Reviews for In This Black and White World
atypeoftangerine chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
Heyy, it's me again- le Mysterious Tangerine
I adored this fic to the tenth power. Amazing. It's going on my list of fics to read repeatedly, a list that formerly contained only Bade-centric fics.
So, what I liked-
"She wasn't one to go begging around desperately like Trina."
This line made me think so hard about Trina's character.
I loved the paragraph where they all stole eachother's food.
I love all the metaphors in your writing- you could publish this. Honest.
Love it to the pain princess bride reference. Watch it for me if you haven't, will ya?
Speaking of references, loved the mention of the Breakfast Club (my all-time favorite movie) :)
Nice writing!
CrAzYbutLoVaBlE chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
I love it! It ia an amazing story, but I would have liked it better if Tori had stayed on the grass and rhen like never opened her eyes. The end seemed like it missed a little somrthing, like it was kinda hollow. But i know i just like being depressed..
Seriously, though, this was better than anything i will ever write.
sshaw101 chapter 1 . 7/24/2012
This was really deep and emotional and felt almost kinda personal. I loved how it was divided into sections and your writing was wonderful. I liked how you showed that Tori's not perfect and that they all rely on each other. Sure they had their ways before Tori, but now she's a part of them and they're a part of her.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
I really liked this. It looks to me that it went terribly right. Great story; really interesting to read :)
D3L3T3D ACCOUNT chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
good story, even if it's very sad poor Tori
skittyscatter chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
This was really well written; it kind of changed my whole perspective of Tori. I'd never really thought of her like this. You added a lot more depth to her, and now she seems more likeable to me.
breathecalifornia chapter 1 . 1/1/2012

this is so beautifully written, it honestly made me cry.

i think the ending did lack something, it seemed a little...rushed.

i mean, not like, you wrote it in a rush or anything, but it felt like it was missing something. i feel like maybe you should have continued with the whole lonely Tori thing, maybe sorta like she wallows herself in her loneliness for years, and stays...bland, colorless, lonely...and then go into the future, say, twelve years, and she finally meets someone that makes her feel again. it seems cliched when i put it like that, but really, i think that might have been a nice way to end it. i really love your story, and please don't take what i just said up there personally, it's just me being crazy again lol...i really like it. the only thing is the ending, it seemed a bit disconnected and...awkward. i really love how you wrote about her feeling that way about Jade and her relationships with Beck and Cat. It's like, you always think Tori's the perfect one that everyone's jealous of, but this story's so different, in a better, more unique way. And Cat, she's hard to write. Like you can't make her too stupid and ditzy but she isn't exactly mature and sophisticated. Her relationship with Tori seems simple but it's a little complex; you wrote that excellently. Beck, of course. Not much to say there, but wonderful. How she's so... infatuated, in a way, with him, but he only has eyes for Jade. You didn't really specify if she loves him or if she just likes him, or what. You let the reader figure that out, which is always welcome to me :). There wasn't much about Robbie, which suits the story. You don't write about every single person. That's refreshing. Andre and Tori, you described so well! How they seem so close but from Tori's point of view, they're really kinda distant. Trina, well...there's not a lot about her, but she's in character when she is mentioned. I wouldn't really think that her parents would be so busy and everything, and not really spend much time with her, but I can see it now, that they really care but they don't have time. Perfect. And, of course, gotta love Grammy Abby :D... FABULOUS. Great job. Keep it up!
yummycookie chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
i almost cried during this :)
DarkJackall chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
Your story made everything in my life make more sense. I really identify with the way Tori felt and I thank you for that.
StormChaser7 chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
Nice; that was an awesome story!
lowlaury chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
pffff. Kris. Why do you always act like your stories are terrible when they're not? -_-

I mean, hello-ho, you just made me read over 8000 words all about Tori effing Vega, who is - in all honesty - my least favorite character on the show! But really, I think this is how the "real" Tori is. Partly, at least. No one can be perfect like that. You know what I mean.

Your writing is amazing as always and even though there wasn't much dialogue and mostly desciption, it didn't get boring. Sooo, good job there! :)
BabyDavid chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
Wow! This story is wonderful. I love this Tori point of view. I love how you use the colors and how you made it so clear that Tori was lonely. My favorite part is the Tori and Jade sleepover, and the ending was amazing. The way her friends gathered around her and supported her. It was great. Awesome job.

Ps. the lunch scene with them working in a system was great.

Love, love, LOVE IT!
TARDISes R Cool chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
One of the best Tori-centric stories I've seen. The analogy of the colors was nothing short of brilliant. Great job!
bade4ever chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
Haha yes I'm reviewing first I haven't read it yet but I'm getting wifi at mcdonalds haha yes I know it ghetto! Butbim sure IRS an awesome story as always! :)