Reviews for A Destiny Altered
Zandris Hugal chapter 69 . 11/23/2019
Wow, just wow.

This is my second time reading this story. The first time I read it was years ago, back when I was quite young. Now, that I am in my late teens, I really was able to appreciate this story.

The quality of the story: the language, the plot, the character building, the world building - were all quite amazing. On par with a well written novel, and quite frankly beyond any of the fanfictions I have ever read. Despite the long length of the chapters, I read multiple chapters at a time with surprising speed, and just enjoy every rich detail.

Speaking of the overall plot, the way you managed to draft Onimi's final speech? At first, when I read the title "Vector Prime" in it, I was like, "Ah, he's referencing the beginning." But then, I saw every single book title within that final sing-song. That must have taken you hours to finally draft.

Yet, perhaps the greatest part about this was story is the lack of finality, but a rising crescendo to even greater conflicts (that I cannot wait to read about). See, I see where the authors of New Jedi Order were going with Anakin Solo's death - and it was a good decision . . . IF timeline-wise The New Jedi Order were the last series of books. But no, they decided to go forward and forward. And then, because the major character deaths were used for shock value instead of world building, Jacen Solo became the next sacrificial lamb.

And with the fall and death of Jacen Solo - one thing became clear. The Jedi Order was going to be in serious trouble when Luke Skywalker died. Well, to be fair, the only next generation Skywalker that ever did have the potential to truly contend with Luke (one way or another) was Anakin Solo. But there's a difference between a "next Luke Skywalker" and "a next Grandmaster." Unfortunately, Legacy of the Force ridded any chance of either. And sometimes, I would really ask myself, "Is Luke the GRANDMASTER of the Jedi Order, or is he simply THE Jedi Order?" Which is why, for me, the Expanded Universe simply ends at "The Unifying Force."

Yet here, there actually is a crescendo to look forward to, and not a decrescendo. THAT is the true measure of the difference between your story and the Expanded Universe: and why I much prefer your version. As I read, I knew it would only get better with each coming story.

I suppose it will take reading your version of Swarm War to make a final judgment, but given how you've positioned things, it seems like Anakin Solo will be making the dark rise, and Jacen Solo the bright fall. Jacen Solo - Jedi Council Member, Slayer of Onimi - can't really become that much grander than he is (from a public standpoint), and Anakin Solo's reputation is pretty much at rock bottom. The galaxy can't think any less of him.

Speaking of which: side-rant. Is no one in this freakin galaxy going to talk about the fact that the virus which wiped out Bastion was an adapted version of the IMPERIAL Bio-Weapon? Or the fact that the Imperial Remnant had allowed Domain Vorrik to infiltrate in the first place? Ugh, that just sounds so . . . much like our world.

Personally, I am crossing my fingers on Anakin being the Sith Lord (especially since, with Jacen's final battle with Onimi, Anakin is back to being the Skywalker with the greatest Force Potential). That, an he's as charismatic as Darth Revan. And as intelligent I think. Also, with the way you've written Anakin Solo, I can imagine him as an extremely deadly Sith Lord (with deadly apprentices in Tahiri and Alema) that could actually cause true havoc to the Jedi Order. Not just, you know, kill one Jedi Master with a poison dart (like a desperate assassin).

All in all, THANK YOU for this story. This is an absolutely amazing continuation of The New Jedi Order in the direction it should have ultimately gone! See, if we save the members of the Skywalker family now, they can die later in more meaningful ways!

Also, just a thought. Might not be the direction you have gone, but I can't help but wonder what a duel between Dark Anakin and Jaina would be - after Dark Anakin killed Jacen . . . I feel it would be much more emotional than what we got with Jaina vs Darth Caedus . . .

Once again, thank you! I look forward to reading the next stories.
guardian of grayskull chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
Alright i am still ticked that Anakin Solo was killed in the real Star Wars universe! And in this story, he's alive and i do love the pairing of Anakin and Tahiri, and their my favorite couple in the New Jedi Order and i am glad that you created this series and may the Force be with you.
Paul chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
Yes! Killing Anakin Solo was one of the worst moments in the legends cannon and it is great to see an in depth full length story taking that on. The method of saving him was realistic to.
Have a lot of stuff going on and am not sure when if ever I’ll get back to this. It in the meantime applaud the fight scenes, felt’yls getting a less glamorous demise and Zekk and Kaunas talk
ddkeac chapter 68 . 11/22/2018
read this again. it still amazes me how great of a job you have done here.
Joyfox7 chapter 3 . 8/16/2018
Joyfox7 chapter 2 . 8/15/2018
2nd time reading it, still AWESOME!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/14/2018
Joyfox7 chapter 2 . 8/13/2018
I love how Leia always hopes for the best!

p.s. Jesus loves you!
Aggiefan15 chapter 34 . 5/29/2017
chapter 34: robot chicken reference! palpatine's phone call! "ugh, I bet you smell like feet wrapped in leathery, burnt bacon!"
Aggiefan15 chapter 5 . 5/25/2017
is the "never-ending empire" a reference to the rakata? the disease reminds me of why they also can't use the force anymore.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 15 . 11/15/2016
anand891996 chapter 31 . 10/30/2016
to the reviewer below: vergere is sith, read the series after new Jedi order
anand891996 chapter 31 . 10/30/2016
to the reviewer below: vergere is sith, read the series after new Jedi order
Veor Hrdenda chapter 10 . 10/9/2016
In who's right mind is Vergere a Sith, Denning was an idiot, you have fallen into his mistake.
Veor Hrdenda chapter 7 . 10/9/2016
Well, I'm late to this, by years... But I'd like to say that it is good as far as I've read, except, you don't understand Vergere in the slightest, she never once tells Jacen what to do, she doesn't tell him anything really, she asks him questions, she makes him think, that is how she made him the greatest Jedi in, well, fifty years, a Jedi who actually joins the force directly.
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