Reviews for Unbound
Wynni chapter 6 . 6/9/2014
finish this, please.
Aardvark-Alice chapter 6 . 2/18/2012
Lovely story you've got going so far, it's very engrossing. I'm kind of indifferent when it comes to Ulfric, but I guess he's pretty awesome.

Fraumont is adorable! I'm glad you put him in the story, makes Ulfric seem more butch.
Apathyisdeath chapter 6 . 12/22/2011
Another good chappie, I didn't at all think it was filler-y! I think it was much needed to establish the relationship between Cynn and Ulfric and to hint at how it would perhaps progress (I have a lot more knowledge of the DB after finishing the questline today, so this interest me more :D). I look forward to the next update. :)
Apathyisdeath chapter 5 . 12/22/2011
Wow! That was really amazing, probably my favourite chapter so far. Cynn is shaping up to be really interesting to read, which is rather hard to do in an Elder Scrolls universe. I can't wait to read more.

Sorry for the late review.
Aychaijaykayelemenopy chapter 6 . 12/13/2011
Great story! Ulfric's a little OOC in my opinion. So far, I like it though. Looking forward to your next chapter. :D
TimeDetonated chapter 6 . 12/11/2011
Sweet, another chapter! Can't wait for more, so far so good. Thx 4 the nice quick update :)
TimeDetonated chapter 5 . 12/10/2011
WHAT? You can't end there! Update! Great story even with evil cliffhangers
Apathyisdeath chapter 3 . 12/3/2011
Woops, only just noticed I had not reviewed this chapter (d'oh). I really like this one; it's interesting to see how Hadvar is presented as I sided with the Stormcloaks from the beginning. I love that Cynn almost flits between factions due to her Brotherhood status, too. It'll be interesting to see how the story shapes up later in relation to Tullius being almost in on things. Can't wait!
Apathyisdeath chapter 4 . 12/3/2011
Ah, things are getting more interesting! The flow of your writing is still very smooth and characterisation is still thoroughly enjoyable. Your previous typos are pretty much gone, too. I really enjoy reading this and I hope you carry on soon (you and I seem to be the only two to be writing in relation to Ulfric) 'cos it's such a joy to read.
Cryo89 chapter 4 . 12/1/2011
I really like Cynn. And I love her other name, Amaranth, that's my favourite colour. I like how your story is developping, I'm really curious to read how the relationship between Cynn and Ulfric will grow. I just started the stormcloaks quest in Skyrim and I am already in love with the future high-king (too bad he's not among the characters you can marry).
Cryo89 chapter 3 . 11/28/2011
I'm really interested in your FF, I hope you will continue it! Skyrim is simply amazing!
Apathyisdeath chapter 2 . 11/27/2011
A good follow-up to the first chapter! I haven't actually finished the DB questline yet (argh!) but I do know what happens, and I particularly enjoyed how much you included Lucien here. The part about Cynn preferring loneliness to Lucien's company actually made me laugh, he is quite the gloomy fellow. Your characterization hits the nail on the head, so well done. I'll look forward to the next chapter to see how things come along!
Apathyisdeath chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Congrats on returning to writing fan fic! I don't know why I haven't spotted this sooner or why it has no reviews, but I really enjoyed this; I especially liked your characterizations of Cicero and Ulfric. They were both quite distinct characters unlike those of the game and they were handled well. There's one or two spelling errors but I don't think that detracted at all from the overall story you told. I rather like the whole secret of her being Dragonborn and I'll look forward to reading more about it.