Reviews for Ai Youkai
Ryu wolf chapter 34 . 7/7
Great job with this chapter nicely done, can’t wait to read the next chapter.
Logic Core chapter 34 . 7/2
Did the Muppet Queen seriously send people after Kushina who want her dead? If she wanted Naruto dead, it would have been so much easier to have him killed earlier, because the child of the Red Death, and his mates, will be snuffed out as well. Seriously, there is doing the wrong thing, then there is only doing the wrong thing.

I agree with Zara's daughter: the queen only sees a penis, one she probably wants to hop on in spite of it being her nephew's. She's a brainless slut, through and through. And with her daughter abandoning the castle, I don't see Sasa letting her peerlessly incompetent daughter remain in power for long.
Logic Core chapter 33 . 7/2
So the Succubi are ready to stop succubi from fleeing, but no other races? Talk about egotistical. It is almost like they believe that they are the only sentient race of worth, as well as the only ones in their country. That is also in spite of it being implied that at least humans and elves also populate the kingdom. It is only a matter of time before Ai no Kuni falls due to the sheer magnitude of stupidity within its borders. The country is literally too stupid to live. No, that whole realm is too stupid to live.

It is almost like Zara wants to sleep with Naruto herself. She is also brainless because, right after admitting someone else is right and that it is dangerous to make an enemy out of Kushina, she just bulldozes ahead and does it anyway. Please, PLEASE, politically 'intrigue' her, preferably with a knife to her throat.

I don't know why they are worried about an attack from Alfhiem. All they have to do is return to Midgard and badly damage the tree. Even if it doesn't die, the connection will be damaged until the tree heals itself, which could take centuries on Midgard's side. The succubi and Ai no Kuni will have long since been wiped out by Queen Muppet's barely functioning brain.

While on that subject, just go to Snow or somewhere else Naruto has been. Snow has ninja, samurai and chakra armor, not to mention Koyuki at least favors him. They could wait there, and since Jiraiya wanted Koyuki in an Icha Icha movie, it would make sense for him or a ninja of his choosing to go there and back on a semi-regular basis. I believe the true reason you are keeping him from those places is so that his incubus aura doesn't draw in the heroines from those arcs/movies.
Logic Core chapter 32 . 7/2
Should have finished the chapter before posting, but the quality of your writing has deteriorated from the earlier chapters.

Have you ever been in a fight? Even a seasoned fighter wouldn't just bounce back from being elbowed in the throat, especially since the only way Ayame could have done it was by thrusting her elbow into his neck while running at him, which is worse than a backwards jab because it has the person's weight behind it. Anton should be coughing and wheezing, barely able to see properly, not pulling out a dagger and stabbing with any degree of accuracy, forget being able to stand back up and aim properly, then gloat. Him being an elf makes the injury worse, since elves tend to be fragile, hence why they prefer archery over melee combat.

I don't know if anyone told you this or not, but when Tayuya was introduced, she was only fourteen years old, not in her thirties like she would have to be in this story. Just thought you should know that.

I'm guessing that Tayuya's transformation has become something like a Sage Mode, since she appears to be manipulating natural energy to form extension to her body that only sages can see, which also means the transformation has yet to extend to her eyes, or maybe the artificial sage transformation would have never granted that ability. Either way, she'll need to train with the toads or something to master her power, or else she's going to go shredding everything apart with her invisible claws.

Nice to see that Zara's being a complete muppet isn't genetic. Please have someone execute the mad queen before she does something truly dire.
Logic Core chapter 32 . 7/2
For logic's sake, how did Zara beat Kushina in speed and stamina? There is no way that a queen, whose most strenuous activity is crouching cowgirl style or withstanding a 'gang bang,' could beat someone who is a legend as both a ninja and a succubus! Whether it be flight, running or swimming, Zara should be MASSIVELY slower than Kushina, easily allowing the former kunoichi to outpace her in any extended race. Even Kushina lampshaded it, so as you Americans would say, what in the actual blue fuck?!

It would have made far more sense for Kushina to show up, say it was time to go, then have the group run into hordes of soldiers the out of breath queen sent in her place.
Logic Core chapter 28 . 7/1
Just going to say this, I didn't think the reviews about Zara being a muppet were true. If anything, they seem to be understating her lack of mental acuity. I normally try to poke holes in stories so people learn, but Zara herself is a big hole, and completely intentional.
Logic Core chapter 21 . 7/1
Pretty sure the commander of a ninja force has to be a ninja, and Kushina already said that succubi only possess mana, not chakra. That means that, in the eyes of the law, Tsunade would be a chakra barren civilian, completely unfit for any shinobi duties, being an active Kage being included on the list. Even if that wasn't the case, her remaining Hokage just gives the civilians and their mercenary ninja ammo, since she would be a civilian in charge of Konoha.

(slow clap) Nice job breaking the entire civil unrest part of your story.
Some Guy chapter 20 . 7/1
"Sir, the fox is almost here!" -random ninja

"Stand tall, men and women! As long as we draw breath, the fox shall not destroy Konoha!" -Hiruzen

"OOOH!" -ninja

"I WANT SOME TAIL! I WANNA DOGGY STYLE A VIXEN INTO A WHEELCHAIR!" -Kyubi, as he reveals his 'tenth tail'

Everyone sweatdrops
Logic Core chapter 18 . 7/1
Again, succession does not work that way. There is the heir presumptive and the heir apparent. The heir presumptive is someone who may take the throne, if the current monarch has no child of their own, the heir apparent. This, again, means Naruto can only become king if he marries into it, aka marrying the current queen or her successor.

The fox is not a chakra reserve for Naruto, it is a separate power from his own. Get this fanon bullshite out of your head already. It has been repeatedly hammered into everyone's heads that Naruto has his own separate chakra from the fox's chakra, and he can tap into it sometimes at this point in time, but only when injured or angry. There is no blending, no absorption, none of that shite idiot fanfiction 'writers' used over five years ago. Get with the times and drop that shite already. Even the worst writers have realized that information is false and no longer use it.
Logic Core chapter 17 . 7/1
Can you stop being lazy and write 'through' instead of 'thru?' It is sloppy and makes you look like you're one of those throw away writers who puts out two stories, three chapters in each and then just up and vanishes. There are readers who have read bad fics that see that bit of writing just think, "this guy doesn't care. Time to move on before the story become complete shite."

If chakra doesn't work in Yggdrasil, how did Naruto create a shadow clone? Remember that magic doesn't work well either before you say anything.

Ninja and Kage are both singular and plural. Stop being a Yankee muppet.

Kushina being the sister of the queen would make her a countess by the European system, which is what you seem to be using. Naruto would also not be the first in line, since his mother isn't first in line. The succession system doesn't work that way, it just goes downward, not sideways, and it doesn't skip over to separate branches like that. Kushina is only a countess and will never be more, even if her sister dies, just like her son is nothing at all in the system. The heir, aka next in line, can ONLY be born from the current queen. It would be ENCOURAGED that the queen's daughter, if she has any, to take Naruto on as her husband, but he'd still be little more than a prince consort. And before you say 'incest,' royal lines tend to intermarry a lot. (Even Markle is a distant cousin to Prince Harry)

The only way Naruto would become the prince would be if Kushina's sister died without issue, aka no children, the former queen took the throne back and declared Kushina queen of Ai no Kuni. There is no other way of Naruto approaching the throne aside from marriage to the queen or her daughter.
Logic Core chapter 14 . 6/30
What drugs are the civilians taking? The most famous ninja in Konoha are all dirt poor. The richest shinobi is Jiraiya, and all his income is from a purely civilian venture. The true wealth of Konoha is in the hands of the civilians, hence why one of them could drop two months of a jonin's salary on that traitor without batting an eyelash. Muppets, the whole lot of them.
Logic Core chapter 12 . 6/30
Crystal, C-R-Y-S-T-A-L, not diamond.
Logic Core chapter 11 . 6/30
Ah shite, another one? Listen, Henge IS a true transformation. 'Henge' literally means 'transformation.' Naruto even turned into an actually Fuma Shuriken -as in deploying all the blades when a button was pressed, flying in the air and cutting things- in canon.

You just had Kushina say, "yes, Henge, a true transformation jutsu. But unlike Henge, this is a true transformation." I'd add this fanfic to TV Tropes' 'Department of Redundency Department' entry, but I doubt you want more people calling you a muppet.

Pull your head out of your bloody arse and GO TO NARUTOPEDIA FOR INFORMATION! Stop relying on bullshite fanon!
Some Guy chapter 6 . 6/30
Dear god, add Ayame to the harem! Naruto needs a nee-san type lover! Besides, she brings maturity, boobs and can be the one not ruled by her hormones and hopping on Naruto's kunoichi piercer every time it rises to the occasion. Even better, Kushina approves of her.
benjamin chapter 34 . 3/13
al fin un nuevo capitulo normalmente este tipo de crossover de naruto no me atraen mucho como otros pero esta historia esta increiblemente construida y genial esperare a ver un nuevo capitulo cuando puedas crearlo
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