Reviews for Moment With You
therealchamps chapter 6 . 2/29/2012
Wonder if Candice will catch on like Phil did. I actually like the pairing of John and Eve on Raw. Update soon.
GloriousMagpie chapter 6 . 2/29/2012
Well if you called that a filler than god knows how good your other chapters are going to be. And from expierence I know every chapter will be world class

Candice clicked off the television, placing the remote down. "Okay I'm sorry I can't take this anymore.

Lol I loved that. Eventually Candice must realize that something more happened than what torrie is letting on. It is as if torrie is a whole new women.

"Hey there's the hero of the hour"

Haha classic punk

I think john needs to make sure punk keeps quite otherwise he and torrie are going to be on the front of a lot of magazine covers lol.


Yes, this is my number. Who is this?" Torrie asked.

Haha oh dear torrie gained a stalker. Luckily it not the same one missed call lol.

There was two different sides to that phone call. Torrie just couldn’t believe john had rang but john was worried about their special night being broadcast everywhere.

Yes your right john that story was pretty lame lol. At least the more simple the story the less chance there is of one them slipping up and blowing there special secret.

And that’s what it is not a sordid one but a special one. It was two friends, really good friends creating a wonderous moment that will last forever.

That flashback with john and torrie picking up the toys was great. Well of course john would have won with his extra large arms and the fact that he collects me to you dolls lol.

The flashback from the hall of fame was the perfect example of how much their friendship means. John showed how much of a friend he is. Torrie was scared at the prospect of all these new faces even after only two years so he was there for her.

Once upon a time two guys went to a bar lol.

"Orange Juice for me, a Jack Daniels for him" Phil spoke at the bar, John sat next to him.

Hahahahahahahahahaha brilliant line

"I know you and Torrie slept together, so if you're going to continue to lie. At least think of better lies, its starting to get boring"

Ok punk im not sure if having your fun at cenas expence was a good idea but I loved that line all the same lol.

Phil looked on innocently, "Bye, bye" Phil hop footed off his stool, rushed away

Haha can just imagine punks expression. It would look like a school kid cherry knocking lol

Kelly turned to Eve. "I have a plan" she looked on, then the smile played on her face.

Oh god john I think you may get a half naked women end up in your hotel room. And this time it wont be one of your closest friends who you care dearly about lol.

The sweetheart blonde didn't know what to do? After all, she thought….this chapter of her life was over, the door wasn't closed. Two gentle kisses were flashing through Torrie's mind, one with her ex boyfriend Nick, one with John Cena.

The door hadn't closed, the question is….. would Torrie close it?

And once again you ended the chapter in the perfect way to lead onto the next one. Will have me wondering just what torrie is going to do.

Will she go with her heart or her head?

Well lady it was another amazing chapter you send out world class fabulasly amazing chapters just as much as the rock sends out bad movies. But unlike the rocks bad movies I want to see morrrrre and more and more of your amazing chapters.

Update sooooooooon


(Anyways that's enough rambling from me,) gimmick infringement I love using that line lol
punkabanas chapter 6 . 2/29/2012
Heeeeeey Kelly! I couldn't wait to come and read/review this like it needs to be reviewed! I'm really enjoying this story and hopefully my review does this justice (:

John got pretty freaked about what was going on, and to be honest I would do. Phil is just made for jokes and being that funny self of his- though it can cause major problems... And it did! Torrie hasn't let go of Johnny AT ALL. It's so cute how she's so in cloud 9 and nothing is wrong- well that was until John brought on the news of what was going on. I'd have a freak attack to. But funny how they came up with a story that they could both pull it off (:

Cute to see the life of the young Boise belle. She must really miss everyone- those memories are held onto the dearest and rather hard to let go of. The cutest one was the birthday cake for John- you can clearly tell they've had history and that they have so much in common. Just beyond cute and adorable, that moment ;)

AH! So Phil knew! I knew it -.- really hope he doesn't do anything.

& ohhhh introducing eve now... I don't know- have a feeling she's gonna get between John and Torrie.

Anyways, keep up the amazing work!

x michelle
xThisIsTheEndx chapter 5 . 2/20/2012
Hey this is Kimberly( xRealityxCheckx from twitter.)

I love this story. Jorrie, Jorrie, Jorrie! Lol!

I love this title for the story. I think it fits it really well. So do the chapter names. So keep up the good work.

Much Love,

proudwlw chapter 5 . 2/9/2012
Love it Kelly! John Cena cracks me up acting like he has no idea what punk is talking about haha!

I wonder what's gonna happen, if johns wife will find out? I want Torrie and John to be together so bad ;)

Love! Can't wait for more :)

GloriousMagpie chapter 5 . 2/8/2012
Well there we go you have done it again another great chapter. You had the aftermath of there special night from torries perspective in the last chapter and then from johns perspective in this one really well written

Chapter 5-The Secrets We Hold

I loved that title was really good and definitely fitted quite well with cmpunk (phil) and Candice

Haha cm punk is on to you Johnny boy and he is going to play you as much as he can lol

"….What? W-hy? Why would Torrie Wilson be in my hotel room this morning? What?" John chuckled nervously

Ha ha look at cena sqerm lol

"Great way to stay calm….you moron"

Just liked that line lol

He had the light of an angel's smile on his mind.

He knew she was a kind, strong, desirable, sweet woman. He had built a lovely friendship with her….

They were two very sweet lines and very accurate as well. That is a perfect way to describe k torrie

John cena may be a hard worker he may be entertaining at times but my word cena is a terrible liar in this story lol. I could picture him and he wouldn’t hav convinced anyone lol.

Of course john wouldn’t regret what happened. For a number of reasons lol. The main one though is that he shared a special moment with one of his dearest friends that there was probballly some deep underlying feelings for her.

I always love when you use songs In your story. And the fact that the lady gaga song reminded torrie of cena was a nice touch.

There's only you left, you've been my favourite since 2002. I think you're amazing" Kelly smiled.

Yeah know imagination needed on my part there lol. Although I think you missed out the bit with Kelly where she would have passed out first stared for like an hour then talk lol.

The secret was, truly John Cena wanted to see Torrie again.

Sorry for this “well duh) lol I don’t think john has thought about anything or anyone else since

"Well let's just say…..New York had a surprising healing remedy" Torrie hinted.

LOL that was a very polite way of putting it torrie lol

"I wrote what you told me on twitter, people say I'm not twitter enough so….need to say no more"

John went as white as a ghost. He felt his heart sink "W…hat? Ohh lets say more" John spoke.

"Funny story I heard JohnCena saved Torrie11. She was trapped in a elevator. Nice huh?"

Well if punk wasn’t playing john like a flute before he is now lol.

The thing I am really interested to see now is how torrie will react when she sees that tweet. Saying that the millions of people that follow them as well. Even torries friends johns friends torries family johns family.

And what if johns separated wife Liz sees twitter?

"Now I know he slept with Torrie, how stupid does he think I am?" Phil chuckled to himself, turning back to his music.

Haha I think punk got a lot more fun tocome with john lol

So instead of crying, I'm going to look to my future" Torrie explained

Aww that was sweet

She was happy, her friend wasn't the broken-hearted girl….but from the signs. The young mummy was quite suspicious. Was there more that meets the eye?

Candice may have her suspicions, but the truth is something she hadn't even thought of. Far from the truth.

Candice and cm punk certainly know there friends well. They seem to be able to read them like a book. I wonder if Candice would say anything when she sees punk tweet.

The secret, Torrie was currently holding had changed her, if even she couldn't notice it. Others can. What will happen once the secret has been revealed?

Very soon, Torrie& John will find their destiny tied together. They will only have each other to hold and get through the tough times ahead.

The shadows were slowly becoming into the light.

And once again that was a wonderful way to end the chapter.

Another amazing chapter I really enjoyed watching john sqerm lol.

It had all the little aspects and aftermouth that has seemed to make their night even more special. Just not sure they know it yet lol.

Great chapter cannot wait for the next one (and il be abe to read straight away lol)

Cena's baby doll chapter 5 . 2/6/2012
Awesome update, I'm really loving this story!

Phil knows the truth! But what he put on Twitter, how will it affect John and Tor, What is Lillians news?

Keep em coming
Ainat chapter 5 . 2/6/2012
For someone as Phil, he is giving too much importance to Torrie leaving John's bedroom. They are two grow up people and they can do whatever they wish. Phil doesn't need to inquire John as he was a criminal.

Why did Phil had to bring up the word "sin"? John still is legally married to Liz, but they are separated and it's a matter of time before they get divorced. He shouldn't feel bad for what happened the previous night and he shouldn't even be thinking of the consequences of people learning about what happened between him and Torrie - I don't understand why someone would want to dig John and Torrie's personal life. Also, John's career suffering because of his personal life it is kinda stupid. People have nothing to do with it! Neither is personal nor his professional life are in jeopardy.

I could swear I know a girl called Kelly Marie. I swear the name is familiar - very familiar -, but I can't make up who she is. :P You shouldn't worry, I don't think it offended anyone. I can't see any reason to be offended. :)

Candice sees Torrie is different. She isn't crying all over the place because of her break up with Nick. Perhaps Torrie should talk about what happened between her and John to Candice. She can't stop thinking about him and he even brought a smile back to her face. However, deep inside I sense she has some doubts. Candice is the perfect person with whom she can talk - or maybe she can speak with Lillian. For how long will she be able to hide how she feels from her friends? I guess it's better to tell sooner than later.

punkabanas chapter 5 . 2/6/2012
Ah! YAY! It's been updated (: so glad to have finally reached this wooo!

Oh Phil just amuses me with his lovely sarcasms. Jaha lovely story came up with though. Elevator, huh? INTERESTING its very clever to be honest, and the gym. Sounds pretty fitting. Thought its nothing but the utter ugly lie! Johnny what goes around comes around!

Sounds like miss torrie is having a great time being home. Knowing that she's all cheered up and what not. And lady gaga? Couldn't have come in at an even more important moment ;) we get to see just a little more inside the divas deepest feelings towards the champ mwuHhah.

Awwwwwwuh. The make a wish foundation segment was adorable. It honestly touches me you had the courage to write about it. It's not really easy to talk about it, but props to you girl for making it through. With that sense of courage and strength you'll go far, I can just imagine how awesome that would actually be.

Oh dear. Phil would. That's why I love him sk much in this story (': hehhehehe. I can just picture johns anxious and terrified face. Ahahaha poor guy. GAH! Even though I love Phil he went a little too far! What would happen is torrie saw it :O

I really do wonder what's to happen now with Lillian's return.

Amazing chapter Kelly!

Xx Michelle
ChaingangDiva chapter 5 . 2/6/2012
Hey Kelly

Ohh Phil is being mean lol. I can't believe he posted that on twitter lol. I hope John doesn't get into to much trouble and that Torrie doesn't give up the secret to easily.

Can't wait for the next chapter

Luv Sheree xXx
Ainat chapter 4 . 2/6/2012
WAIT A SECOND! The previous night Torrie would leave to Los Angeles without her bags. She wanted John to take her to the airport and she didn't care about her bags that would stay on the hotel. And now, this morning, she wants to leave so soon - and doesn't want to accept John's ride - because needs to pack her belongings? I wish I could understand this woman.

John and Torrie slept with each other last night, they had sex, and instead of speaking about what happened between them and how their friendship changed, Torrie leaves and John doesn't go after her. And if John hadn't woke up, something tells me Torrie would have left the room with him asleep.

I can't believe they think they won't be seeing each other again any time soon. What don't they arrange a meeting? A call makes wonders when people want to see each other. They are in their thirties. It's their second chance to find love and to fulfil all those dreams they have - they can fulfil them together, as a couple. What's wrong with this people? Open your eyes!

So, Eve is into John? I see...John has just got divorced and the vultures are already surrounding him. Eve better to forget any thoughts of having any romantic involvement with John. However, Torrie better to met John soon because Eve went to speak with a men expert - I know, I'm mean - and she may get something - please, NO!

By the way: Why do I sense you made Eve have feelings for John due to the storyline between John/Kane? I mean, you aren't fond of her and now you can "teach her a lesson" on this story. I must say I'm not against it and I support you :P Yes, I'm such an evil person.

I think I already wrote this once and I'll write again: I can't see Phil being nosy and caring about John's romantic life. Messing around? I can see him doing that. But caring? I can't. Apart from messing around to mock John, I can't see Phil asking questions to know the truth.
therealchamps chapter 5 . 2/5/2012
Candice cracked me up with the RAW/WWE comment. I figured Phil knew the truth. Update soon.
FreakierThanFreaks chapter 5 . 2/5/2012
Ahaha, Oh Phil! I Love Him So Much! He's A Funny Guuy! :-) And Torrie's Happy! Whoop! Yay! :D And Johnny-Boy - He Shoulda Just Told Cookie Monster The Truth, COME ON, Man! :-)

Well, amazing, as always! Update soon! :-)
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