Reviews for 1643
MyladyNancy chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
this may be an excellent beginning.
Jessica314 chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
So, naturally, after visiting the "Calling Home" end of the Carlisle timeline, I had to come back to the Renaissance and round it off.

Man... what a way to grow up. Such a far cry from the full, rich life that the Carlisle of 2005 has! I loved all the historical details and how you inserted Carlisle and his father into the real world of the past- right down to his father using the pulpit to air his political views re: turmoil of the day. And then there's the blame, and the neglect... not that Carlisle is a perfect father or coven leader, but it's a freaking miracle and that he's been able to turn out the way he did, with that upbringing. He grew up under a shadow of imposed guilt, was headed for a profession he never wanted, and had it all cut short only to become *this*.
Even in his grim decision to handle it with suicide, we see his impossible strength of character. And even after that, his future looks so lonely and grim. Better times are coming, Carlisle!

Very well done :) I would love, someday, to see some more of Carlisle's human life fleshed out in narrative form. I have a couple ideas I want to do eventually, but I'm also enjoying imagining some of the scenes in this one-shot- especially the moment when Carlisle is looking out the window during the Plague (forbidden thoughts of becoming a physician?) and also the moment when his father shows an inkling of pride in him, after he finds the "heathens", whatever they were. I know you probably aren't planning on expanding those moments, but I can dream :)
Noble Korhedron chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
What is so significant about it being September 1666? *confused*
madnessdownunder2 chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
that was quite beautiful! Well done
catharticone chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
You have written a fascinating peek into history and into Carlisle's past. I love tales that explore characters' motivations, and this was a good one. Thank you for your creativity and vision!