Reviews for Between Kings
Emiko hime-sama chapter 7 . 4/20
Hey there! So I came back because I just remembered I forgot to mention two things in my last review (had to comment on another chapter because apparently, only one review is allowed per chapter).
1. In addition to everythingI have said, I honestly find the last scene heartbreaking because the whole Lyron incident must be the way and the reason why Wolfram is going to easily forgive Yuuri. His love for Yuuri is really infinite. I am horrified at how the aristocrats are going to react to this! I am thinking it will lead to the deposition of Wolfram because there's another heir on track or simply, more bad press for Wolf. He has the worst life, seriously. They already hate him so much and with all his pride, this surely will be humiliating. I know it's impossible but I can only hope nobody finds out. Lowkey wishing Elise could get into an accident or something. I hate her so much.
2. I am impressed with how you managed Yuuri's scene with Elise. It's a bit rare to see men (and I hate to sound this prejudiced) but specially the "dominating" men getting raped by women. The scene where everybody starts confronting him and Yuuri finally understands he has been a victim, was brilliant. I have been super unfair to him because I love Wolfram and I feel like Yuuri sometimes doesn't show his love in the necessary ways, but I feel for him and I hope he finds ways to heal.
3. I hope they both heal! The last scene seems to show that their love for each other is intact. At least I am glad they are not holding back any secrets anymore. Nevertheless, this is just the start of the storm. I feel like the nightmare has barely started and they will both suffer so much.
4. I just noticed you have tagged this with OC!character death. I hope that, aside from the citizens' deaths, there will be a final ending for Louis, Lyron, Elise and Julius. You have managed to make me hate them so much! Honestly the drama concerning the relationship of our main characters is already horrible; at this point, both their lives and the world is crumbling with the approaching war. Lyron is horrible for not respecting his promises. I feel like he's growing more impatient and psychopathic. That paragraph where you described the differences in time-experience between demons and humans was really insightful.
5. I feel like I have a lot more of things to say so I may or not may come back. I read everything quickly because I was curious but I probably missed a lot of details. Will definitely re-read when I have more time.
6. I usually hate Greta because she is a bit annoying in the anime. But your Greta is brilliant! Same with Cecile. I empathise so much with her! I lowkey ship her with Wolfgang. They are both hurt and flawed characters but they seem to have a healthy relationship. I know you have mentioned they are just friends, but their relationship seems solid. On the other hand, I feel like Wolfgang is one of those characters that are going to be killed as a plot catalyser later on, but I wish he could heal his relationship with Wolfram if any of that is going to happen.
7. This Gwendal is a bit new to me. I usually read stories were Gwendal spoils Wolfram to death and protects him at all costs. I know your Gwendal means well and he's thinking of the best of the best, but he's super stern with Wolfram and obsessed to a fault with state affairs. He's definitely more complex, but I am looking forward for him to evolve into a more emotional character.
8. Do not feel discouraged about your writing! I think you have grown a lot! I definitely think you have flourished. Your plot is wonderfully constructed, detailed and deep. Your characters are delightful to read because their inner thoughts show that they are multi dimensional, which is always a great thing, because it gives the whole story dynamism. While there are some typos and misspelled words occasionally, I find your writing brilliant. Like I said before, it's charming; the metaphors you use are pleasantly surprising and your dialogues do not feel awkward at all. I can totally relate to how sometimes we read back on some works and find them embarrassing, but I want to applaud your courage for coming back and I wish you would continue to do so. I know the fandom is sort of dead right now but like me, KKM is a very dear memory that is occasionally revisited. I personally have not visited this site for ages, but finding this gem was worth it.

Anyways, this got too long, but I hope I read you soon! Will keep an eye on the updates and will re-read all your modifications for sure. Cheer up! You have all my support.
Emiko hime-sama chapter 8 . 4/20
Oh my, I was not going to read this until you had it completed because I was afraid of cliffhangers. But then I was too curious and figured why not? So here I am, at 4am reading this emotional roller coster. You left me heartbroken.

This is awful because I think Wolfram must feel like he deserves this and he has always been so insecure about Yuuri’s love. I was a bit happy when he recovered but now it’s all for naught, poor child. I have never been so concerned with a fictional character as I am with the Wolfram you have constructed. Please, please you must come back and give him some joy! I can’t believe Wolfram has to live knowing he sacrificed so much for Yuuri only to be repaid with this. I know it’s unfair to blame Yuuri but he’s carelessness doesn’t help. Wolfram sure has a hard life.

Yuuri’s guilt is a bit foolish. I wish he could just have just kept Elise jailed, or that he hadn’t left his pride win him over. Seriously, my heart is breaking for him but he let himself be played. Honestly, after a poisoning, he couldn’t have taken more measures with his wine? SPECIALLY WITH THE DAUGHTER OF A TRAITOR? Damn it, he drives me nuts. His kindness surely is his greatest weakness.

Julius frustrates me. How could he let something as a family feud lead him to betray his kingdom? No words. Hope he gets what he deserves soon, he’s getting into games that are far too big and complex for him.

Ugh, I’m not very excited for Sara’s entrance. In canon he annoyed me and in this story he seems even more horrible. I feel like everything in this universe is against our main characters, which is simply tragic. The children are the only bright spot here.

Except that baby in Elise, sighs. I can’t believe this, that child will crush Wolfram. As you can see, I’m super biased towards him, but I just can’t help but think of how horrible it will be for him to look at the proof of what he cannot provide Yuuri with and at the same time, Yuuri’s fault. But it will be Yuuri’s child and that will surely make him conflicted. The child will be born hated and that makes me sad too.

Anyways, as I said in my last review in the first story, I am looking forward for the continuation! I hope you feel better soon and that all is well in your life. My greatest wishes to you and your family!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/17
if you will end this story or not i dont care.. because here yuuri n wolf were not splitted apart from hatred.. thaks shinou for making them together again .. my heart thumped fast till the end.. now i want wolf and yuuri should plan to kill lyron and after giving birth i wish wolf kll that bitch and yuuri should kill that bitch father julius with his bare hands.. justice..
Raywolf chapter 8 . 4/4
Will wait!
picoriminish chapter 8 . 11/24/2019
I'm so excited to know you're picking up this fic again! If you don't mind, I might have a few suggestions on how to improve stuff: (I hope this doesn't seem condescending or superior)
1. Your OCs are amazing and have real life to them, but they seem to be strictly villianised by the narrative. The story tells us to root against them and to root for Yuuri and Wolfram instead, and we are confirmed in our beliefs that they are bad people who are working against the protag's interests. I feel it would leave more room for nuance if it's shown sometimes that Yuuri and Wolfram are in the wrong and the others have some good ideas and principles, albeit misguided? You've done a great job at showing Yuuri's naivety and Wolfram's arrogance and how they are still growing into their roles, but it doesn't say much if the narrative supports their decisions at every turn. The Aristocrats are shown as snobbish and superior, without redeeming qualities, except Gwendal and perhaps Wolfram's uncle when he tried to warn Yuuri. I feel like it would be more interesting to portray them as not strictly power hungry and overreaching but having some good ideas but Yuuri overturning them because of Wolfram or because of his own naivety/values. Julius is somewhat more complex, as he's truly shown as believing he's doing this for the good of Yuuri and the country, but the narrative does not show him in a sympathetic light at all, as he's shown to be a revenge obsessed villain above all. And although a smirking rapist like Elise cannot be redeemed, it would be great to show how much she is doing this for her loyalty to her father.
2. Sometimes Yuuri's mannerisms and way of speech seem too...American? Japanese tend to be more reserved. Although this isn't much of a nitpick and that could just be Yuuri's personality.

That's all and happy writing!
Swandaje chapter 8 . 9/16/2019
I really hope you take up the story again I would love to see how Yuuri and Wolfram heal from this also I have an idea of how to deal with the rapist b
Iatheia chapter 8 . 8/29/2019
I just saw a note on your profile, that you are coming back! I am just happen to be in the middle of rereading your stories for the third? fourth? time, over the years they have been some of the absolute favorites of mine. KKM fandom in general feels like a safe harbor, every other year or so I come back to it. I am very glad to see that you are writing again.
Natto chapter 8 . 5/21/2019
I've read all of Love is War, which I remember reading years ago and just reached this chapter. I know it's hard to go on without the validation and appreciation from readers, but I hope that you find it in yourself to continue this fic. The feelings you write are real and I feel how much you improved along the way. Thank you very much!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
It's been a few years now since an update. I hope you will continue this incredible story someday, until then I won't give up hoping for an email notification someday again :) it would be a shame to not finish this masterpiece.
Butalass chapter 8 . 11/2/2017
Hi there! I finished catching up on this after discovering Love and War a while back, and before anything, let me just say that this series is, despite my late and recent entry to the fandom, the most well written and beautifully crafted one I've read on here. The world you've constructed for these characters and the lives you've given them are impecably written. I love how the emotions and the darker themes play out. I have honestly become very invested in this and I've grown so attached to this fic's Wolfram. The world seems to have no mercy for him, huh? Your story is so well thought out and executed and the suspense from each chapter kills me slowly. It's brilliant and I adore your story. I really hope you find the passion and motivation as well as the time to work on continuing Between Kings. The story truly has so much potential and I hope we all get a chance to read the rest of what you've envisioned for this story. Thank you for sharing your beautiful works with us, and I hope you're doing well these days!
Lirenex chapter 3 . 10/7/2017
Rest assured, there is still interest in this story.
takashimio chapter 8 . 8/31/2017
waiting till the day you'll update this /sobs/ been a fan of your kkm fics since high school
Atem no koibito chapter 8 . 8/14/2017

-deep breath-
-even longer deep breath-

Love and War, and Between Kings. You know, and I'll tell you, that my stress level is so high because of these two fics that I haven't slept properly in over a week. I just wished for nothing more than to read them without stop. However, and obviously, I found myself waking up hours later with my phone under me, beside my head, my page lost, and going to work in the morning without sleeping a wink the night before twice already in these couple of days.

It was brutal. Exhausting. I wanted it to end but at the same time, never. It was just THAT FREAKIN' GOOD. I regret NOTHING.

This story reminds me of everything I love FanFiction, and reading, for. I LOVE a story that fills me with pain. A story that crushes my heart and soul, weighs on my mind, makes me smile with a mere memory, and, yes, stresses me out. Really. I love it. And so, I love. I love, love, love, LOVE these stories that you've written so BEAUTIFULLY. I'm so happy and satisfied with myself and this story that I want to just cry. Ah dammit, I've already teared up.

Yuuri and Wolfram... Merry. Greta. Their love... Their growth... The REALISTIC struggle of both Yuuri and Wolfram's emotions and the struggles and decisions to be made when ruling a country such as the Demon Kingdom... The Aristocrats... Wolfram's father...! I can't, I don't even know where to begin! Everything, each topic, problem and solution... It was wonderful! Blew my mind! And there is nothing that I wish could be different.

For example:
Love and War - that bit where Wolfram was going to read the letter that Lyron left after the massacres for the first time, and his reaction to seeing himself being called the demon king's whore. After the previous fanfics I've read, I guess I was conditioned to think that Wolfram would react badly to that. I expected angst and depression and sadness..! Him shouting and crying for some reason. I totally expected it! But what I got instead was, how I saw it, Wolfram basically saying, "who the heck does this person think they are?" "WTF" etc. etc. His complete indifference? and annoyance...! Now that- that took me by suprise. And I LOVED IT! If there's one scene that stands out for both of these fics, and trust me, there's a lot of such scenes, the one that has me smiling with satisfaction would have to be that one. It was so REALISTIC! R.E.A.L.I.S.T.I.C. And that is what I love in a story. The realism. I don't care if the story is about dragons or magic or vampires or monsters or whatever. Realism will make me fall in love, and what will make me stress and cry and smile and not sleep for.

I really love the story. So so much. I love it. I'm in love. I could go on about my reactions and such to all of the scenes, but if I start that I wouldn't ever stop. I've already written so much. But don't worry. I felt all the emotions whether it was necessary or unecessary. Your OC's are brilliant, even Elise, despite what the B*tch tried to do to Yuuri and Wolfram'a relationship. It makes me angry, but again, the realism. I'm juat glad that things look like it will work out for the two of them. Really, I do. I now just hope that they can now cross the hurdle(s) in front of them with eachother. Not with ease, because that is impossible, but together. That will make me much more happy.

Haha I'll tell you! Yesterday I saw two guys pushing the strollers for their wives, and they were walking side by side eachother, and I just broke out into the dumbest smile! I just ignored everything else and my mind just immediately imagined Yuuri and Wolfram with Merry! Ahhhh the blush that shot up my face... And another time at work I was just recalling one of those scenes on Earth with them and started smiling like a moron again! I tried to hard not to look like a fool. Ahhh! My life, this story is controlling my life!

But, sadly, now my joy is on hold. No update since last year, and it's on a hiatus. But, I shall stay strong and be patient! You said you will finish until the end, so I will trust you! Especially because I'm on a similar boat. A story that many people loves but a year without an update and a promise made to complete the fic. So, i shall wait, and hold you on that statement!

I don't want to stop, but I need to eat and sleep and bathe because, again, I didn't want to do anything else other than finish this after coming from work. Heh. So sorry.

Love the story again! I hope you update soon! :)

Atem no koibito
hiatusfangirl1999 chapter 8 . 7/7/2017
oh my god...
ok pls get ready for a very long review because i dont think my feelings can contain with just a simple "THIS IS AMAZING PLS UPDATE SOON!" which holds just as much enthusiasm as this detailed version.

where to even begin? I remember i started reading this fic like yeaaaars before and for some reason i stopped. maybe because the last chapte of Love and War hadn't been posted yet or i lost interest in the anime. i dunno. but i can tell you that when i felt like diving back into the yuuram fics again, yours was one of the others that i remembered vividly.

So after reading a couple of my favorites and trying new fics, i felt so unsatisfied and decided that maybe rereading your longass fic again would give me that sense of satisfaction ive been looking for. And BOI did it provide.

ive always loved how you built this political world for KKM pre season 3 and the talks about wars and treaties and alliances got me feeling so engaged into the world of your fic. and then your characters of wolfram and yuuri! perfection. like i disliked yuuri a lot in the anime bcos of the way he treats wolfram and some annoying things to his personality. however you took those things about yuuri and highlighted and forced him to face all his errors to make him a better man and im just so so thankful for that. for making yuuri eventually mature and treat wolfram the way he deserves to be treated (tho it was a long way for us to get there in your fic haha but i think all their struggles and pain was worth it for them to reach their love now.)

also your wolfram. damn do i love your wolfram so much BECAUSE BLESS THIS BOY FOR ALL HIS FAULTS AND IMPERFECTIONS i cant think of a better man for yuuri. he's soooo loyal and sweet but also such a brat and you portrayed everything i love about him in your series so well shsbnsksmsk (i also enjoyed very much the fact that you kept him a bottom in their relationship because thats my preference for yuuram and its just so hard to come by a very beautifully written long fic about just that preference huhu BLESS YOU SO MUCH /throws you flowers and crowns/

another thing i loved was the addition of smut. ahaha i love a little spice in a very well done plot filled story and you portray yuuri and wolfram so well into it haha i even stalked your live journal just to get the full detailed version of it since i know you cut it down here. lol dont worru im harmless, just a lil kinky XP

im also very interested about that lyron/wolfram tag you wrote for the pairings in this fic bcos honestly you make your OCs so amazing i just love them all? louis and lyron are definitely my faves and ALSO MERRY (but ill get back to him eventually) just ? how do you do it? i was actually kinda cheering for lyron a bit in Love and War to get back Wolfram just cos i love angst AND OVERPROTECTIVE YUURI AND CONRAD AND GWENDAL SQUEALS nonetheless you portrayed the brothers loving yet subtle relationship well HNNG IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO SEE YUURI EVEN GET A LIL POSSESSIVE WHEN HE BECOMES THE DEMON KING XDDD

ok but Merry. THAT SMALL CUTE CHILD IM SO HAPPY THAT THEY ADOPTED HIM. but gah yuuri why wont u care for merry more huhu LIKE THAT PART WHEN WOLF WAS POISONED AND MERRY WANTED YUURI'S ATTENTION BUT DIDN'T GET IT. I ADMIT IT MADE ME TEAR UP A LITTLE USBSKS ESPECIALLY WHEN MERRY CALLED HIM PAPA WAAAAH tbh i was so scared abt what would happen to wolfram because blindness? weakness? MY BABY :((( but at least he has his sight back so yes woot!

ok and the thing that i really wanted to talk about most was the ending of chap 8 because oh my god did you plan for yuuri to have a non consensual sex with Elise just so he and wolfram would be able to relate on that level? BECAUSE THAT IS BRILLIANT HOLY SHIT I DID NOT SEE THAT EMOTIONAL MOMENT COMING UNTIL WOLF BEGAN TALKING ABT LYRON SHBSMAKAAA THANK YOU SO SO MUCH IT WAS GLORIOUS I WANTED TO WEEP FOR THEM COS OF ALL THEIR TRAUMATIZING BAGGAGE CAN NOW BE SHARED AND BURDENED WITH ONE ANOTHER! also i had a feeling Elise would get pregnant because the moment you mentioned her green eyes from Yuuri's pov i was like /squints/ if she has yuuri's baby, and she dies, it can look like wolfram and yuuri's child instead with black hair and green eyes I WOULD BE VERY HAPPY IF THAT HAPPENED HSJSSK but ofc wherever u take the story with the baby i will happily await your judgement SQUEALS I wonder how long one can live if they're born from a halfblood and pureblood demon hmmmm

Anyway I HOPE U UPDATE THIS FIC SOON! i have faith youll come back since one of your A/Ns before said u didnt update flr three years and altho i dont rly wanna wait that long, ill wait long enuf bcos ur fic is worth it! THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS GEEEM AND I RLY LOVE UR WRITING BTW DONT BE SAD ABOUT IT ;DDDD
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21/2017
I am right here waiting for your update.
:) I am glad you put semi-hiatus, not dropped.
I hope you are doing well! Good luck for you.
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