Reviews for Audacious Insolence
IcelandicLicorice chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
Poor babies! I just wanna hug them all ;A; I love this too much for words!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
I love it! It was so good, the writing was very intricate. Though Russia seemed extremely out of character, he's childishly cruel, not sociopathic cruel, all the other characters were well written.
FireFox Vixen chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
Really good
Mondmaedchen chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
This one I enjoyed a lot.

Make more Estonia hurt fics? And Lithuania hurt fics? Please? I am actually quite terrified right now of the cruel sneer stretching across my lips.

And no, I'm not making that up.
ceruleanglass chapter 1 . 10/25/2013

;a;;;;;;;;;;; America, please go get your princess back! Estonia's so beautiful here again...and it's so sweet how he stands up for Latvia.

furthermore...-feelsssssssss- I like eesti! sass hnghh
Crystal7589 chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
Please do continue this! I love your writing style!
Meagan Snow chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
As usual, this was so, so beautiful! And yeah, don't mind my cursing, but it's always pissed me off how Russia refused to acknowledge any of them being free. Ravis, for one, was pinballed between him and Nazi Germany, even after having declared his independence. And don't get me STARTED on Liet.
Anyway, beautiful! I'll read more tomorrow :)
Slovenskych chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
This is really good. The descriptions of the torture just made me shudder. Russia is truly terrifying in this fic; not just with his physical abuse but his dialogue. And when Latvia screamed for Estonia... Oh my gosh! Really love the characterization here.
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
That was just as good as the first one. Seeing Raivis' and Eduard's punishments first hand was horrific, and made me hate Russia more than I thought was humanly possible (he's already my least favorite character, so there isn't much farther he can sink, in my opinion, I'm afraid.) I'm so proud of Estonia for finally stepping in and doing something to stop Russia! The friendship between the two Baltics was even more heartwarming this time around, and a strange part of me is glad Lithuania's back, so he can help them as well. (And then the other part of me knows he's just getting himself into even more trouble...) It was sweet to read of America's kindness to Lithuania as well.

If I could offer much in the way of constructive criticism, which isn't really necessary, I would say to maybe make Russia a little more childish, and a little less evil-overlord-ish. I do enjoy reading him as a villain, but there were times in this story when he seemed a little too mature and in control of things, when he could be a bit more unhinged. The last sentence was a little anti-climatic as well. But neither of those things did much to damage the quality of the story. Another excellent read for a Baltic fangirl!
Emilie chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Nooooo! Poor Latvia! Poor Estonia! And yay for Lithuania, I love him xD

But what will Russia do to him? Normally I really like Russia but he was so cruel to them back then, I'm starting to dislike him more and more...

Your stories are so awesome! They're even more awesome than Prussia himself! I'm serious!
ShibuyaSadoTorigoya chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Very well done and on Russia's part very evil. -huggles Latvia-
VoicesoftheSoul chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
I DID enjoy this one-shot! :) I like that you had Eduard stand up for poor little Latvia, God, those poor guys (all three of them!) I'm off to read the last one ~ :D
carrotei chapter 1 . 1/19/2012
Ugh...this made me feel sick. Russia is just too cruel.
mimirudesu chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
I feel for Latvia. Why is Russia so evil?
nobody10901 chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
Wow... Poor Estonia and Latvia... And Lithuania. *sigh* Russia can be really scary... Gah. Yay for serious!America! About time... Estonia was so brave for standing up for Latvia. Beautiful job... Such intricate detail. Thanks for writing!
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