Reviews for In Another Land
Anonanon-E-Mouse chapter 21 . 7/18
Seems as though he forgot about his lightning step,or,other magic for that matter...
Cheshire shadow chapter 6 . 1/8/2019
He better hope the spell doesn’t wear off any time soon or he’ll leave pretty fast
shadowfan999 chapter 26 . 2/26/2013
awesome please write a sequel
Local jerk chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
OH BOY another cliché
bubbahcakes chapter 26 . 9/15/2012
Jeez... Usually I despise anything that has to do with My Little Pony, but you really opened my eyes with this story. Good job!

I hereby bestow upon this story the Bubbahcakes Stamp of Approval!
Smexy Sombra chapter 26 . 8/9/2012
You my friend are a great guy!...can't wait for the next story!
PHBrony130 chapter 26 . 6/4/2012
you sir/miss made me cry 2X!

you're story is great! no.. AMAZING!

and I'm totally gonna fave it i mean REALLY!
Spectral Volta chapter 26 . 5/22/2012
and thus it is done.

loved the follow up just as much as the first.

i seriously cannot wait for the return.

(we all know it's coming, you made it painfully obvious. especially with the keys from twilight and the note you started writing :3)
moderate chapter 26 . 4/6/2012
wow i loved this book from thestart and now its over. it almost made me cry on how sad the ending was (jk, but really it was sad). to bad he couldnt spend more time. love this book and cant wait for your others
Mackairo chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
Hmm, interesting...

First, I'll point out the mistakes I managed to see.

Well, first mistake spotted, the ponies aren't using pony-puns this far, but perhaps you changed that later, perhaps not.

Secondly, some grammar, for example; an 'a' instead of an 'an' in front of unanimous. Though you probably become better with that as the story moves on ;)

And that wraps the critique up!

Good start, 'you' immediately covered how you (I won't continue writing 'you':s this whole darn review, y'know? It'd be too irritating), though one thing bugs me.

To me, it seems the ponies were too quick to 'accept' you (though the story hasn't made it that far yet to see how they accept you later on). I know the ponies are generally accepting and loving, but it just seems... unnatural, even for such a kind race.

But meh, it's still acceptable :)

As I said, good work so far, and I'll look forward to writing the final review for this story, as it seems promising!
EpicSmiley12-Dead Account chapter 26 . 3/29/2012
This was wonderful, very wonderful indeed!
justsomerealguy chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Heeey yoouu guuuuyyysss!
KitsuneNoYomeiri chapter 26 . 3/29/2012
Wouldn't mind helping you with beta/edit stories over gDocs or DocX _
SergeantShenanigans chapter 26 . 3/28/2012
:') this story was great, I loved every single chapter and it has been a treat to be able to read it, I will be watching for your next stories, you, my friend, have a concurrent reader.
moderate chapter 24 . 3/19/2012
sad ending for sure. butbthen again i watched somethingvery sad before this... i hate sadness. well cant wait till nxt chapter.
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