Reviews for Stockholm Syndrome
Guest chapter 2 . 12/24/2018
I'm shocked how everyone already seems to love this guy because he saved Roxas, yet he very easily he smothered a baby... You're all sick.
Sorafan360 chapter 27 . 1/7/2018
Cool. All done.
hope you had fun writing it.
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 27 . 1/5/2018
I cant believe it's over! Noooo! I need to know what happens at the shelter and I just want more Axel and Roxas lol This was a great fic and I'm so happy you managed to pick it up again after a long hiatus. Its nice to see Axel and Roxas getting their happily ever after after their first meeting being on such bad terms. Seeing them both grow as characters was nice :3 thank you again for finishing this!
imissmest chapter 26 . 11/28/2017
Aww finally some beautiful fluff. They are adorable and almost sickeningly romantic. Shame Zack wasn't invited, maybe next time XD.

Thank you for all your hard work and sharing this story with us. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
imissmest chapter 25 . 10/28/2017
Yay an update! I love that you made Roxas and Zack have their bonding time without Axel. I'm not sure if Axel is being overdramatic or not. It could just be that I want them to get together already. Seriously, boys, hurry up already *cough* invite Zack *cough*
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 25 . 10/11/2017
Oh no D: I hope Axel comes back soon! Is it bad that I kinda wanted Axel to come back while Zack and Roxas were sleeping on the couch and get mad? Oh god with Axel's history he'd probably kill Zack huh?
Great chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next and how Roxas will get Axel to calm down a bit :3
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 24 . 9/16/2017
Yay finally get to see the shelter! But how did Roxas not notice it if it 's right next to the house o.o
Aww poor Axel is having a crisis because of how he's treated Roxas in the past D: poor baby. I wanna give him hugs. So is he going to start to regret bring Roxas there since he's a constant reminder of his past life?
Can't wait for the next update and to see how they work it out :)
Monolaymoo chapter 24 . 9/15/2017
Aw man...
Roxas will chase after him, definitely .
Guest chapter 22 . 8/28/2017
Axel is keeping a lot of pain in...
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 21 . 8/24/2017
I still stand by Axel and Roxas making babies. But I guess Roxas does have his own shit to work though. At least Axel hasn't given up on him yet :D
And I laughed waaay too hard at Axel falling off the bed xD and I'm trying really hard right now to not laugh in the middle of class just thinking about it
SuperSaraMoon chapter 21 . 8/23/2017
Look at you go, girl! You're on fire, 2 updates just like that?! Strong work! I really liked this chapter _ ! Poor Zach and his puperoo~ I think Zack was the right roommate choice. What did Axel do for Roxas?! Roxas needed to chill out and make Axel babies already! XD lol, no, you're doing a great job with the tension and the mixed emotions. The only thing is that Axel seems quite ooc, but I guess that's kind of the point since he's a different person now, just don't let his fire totally burn out - Axel wouldn't be Axel otherwise. Keep it up! I'm exited for next week's 2 chapters -wink wink- 3
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 20 . 8/22/2017
Just realized I'm a terrible person and never reviewed Dx sorry!
I loved it and I love Zack! I feel so bad for Roxas and how confused he is with his feelings. I hope he can work through it soon and realize Axel's changed for the better and isn't the same man he was when he killed his family (wow that was a weird sentence to write)
This was the best birthday present I got :) thank you so much!
Monolaymoo chapter 20 . 8/19/2017
Axel found a roomier with Zack. The guy is too nice.
SuperSaraMoon chapter 20 . 8/18/2017
Good to see an update! :D I agree it was a little short, but progress is progress! I liked it, I wish it was longer because I wanna know what's going on with this Zack business! Grumble grumble - update!
Leven the Valkyrie chapter 19 . 8/13/2017
Yes all caught up! I love this story just as much as I did the first time I read it and so happy that you picked it back up :D
I feel so bad for Roxas though. Axel's trying his hardest but it always seems to blow up in his face. I hope everything works out for them soon Dx
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