Reviews for Modern Day Assassins
Coolcit chapter 30 . 7/13/2018
This was so cool but it has been years since Ac4 so when will this be updated cuz it is awesome. Please update soon this is an amzing story
Kajan chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Pleaseeeee update lots of other games came out... updatethis is amazing!
Hex10 chapter 14 . 12/28/2017
Out of sll assassin’s creed characters, I think Malik would like cats the most. But I won’t say Altair wouldn’t have liked them too. Connor would be the dog/wolf person. I bet he got a pet wolf after the events of AC3.
ThunderSphinx chapter 5 . 12/5/2016
LMAO. I can just imagine Altair jumping off towers xD
CyberSearcher chapter 18 . 3/13/2016
Guest chapter 22 . 12/27/2015
gotham and arkham are real places in america
LunaEtSidera chapter 30 . 10/30/2014
Black Flag has been out...why is there no update? BATMAN DEMANDS AN UPDATE! BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN!
LunaEtSidera chapter 22 . 10/30/2014
It"S BECAUSE HE"S BATMAAAN! (How It Should Have Ended. I couldn't help but think of it, hahahaha!)
Noxy the Proxy chapter 30 . 11/22/2013
What fun! Amusing parts as well as the serious ones. Thank you for putting this fic up.
Deus Orion chapter 30 . 8/16/2013
Been trying to find this story for a long time, glad I finally found, love the new chapter can't wait for more.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/25/2013
I thought Altair was going to have a floatie or something :D
Linorien chapter 30 . 6/29/2013
This has been so fun to read thus far. I love how you have the three of them, four now, interacting. I like how you have a bunch of small stories that are still connecting. I am looking forward to seeing what happens when the plot starts getting going.I look forward to reading more.
FateOfChaos chapter 30 . 6/28/2013
This is so awesome! It always gave me a laugh, so thank you!
Can't wait for AC4!
The Sagacious Oz chapter 30 . 5/29/2013
MTDS, you play The Elder Scrolls!? But that's not the point, I sincerely hope you exploit the awkwardness when Edward comes along. I mean, Connor meeting his own grandfather? But seiously, I wish you the best and may the Creed live in you as it lives in everyone. Bless your face!
The Adoring Fan chapter 18 . 5/16/2013
This is probably my most favorite fanfiction on . I swear.

Actually, the only downside to this story is that you stopped writing until Black Flag comes out lol. You should totally throw in some Altair-Ezio-Edward-Connor-Desmond VS. Templar action later on after you get Edward situated (in terms of the PIRATE IN 2013 NEW YORK).

Other Ideas I have...
1. Another Holiday Special, may I suggest the Fourth of July since it's rolling around the corner? (Ezio screwing with Fireworks would be irresistible!)
2. Other Assassins please? (Get Shaun, Rebecca, William, and Lucy (if you want) in here! Maybe Yusuf, Achilles, Malik, etc.)
3. We all know that the Assassins have fangirls. Maybe you could explore that area? (And by explore I mean the Historical Assassins running from them lol, not my best idea but that is why it is number three XD)
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