the Old Man would be great. Well, cheers and ta!:)
Miravisu chapter 8 . 4/9/2015
I really hope there'll be more to this story. Fantabulous mix of old and new B(r)ats.
GoldenEyes chapter 8 . 3/16/2015
Brillaint story! I wish there was more! I would love to see what happens next! How they solve his memory problem! And his time problem! It should prove to be very interesting. Especially how you go about the time travel/butterfly effect. Thank you very much for sharing this. It's a fantastic read and in sure my twin will enjoy it just as much. Happy wishes! :-)
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 8 . 3/7/2015
And mindbreaks!
ColorsAndWords chapter 8 . 11/19/2014
This is really good! WRITE MORE!
Siyavash chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
Still exceedingly sad that this goes un-updated...
Any chance at all that you'd be willing to pick this back up again? It's probably the most badass sty on this site and it would be SO nice if we got beyond the immensely frustrating cliffhanger on which things were left!
Really, truly! An awesome fix and we'd love, love, LOVE to read the rest of it!
Thalassa chapter 8 . 8/8/2014
YOU MUST. You must.

You must continue this.

I hope you are still an active FF author, because this is quite a wonderful and engaging story. The memory loss doesn't feel like the tried-and-true plot device it is, it feels fresh and original, ESPECIALLY due to the fact you don't refer to Terry by his name. Also, you keep the story moving forward by giving him tantalising bits of his past through flashbacks.

If this isn't a well-crafted crossover, then I don't now what it is.

The only criticism I have so far is that this... hasn't been updated.

But when you do, I¿ll be checking this story still, and looking forward to more of your future work.

I'm a professional stalker, me. I shan't forget.

Thank you for reading this review.
The Apple's Pie chapter 8 . 7/14/2014
An invigorating and enrapturing story. I wish it had been finished, but still delight in what you wrote.
The Apple's Pie chapter 4 . 7/14/2014
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