Reviews for Getting Answers
Dreamy-Orion chapter 2 . 6/5/2005
Waw, this is your third story I've read so far today and you've really got this West Wing thing down!
catherineXXIX chapter 2 . 10/30/2003
Ha! loved it! If only it had really happened on the show! Very good dialogue, you nailed everyone! Keep writing West Wing...I might stop watching the show and only read your stories about it! They are more in tune with the way I wanted things to go!
Dreamboat Kicks chapter 2 . 12/9/2002
Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! *Big squeal* I haven't actually seen season three (I just started watching on #4), so I don't have much background knowledge (slowly piecing it together as I go along), but I could appreciate this on an emotional level alone. You really made my heart bleed for Sam and I could really feel Josh hate how his friend was reacting to everything. Really, really, REALLY good!
Sarritichi chapter 2 . 5/14/2002
thats sad!

good though.
senza chapter 2 . 5/2/2002
This is a great story. It captures perfectly Sam's frustrated idealism, his encroaching disillusionment, and the undercurrent of angst that was never completely acknowledged on the show. Excellent dialogue also-it's very true to the characters. :)
Marguerite1 chapter 2 . 4/30/2002
Wow - wonderful dialogue, something we don't see enough of in this fandom. I really felt all four characters. And CJ's "You're too sexy for my hair...that's why it isn't there" is possibly the funniest thing I've read in a year. Terrific job!