Reviews for The Glass Coffin
JrMintflower chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Wow. This caught my attention! Amazing job on the parental meeting... Enjoyed not only the wonderful development of the main characters but the side characters as well! A unique/awesome take on Sidonis and papa vakarian.
kasraya chapter 28 . 12/6/2017
I love it! I haven't laughed so much in a while. Thank you so much, this is going to my fave list!
camillion684 chapter 28 . 9/9/2016
I love your story and this renegade Shepard! Garrus is perfect as well. Please tell me you plan to comw back and update's been a long tims appearently. I read this story from chapter 1 to chapter 28, dreading the moment i reached the laat chapter. I am anxiously waiting for more!
adriannewhitt chapter 28 . 7/9/2016
I know it's been a long while since you updated, so this might be all she wrote for The Glass Coffin, so I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed it. I was looking for some good, bad-ass Shepard meets angsty relationship with our favorite Turian, and you totally delivered! Thanks for the read.
Save the Date chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
This is such a unique and awesome idea! Having Garrus be the one to wake up Shepard, and the whole Wilson betraying Cerberus subplot is absolutely perfect. Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 28 . 6/11/2016
Holy shit. I just found this story. hope you keep writing because this story is amazing.
SinistrousDelirious chapter 19 . 3/20/2016
I wanted to review on this chapter as I was reading it, instead of waiting until the last chapter (hell, I'm not sure you'll even read this since it's been a year since you updated) but I wanted to talk about how IMPORTANT this chapter was.

In general, I've enjoyed your fic IMMENSELY. Not only for the exctiting smut, but for the writing style that is flawless and the original content. I haven't seen an AU start of the second game like that. I've loved every chapter.

This chapter was so important because, if there is a case of rape in fics or otherwise it is mostly women. Here, you chose for the opposite. It was BRILLIANTLY introduced, it was making me think that someone assaulted MELANIS, while it was the reverse. Brilliant.
It's very important that we realise that men can also be raped; even by women. In our society, we can of forget that. I even thought that the rape stuff was about Melanis, and I'm studying Gender and Diversity in Uni and studied Ethics in Teacher trainee college, which means I've had a lot of contact with subjects like this.

So brilliantly introduced, very important, very original. Thank you for this, more people should go down this road and show that these kind of difficult situations and traumatizing events happen to both men and women.
lgreen113 chapter 28 . 12/9/2015
Just finished what you've written so far. Hope you continue soon!
Aelibia chapter 28 . 11/23/2015
This is so fun! Really hope you continue.
Kyrara chapter 24 . 6/29/2015
...And there's the blow-up! I really like how you tweaked the Sidonis-mission to acommodate the surviving team members.
...Wonder how they're going to get out of this one?
Kyrara chapter 22 . 6/29/2015
Oho. So, this makes the Drama a definite "yes" and the Heartbreak... well, canonically there's no way to fail Garrus' loyalty mission, but were in Fictionland now, so all bets are off...
Anayway, let the drama commence!
Kyrara chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
...Aaaand Shep neglected to mention that little bit between Garrus' turian team member and the man who betrayed him. Poor Communication. Kills.
Drama and Heartbreak ahoy, I say!
Kyrara chapter 15 . 6/29/2015
Sooo... Garrus seems already very invested in this relationship - whenever he's not thinking about his team.
But now Shepard seems to slowly see what she could have with Garrus - but reluctant for the whole "commitment" package.
And experience teaches that when a pair get together in the first ten chapters of a fic, there's a huge blowup in the middle they'll have to patch up and overcome in the next ten chapters... I'm sensing heartbreak and drama in the future...
Kyrara chapter 8 . 6/28/2015
Soooo... I guess the, erm, physical part of this 'ship just got jump-started... Let's hope, the emotional part can keep up. Normally I enjoy at least a few chapters of pining and UST but on the other hand I wouldn't say no to seeing Garrus and Shep come together before the mission. It always bugged me that in the game the relationship really only got "offical" during the end... Sure, you got the whole of ME3 with your LI (...if you didn't kille them, of course) but... I'm looking forward to seeing how this changes the story... further.
Kyrara chapter 2 . 6/28/2015
I wonder, if the Archangel and Shepard will butt horns over woh should lead the Omega-team? Though, guessing from this chapter, I guess even the partial loss of teammates was enough to make Garrus doubt his leadership-skills and fall back behind Shepard...
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