Reviews for blankeyed in the rain
bluebear77100 chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
Wow this was great! I really liked it. I have a soft spot for Flynn that I can't shake and as for Talbot, well, he's just so deliciously evil. Manipulative enough that I could see this happening, and the Flynn/Drake pairing I could also see as believable because of how similar they are. Thanks for writing!
LCAngel chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
There needs to be more of this. Seriously. It's filth with flare and there just really isn't enough of that around. Personally, the idea of a romance between Nate and Harry doesn't really do it for me in general but for the purposes of this work, you pulled it off well. It wasn't overstated, there were no long-winded back story-exposing explanations - it was mentioned and then gone which I think, for the sake of readers like myself who maybe couldn't get on board with it, was a very wise and clever decision to make. I do however love the way you write Talbot. I love the reference back to alchemy because that seems completely like the sort of observation Talbot would make in this sort of situation. I love his appreciation of Drake's physique and especially the way he kind of does this because he wants to get even for Nate getting the better of him in London. It all just fits together really well to create a well-written, self-contained story. However I do sincerely think you should write more!
SomeCoolName chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
Nightlore is right, you did an amazing job writing in Talbot's point of view.

I have to say, for the sake of this world, you need to do another chapter.
NatexTalbot is too sexy.
Nightlore chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
Dear god...

That was amazing!

I have no idea why this only has 2 reviews but it certainly needs more!

The way you got inside Talbot's head was perfect. It's a rarity for a fanfic author to be THAT dead on when it comes to portraying a character. You deserve credit for that alone.

Then there's the smut. It was elegant and raunchy at the same time. I loved the fast pace of it. I wish he'd been able to take Drake somewhere more private so he could enjoy him a little more. However the idea of Nate mistaking him for Harry and coming on to him was pure gold! I have a serious thing for villians manipulating the good guys into doing what they want and the way you carried this out was just so damn good!

I am seriously pissed that Talbot is dead now! Haha!

Anyway awesome job!
EmeraldAbstinence chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
Perfect, exactly what I was looking for in a story :) I'm just playing through the game at the moment and I too was curious over why Nate went after Talbot. Obviously this didn't happen but it would have been good xD Anyway, thoroughly enjoyed this story even though I'm not usually a fan of dubcon. If you ever feel like writing more like this, I'll be there to R&R :D
Hair Brush User chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
O-oh. oh my goodness... talbot, you cad.