Reviews for All the Time in the World
He chapter 4 . 2/28/2017
i looked up at god and i saw scipio
dastardlyduck chapter 2 . 5/31/2012
I'm fascinated by how this will turn out. Although she doesn't seem very reluctant to grow up-she seems more excited to be independent and out on her own...

I'm interested to see how this story continues!
saturday.conspiracy chapter 4 . 5/11/2012
I like the twist on this! The only thing I would suggest is describing Ericha. I don't think I've seen any mention of what she looks like. If there is, let me know and just ignore this. Other than that, I enjoyed this new chapter!
saturday.conspiracy chapter 3 . 5/11/2012
Nice cliffhanger and the use of multiple conflicts going on at once! I like the way you write the characters' dialogue and how you show them doing things while they speak.

I'm glad you updated this!
Penelope Copplestone chapter 4 . 4/22/2012
This has become very intriguing indeed! I wonder who the Thief Lord is this time.

I like how Ericha's aspirations are gradually being revealed. I also appreciated Scipio's caring and boyish nature. :]

I can't wait for the next chapters! Traps, tailing, and disguises - This detective work is keeping me at the edge of my seat.
Penelope Copplestone chapter 3 . 4/21/2012
I love how you sprinkled bits of humor throughout the whole story. (Like how Victor was opening drawers when he's looking for a person). It's so chuckle-worthy, if there's such a word.

Ericha is such an interesting character. She's the type of person you can relate to, unlike many of the Sue-ish OC's out there. I wonder what's up with her fear of crowds?

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Please update soon!
saturday.conspiracy chapter 2 . 11/6/2011
Firstly, I liked how you gave Ericha a very normal conflict with her parents instead of reusing the abusive family idea.

The interaction between her and Scipio was really nice and fun to read, especially that last bit about the merry-go-round. This certainly adds a little bit more suspense to the story. Nice work!
saturday.conspiracy chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
Interesting beginning. I've already got a lot of questions in my head, so I want to know what's going to happen next. Despite the shortness of the chapter, it was well-written and you showed the characters' personalities really well through dialogue and action. I look forward to your next chapter!