Reviews for Snow & Names
The Patchwork Rabbit chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
ABVM chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
That was so cute and fun to read. It gave me the brotherly banter amongst the knights that I was hoping to see right up to the end. I also love anything that gives me the possibiity of Arwen babies.
I could see Gwaine's impish ways with the suggestion of Gwaine Jr,gave me a chuckle.
n1ght0wl chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
that was adorable! would love to see more drabbles, you're a great writer:')xox
aprilf00l chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
LOL! The end with knights hoping for their names for the baby was hilarious - I could really see that happen in "Merlin"
larasmith chapter 1 . 11/11/2011
Real funny, Gawain, NOT! If Gwen names him Gawain Jr. Arthur may have every reason to question the paternity of his baby unless the boy or girl inherits Arthur's complete features (hair, eyes, jaw, smiles, nose, ears, snoring habits, occasional rounds of idiocy) then Gwen will be above suspicion of marital infidelity.

Arthur does have bird droppings for brains! What father would name their daughter Arthurretta? Sounds like "Are you Rita". What about Percival? Didn't hear him offering any suggestions. And Leon? Anyone care to ask Gaius for his wisdom about baby names? Perhaps they should inquire if Geoffrey has any books on proper names for babies?

regenbogen chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
These were great! I'd love to see an actual episode of Merlin set in winter, but I doubt that will ever happen. The knights’ arguing about possible names was hilarious. Good job!
BagginsPotterPevensie chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Ha, these were so funny! More Arwen Christmas/Winter stories?