Reviews for Rainbows and Storm Clouds
Raven's twimom chapter 36 . 8/4/2013
I'm sad that its almost done but I would love to read more about the other couples and their relationships. Thanks for writing.
Butterfly Betty chapter 36 . 7/5/2013
Great story so far. Though, I will admit to hating Jasper at first. Not sure I could be as forgiving or understandng as Edward and Carlisle, but I guess it's time for all of them to heal some. I've really enjoyed your spin on te characters and how you've made me really believe they were real. As an author, I know that's not always easy to pull off and you've done a great job. I've also read you prequel to this ie and enjoyed it. I hope to see morewhen you haven't ready.
CentauRita chapter 36 . 6/16/2013
That was a good move by Carlisle to get Maria to come and tend to's what Jasper really needed in order to heal more quickly.

So, not to steal your line...Okay, maybe I morphed, the last line of this chappie, just a bit...

'And coaxing a little more (quality) chappie time out of (his husband) you.'

Pleeeze? With every embellishment you can think of ;}
CentauRita chapter 35 . 6/16/2013
What Ed, Sr. said to Jasper...were healing-words to Jasper's ears and heart.

I agree with Jasper...he should have remained in the hospita r. I'm concerned that he shouldn't have pulled Michael's crib towards him...too much of a strain on his sutures and stitches...he's barely held together by a thread, or two.

What a horrible thing to have happened to Lucy and then for her to share that with, unexpectedly, astonishing!
CentauRita chapter 34 . 6/16/2013
Family is on the mend. Yay!
CentauRita chapter 33 . 6/16/2013
Draw a line in the sand, step over it and start anew! Can it really be that easy? Once you have the visual and the forward movement...the rest is up to you.

The Hotel room was a better venue choice than going home, for Carlisle's and Edward's much awaited reunion. It allowed them to release all of their passion without having to hold anything back.

Tender, Passionate and Loving are Carlisle and Edward. You right, write them...beautifully!

Soooo, Maria and Jasper, Hmmmm?

Tanya and Lucy

Sam and Charlie

Esme and ?
CentauRita chapter 32 . 6/16/2013
How apropos...reunited at a hospital.

Trust your husband, Carlisle.
CentauRita chapter 31 . 6/16/2013
Holy Crow!
CentauRita chapter 30 . 6/16/2013
Jasper's like an Albatross...trying to find his feet as he trys to fit in with his family.

The alarm going off was...alarming!
CentauRita chapter 29 . 6/15/2013
Jasper...if he's successful in protecting those those who Carlisle loves, might be the new leaf that Jasper needs to get back into the good graces of his family.

I thought that Charlie was gonna deck Jasper, for a moment...if Edward hadn't called...STOP!
CentauRita chapter 28 . 6/15/2013
CentauRita chapter 27 . 6/15/2013
Tick, tick, tick...tomorrow afternoon...delight! CxE. ;D

Edward has a good eye. Such a sweet thing to do for Tanya.
CentauRita chapter 26 . 6/15/2013
I still feel Jasper will try to make amends, somehow, to have some contact with Carlisle and his family.

James and Victoria...?
CentauRita chapter 25 . 6/15/2013
OMG! Outta the frying pan and into the fire! Especially, when alcohol is involved...maybe it's a coincidence that they call it...pleading the 'fifth'?
CentauRita chapter 24 . 6/15/2013
LOL...It could only happen to Edward...getting taking in to the police station, for grocery shopping.
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