Reviews for The Fighting Spirit
Ferdiad chapter 26 . 5/25
Jorge isn't actually 40 biologically, Spartans spend a lot of time in cryo. There's also the genetic engineering to consider, they'd have a longer life than normal as well considering that.
Ferdiad chapter 19 . 5/23
You said the cannon sizes on the tank were 280mm, that doesn't make sense if they're using mass effect tech.
Ferdiad chapter 9 . 5/22
Jorge knows how long it takes to get his armour on, I don't see a reason why he'd take it off unless necessary.
Ferdiad chapter 6 . 5/22
I think 7.4 is a little short for a Spartan II isn't it?
TheDarkChronist chapter 39 . 4/27
Well, finally I got here. I demolished this story in a handful of days -certainly less than it took Shep to read through Jorge's report- and I am extremely well pleased. I can't begin to describe the levels of satisfaction that, as a fellow Jorge, gave me the tearing of Saren by my namesake limb by limb. Pure poetry.

And I am certainly glad that you made a sequel! I'm heading right to it at this very moment
Angery Katte chapter 1 . 4/5
I agree on the sex drive being represented, but a sex drive doesn't equate to being incapable of love. Humans are awesome like that because we can feel great feelings of love without the need to stick our schlong in someone.
Diamond of soul chapter 38 . 1/25
Una historia absolutamente espléndida, puede ser que haya llegado un poco tarde a la fiesta pero de todos modos, gracias por escribir esto, en serio, muchas gracias.
Diamond of soul chapter 17 . 1/22
Hasta ahora esta historia me está gustando mucho la seguiré leyendo hasta el final.
Lord of Moons chapter 1 . 1/14
The MJOLNIR Mark V, the same model Jorge uses, was able to withstand 50mm rounds when John 117 tested it, and was only overloaded a missile detonated nearby. People tend to use the games for it, but in the games both armour and shields are heavily nerfed against bullets, though Plasma weapons are really that effective and devastating, MJOLNIR could only stop 2 plasma bolts in the early books. That said, MJOLNIR Mark VI was way better.
EdenAngel7 chapter 1 . 1/6
Stick to the video games, especially for Halo. The books for Halo came after the game, which is why the Halo game/book timelines are so wonky, with the game trying to mesh with the book series.
Crainium9 chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Actually their sex drive isn’t reduced by the procedure they are made to show little or control their emotion and the suit jacks them off when they get a boner I’m not kidding
intata chapter 3 . 11/3/2019
Why is chapter 4 the first chapter? That just looks like bad planning to me.

I haven't read a single word yet, and I'm already slightly annoyed.
Lord of Moons chapter 40 . 10/26/2019
I don't why a nuke should be any less capable than a fighter in terms of speed and resisting damage. Don't forget in Halo fusion torches have around 20gs minimum thrust, they also have a basic inertial damper. Mass effect has inertial dampers, its how their FTL works. The issue with nukes should be cost, and that mass accelerators not lasers can destroy them. They also don't have pilots and if detected can be escaped. Basically, a big nuke is obviously not a disruptor torpedo. However the EMP and damage to sensors should be worth it. Radiation can damage electronics, at closer ranges it won't melt, it will vaporise.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
I haven't even started yet and I already have concerns. You are aware that energy shielding is far, far superior to kinetic or biotic barriers, right? Mainly in terms of durability and what it would block. If you want to make it weaker for the sake of the plot that's fine, but it sounds like you're trying to stay accurate to the universe, in which case if it seems like Spartans are overpowered, it's because they are
Mallahawk25 chapter 11 . 8/20/2019
I will way 600 lbs is very heavy for even a Spartan a average Spartan put of armor weighs 300-350 lbs at most I would say he weighs 450 lbs due to his size
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