Reviews for Even Your Body Can Be Sold
lilyvandersteen chapter 1 . 5/11
Oh, this made me tear up. Angsty but beautiful.
Kurtsie chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
This is INCREDIBLE! OMG! You are SO gifted! From beginning to end I was on the edge of my seat. Your writing style is VERY descriptive and heart-wrenching but beautiful at the same time and the ending- I just- God, this is JUST TOO PERFECT! THANK YOU! I'm going to send this to my friends because this fic deserves to be shared! D
CheshireTears chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
I feel so odd reading this after tonight's episode. (Sadie Hawkins) Like, I'm still all sorts of amused and feels-filled over the episode, and it took me a minute to remember what you meant by "confrontation" in 3x08. XD

This was so perfect though. I love the whole, "I think I love you," part. :3 Perfect boys...

charlieinsocks chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
Ah, wow, this is amazing. Like, seriously, I really enjoyed reading this. The omg-that-struck-a-nerve when Sam and he argued bobbed around in my head for a while and thiiis is why! I don't have the words to explain how much I like this. It's broken!Blaine, which I love, and Kurt fixes him and snarls at Sam and he's a prostitute, which is a really cool plot and probably the first (well, probably not but maybe) and I think you did her prompt justice and then some. c: It's amazing, and really beautiful.
TheMaywat chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
I don’t know why I like damaged!Blaine/Kurt fics so much. Maybe it’s because I like when they find comfort in each other, are able to build each other back up and grow and get stronger. Anyway, you’ve quite beautifully captured all the aspects of a good hurt/comfort fic, and I'm blown away.

This right here: “It was like he hadn't known what he'd needed until it had smacked him in the face, shattering the walls he'd surrounded himself with and infiltrating the parts of his heart that had shrivelled up and died and breathing new life into it.”
Emma chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
This piece (not story, because this has to be considered art) was absolutely flawless. Your plot was dynamic, your characters were so believable and real, and it was so tense and vulnerable . . . So glad I happened to read it, it was amazing :) thank you.
septemberliebe chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
this fic is beautiful!
VioletCherry342 chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
So, uh...My review isn't gonna be very bright, because I cannot stop CRYING so I can't see the keyboard.. *sniffles* Good lord, that was sad and sweet and...and...afuhiubfkhj sbvgiugvkbfgwgedsb cbkjiiqgkfb vcbkalqtgfk bvvxbkseq ug ks vnbvksocpuvgpaq0ooajzb vcxso8os8 o8 ty4721 gbkejlgosroy8 3 urfhjbv ADJki fegi gadv bbsvr gy38orei fhvbksu afygulkwf n... Yes, that. That's the "words" I was looking for.. *sniffs* This is so GREAT I love it!
AngelisIgniRelucent chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
absolutely breathtaking - i'm crying like a baby ;_;
Brokeback Mountain chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
This was beautiful. I feel it was rushed but amazing. It could have maybe been written out through a series of chapters to expand and detail each incident that occurs. Aha just my thinking but one of the beat Klaine FICs I've seen other than Zavocado or Whatsherlambert _.

I love the character development and the plot was just compelling. I've never seen Klaine in such a situation and it's refreshing to see someone trying something new with them. Your friend chose a great prompt!

Great work! Maybe consider chapters next time? I'm sure readers would love the anticipation one receives from awaiting the next installment in an enthralling series! :)

FrenchieKlainer chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
You so did justice to what that person asked ! It's a powerful a,d beautiful one shot . thanks to share your talent !
daltonfightclub chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
you literally just tore me apart, shattered me into a million pieces and then quickly - all in one smooth swooping gesture - put me back together. oh my god.
lizzard713 chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Did I review this fic? No? Well, it's awesome. I'd say more, but it's a half hour past midnight and this should be my last full night of sleep. So yay for this fic, it's so depressing and fantastic.
midlifecrisses chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
If this fic was 100,000 words long I would have stayed up all night reading it!

This made me FEEL!

This was one of the sweetest/ best things I have read.

I loved every line!
Sophia Swift chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
HOLY FUCK. YOU ARE AMAZING. TRULY AMAZING.! Seriously. How...? Just pure brilliance. *collaspes on the floor from the shock of the pure AWESOMENESS.* Please keep r
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