Reviews for Joker
BM15 chapter 54 . 6/16
Damn you made me cry (wo)man..
Mr Demigod chapter 55 . 6/12
Guest chapter 54 . 6/10
YAY! WAHOOOOO! *joy* *joy* YAAaAaAaAaAaAAaSssS! Thank yooooouuuuu!
CluelessPenguin chapter 55 . 4/20
Excited to read it!
EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 45 . 6/13/2018
Omg, I'm literally crying! Ah! This was such an emotional chapter!
I cant wait to find out what happens next!

Yours truly, a-quite-sad-but-exited Emma
EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 44 . 6/13/2018
OMG! Such a good story so far! Only critique:
You wrote "So obviously, it means a child of Athena. That means me."
When you meant to say "So obviously, it means a child of Aphrodite. That means me."
That's it! Otherwise, AWESOME!

Yours truly, Emma
EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 43 . 6/13/2018

EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 42 . 6/13/2018
When I first read the chapter name, I just glazed it, then did a double take, and was like:
"'Stabs and Stabs of Fun'? Well o-kayyyyyy then!" Does any one else find that chapter title just a smidge unnerving? Then I read the chapter and was like: "That was definitely appropriate. Unnerving. But appropriate.

Your truly, a freaked-out-but-also-fangirling-over-Connoline Emma
EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 34 . 6/12/2018
When you say "the only campers who could defeat her being her boyfriend, Percy, and a few other gifted demigods, like Clarisse." It sounds like Percy is her boyfriend, and I had to re-read the sentence
a couple of times to realize you meant "Her boyfriend was someone who could defeat her, as well as Percy and Clarisse." just letting ya' know!

Yours truly, Emma
EmmaWritesStuff66 chapter 30 . 6/12/2018
I find so many songs like this! Where I can hear a story that I wrote in them! This was totally worth telling! (;

Yours truly, Emma
The Overseerer chapter 4 . 1/30/2017
Hey so far this is one. Err this is the best book I have read so far good job with it!
P.S I was wondering are you looking for a co-writer?
lee.novels chapter 56 . 12/28/2016
I need a sequel! This is amazing! I just wish i could write as well as you...
lee.novels chapter 12 . 12/28/2016
Hi I think your chapter twelve is missing
TheElementalSorcerer chapter 12 . 2/16/2015
This is the same to chapter 6, but everything is centered. Just pointing that out, though it's kinda impossible to type all of that without noticing something.
Little Fae Sorceress chapter 56 . 7/3/2014
I loved this story! It made me squeal and giggle at the fluffiness of their relationship so many times!
The plot was so intriguing and you used a lot of details, in other words, amazing!
I only have two problems with it, but they're minor.
1. Madeline was a bit of a Mary-Sue, she wanted to make peace with everyone, was a great cook, is incredibly selfless, has amazing powers, but it generally makes her very likable.
2. The format was a bit hard to read at the beginning but was easy to adapt to later on.
Anyways, I was literally jumping up and down in excitement once you added Nico in and it was great how you tied him into the ending so well.
Now then, I'm going to go eat breakfast like I should have two hours ago rather than reading this story...but my unhappy stomach is completely worth reading the ending :)
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