Reviews for The Tangled Princess Bride
Bookwormgirl32 chapter 20 . 10/11/2019
Well, I waited until the last chapter to write a review, so...
First of all, I never would've thought of a "Tangled/Princess Bride" crossover. But... WHAT. AN. AWESOME. STORY!
I loved it so much (I seem to have a thing for "Princess Bride" crossovers now, whether it's reading or writing them)! When you said there were going to be characters from multiple Disney universes added, I was initially a little nervous, but you did a really good job of combining them! So many parts of the story made me laugh, and your universe combos were so clever! I was really happy that the prince in this story wasn't bad like Prince Humperdinck was, I LOLed at the Spaceballs reference ("Did you see anything?" "No, I didn't see you shaking your groove thing!" "Good!"), and I loved that Rapunzel and Eugene actually turned up at the end - and that they were all criticizing the story, haha! Overall, it was fantastic! (Although...what was the MST3K reference to? I love that show, but I didn't pick up on it. What episode was it from?)
Spooky Misty chapter 20 . 5/23/2019
I have been waiting for a very special and well-written fanfic to post this declaration, and now I've found it:
This is probably the best fanfiction story I have ever read. Now, let me tell you why.
First as a little bit of a bias because "Tangled" is my favorite Disney movie and "The Princess Bride" is my all-time favorite movie, so this was basically an early Christmas present times twelve. More about your writing, I absolutely loved the way you told the story from the beginning to the end and about which Tangled characters you designated to PB characters. I never expected to read a fanfiction that features Yzma, but let it be said that I am pleasantly surprised and happy with the result. Entertained all the way through and "Whatever you say, Blondie" "As you wish" is absolutely brilliant.
However, I do have to give some constructive criticism. You did well transferring Eugene and Rapunzel to Wesley and Buttercup, but for the rest of the Disney characters trying to portray the PB characters, it didn't feel like them. I was having a hard time trying to visualize Yzma as Fezzini and the Stabingtons as gentlemanly gentlemen when the time called for it. The Final Battle went on a little longer than I'd like and I ended up having to scroll through the chapter to get it over with.
I could keep gushing on about why I love this story so much, but I figure I've said enough already. You're a talented writer and I'm interested to see what you'll do next.
CLBONE13 chapter 7 . 3/4/2019
Okay, the battle of wits was HILARIOUS. Especially all the Fourth Wall jokes and the fact that you managed to do something original with the Insane Troll Logic which made the scene so iconic to begin with.
Jade Roxanne Skywalker chapter 20 . 2/15/2018
Seriously, I’ve never read such a brilliant Tangled fanfic!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/29/2017
ejiiuiuuiiuei iuui uiu uuiuiuiiju
iíeuujuieuuuuieiiuuuiuuuuiuuuuuiuuiiiuuuuiuiiuuuuuiuui ei uj uji
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
i believe in twu wuvvvvv
WinnieTherPooh chapter 20 . 4/15/2017
This was so cute! I loved all the Disney cameos. Thank you so much for the adventure!
WinnieTherPooh chapter 9 . 4/15/2017
I see that Pirates reference.
WinnieTherPooh chapter 6 . 4/14/2017
"Dream of large unicorns" - I love it.
WinnieTherPooh chapter 4 . 4/14/2017
Okay wow this is amazing. And I know that Walter is supposed to be the Humperdinck and I really appreciate how he's still kind of thoughtful even though he's devious as heck.
WinnieTherPooh chapter 2 . 4/14/2017
"The Smolder" - If it wasn't so sad I'd be laughing.
WinnieTherPooh chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
OH MY GOSH I'M SO EXCITED TO READ THIS. Tangled is one of my favorite stories and The Princess Bride is one of my favorite all time movies. Thank you SO much for writing this. I can't wait to see where it goes.
yellowaesthetic chapter 4 . 1/8/2017
I love your little Disney references throughout the story!
yellowaesthetic chapter 2 . 1/6/2017
Oh wow, OK, reviewing.
yellowaesthetic chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
Lol this is really cute.
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