Reviews for Goodnight Moon, Goodnight You
Sepulvedlore chapter 15 . 3/9/2017
Nononononono shit. This fanfic.. Wow. You took my breath away. I literally am scared shitless of an invasion right now. All so real. So detailed. I love it with all my soul. Yet why..why is it only till here-? God God God... I know it's been long but please you have to continue I beg you... I fell in love with this so much I didn't sleep so I could read it all in a row... Please. Continue. This is just wonderful...
akard-alpaca chapter 15 . 2/18/2016
Ahhh what an amazing story! I know it has been a while since you've updated but I decided to drop in and say I love this story so much! This is my second time reading it and it is still as facinating as the first time! Your writing style is amazing! I also love how you portrayed Renji and Shinji's characters! Keep up the awesome writing!
IAMSLOTH chapter 15 . 12/31/2014
hello dearest friend.
This is my favorite GrimmIchi story to exist, which is saying a lot considering how much GrimmIchi I've read.
I love your totally unique plot, the descriptions of the aliens and fights(which actually make sense! Why can't authors write good fights?) have totally pulled me in. I love the characters, and Shinji and Renji are just hilarious.
I love the background stories and how Ichi and Grimm have turned into a completely loyal couple. It's adorable how much they love each other, but you can also tell that it's a true love. Not puppy love. You're portrayed the depth of their feelings to a standard that isn't seen much anywhere and I can't wait to see where it goes.
I'm excited to see what you bring to us next!
-lord of sloth
DRINKnotTHINK13 chapter 15 . 9/9/2014
I really like this story.
Please don't end it with a cliffhanger. D;
So please do update!
xXGrimm-chanXx chapter 15 . 6/4/2014
This is one of the best fanfictions i have ever read, i cant stop thinking about it! I cant believe its just been left on a cliffhanger T.T
clarit chapter 15 . 5/23/2014
I was starting to theorize that shuuhei was ichi's caretaker just before grimm came, and when grimm did, he saw him and his newfound attachment on ichi and bailed. all without grimm's knowledge. Cause otherwise, how could have ichi survived for so long alone, right?
Now I hear shuuhei did all of that for ichi, protected him when no one else could or would.
I mean fuck kensei and shiro and innocent ginjo. xD
shuuhei is the man.
and grimm, too.
I wonder if he's kidnapped by kisuke's group.
I wonder if kisuke is kind of a gigai but really he's a screecher. ?!
or the leader of screechers who's humanoid, I dunno. xD
But his companions wouldn't have been eaten nor would he have ran away when the screechers were approaching then so I'll just stfu. :P
total world domination surely sounds suspicious to me though but I can't come up for anything remotely reasonable for him. just that he's a baddie here I guess.
Unless it's all a horrible missunterstanding and he's good but his methods suck, like in canon. :)
how you love cliffhangers btw. But it's been so long, it worries me that you aren't coming back. ;_; I'm feeling newly abandoned here, but I guess it's because the story has so much abandonment going on.
I hope ichi finds solace talking to Masaki. I don't believe it about him having let go of the past just like that. I can't let go of his fictional past and I'm just a reader, so, yeah. xD
He needs more closure and then he needs to come back to grimmjow.
And the guys need to survive and defeat all the aliens and kisuke and be a happy family forever. yeah? :D
So please come back and write it, if you may. :3
pretty please?
Your story is freaking brilliant. I hope I've expressed it enough in all the reviews I left. That you're brilliant and I'd wait years to finish reading this. So when you can if you can, do come back and give us more? thank you. :)
clarit chapter 14 . 5/23/2014
Honestly, I had to google "yodeling" to see what that was, and then cracked up for so long listening to people yodel on youtube. xD
I mean of course I saw cartoons as a child but I didn't know what it was called (I'm not american, and english is not my first language).
I just laughed more thinking about renji doing it, with his little dance and all. xD
I love that you made him a redneck. xD

Oh, I'm as clueless as ichi here as to what's wrong with them. Kisuke, and Yoruichi, I mean.
And now ichi's been shot, gosh. :(
clarit chapter 13 . 5/23/2014

that is all. xD
clarit chapter 12 . 5/23/2014
It was all so dramatic and soap-operaish and amazing and thrilling, I was gripping the edge of my seat the whole time. I was even more invested in this than grimmjow I think.
I think I'll die if I don't end up knowing what really happened.
Maybe the guys know? Is there internet anywhere? xD a newspaper article? something?
Maybe one of his crew survived, shiro? kensei? ANYONE?!
I don't think I'll be able to live like this.
I dunno how ichi will.
Oh god, I love this story so much, you have no idea.
And my heart softens everytime I read about grimm reciting that story to ichi. It sounds melodic and beautiful in my mind. :)
clarit chapter 11 . 5/23/2014
this backstory is just amazing, impossible, so freaking exciting and.. UGGHH!
It's perfect-
It was shiro, oh, it was shiro, he slept with kensei when ichi and him were on a break.
oh my god.
I'm dumbfounded and stunned and it feels so good. xD
clarit chapter 10 . 5/23/2014
It wasn't terrible, I can't drive cause I'm me, but it was amazing and thrilling to read!
Ichi's profession SO COOL, btw. But he also knew about the M6? Did he get that info from his memories or did he hear it at some point and I missed out on it?
I guess I'll see.
Grimm's reaction to ichi leaving to distract the mofos was so dramatic and I felt my heart break a bit.
Ichi making one of the aliens blow up the other one made me smirk.
Boy, is Ichi cool. xD
clarit chapter 9 . 5/23/2014
Aww I also thought about why grimm and ichi didn't get motorbikes or a car or truck or at least skateboards, rollerblades, something to go faster everywhere. xD
I guess they didn't have the need before, when they didn't have a destination in mind.
Shin and Ren are such a great couple, I dig them and I don't think I've ever read anything of that pairing. But I do mainly focus on grimmichi, so.
I sometimes had to read what shin was saying twice, though. Not being a native english speaker makes it a bit hard I guess to understand things through accents and stuff.
I loved shinji's interventions hahah and when he lied on his belly happily to watch some free porn. xD
So they finally cleared the air, and fucked and everything was peachy and then you had to bring in the aliens, didn't you? xD
why do you hate their happiness? xD
It makes for an awesome story but poor guys, can't they have a lil while to enjoy their bliss? :)
clarit chapter 7 . 5/23/2014
I'm glad there's more humans I guess, but, uhm, can I say Renji and co. what cockblockers you are? xD I wanna murder you.
Oooh Ichi's gonna love nutella, it's much better than PB! :3
Maybe it'll make him less pissy, and the sex too, that'll help. xD
clarit chapter 6 . 5/23/2014
I mourned for how wrong everything was after the kiss.
Up until grimm's confession, he's so damn honest and, oh, now that I think about it he reminds me of this character in the manga 7 seeds. A character whom I love. I'm attracted to loneliness. I go crazy with need to fill it for others. whoa, I'm learning stuff about myself here. xD
Ichi seems much younger than grimm, or maybe it's the amnesia? :/
Anyways, I really like him as a person too. Even if he's kinda quirky and makes stupid decisions, I like his mind.
Btw, "AGAIN?" what does that mean. Is that you, Shiro? xD
Grimm was really sweet the day after, too.
But the guys can't catch a break now, can they? I feel so bad for them, but so good for me, for the excitement this is giving me. xD
clarit chapter 5 . 5/22/2014
oh my god, this is so extreme, so adventurous, so amazing, it had my eyes the size of platters the whole time I read. I so appreciate the thrill you gave me. xD
and the kiss, oh my god. agg! I can't be coherent no more, I've so much joy.
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