Reviews for All's Fair in Love and War
JolieBlanc chapter 17 . 6/1
I know my request is a long shot, but please, please, please update.
amcke1991 chapter 17 . 6/16/2019
Seriously this is one of the BEST fics I’ve EVER read. And wow over 800 reviews! I spent the entire day binge reading this. I am dying to know how the originals get there revenge bringing Anna in, what Katherine says when she confronts Stefan and how Damon and elenas relationship unfolds. They’re so close to the I love you’s I swear. I hope you are feeling better and update when you can. You are an amazing writer!
DamonLover92 chapter 17 . 2/25/2019
please update
Leeloo87 chapter 17 . 8/14/2018
Just so you know - you still have audience for this and your other work.

You write beautifully and I hope you're feeling good and winning a battle against your BP and life in general.

I hope some day you'll finish this story because it deserve to be be finished.

Best wishes 4u
Guest chapter 11 . 3/25/2018
This was the hottest thing I've ever read. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this story. It quickly became my absolute favorite. I hope you could write more chapters like this. Even though it's a really large shower scene, I never got bored. I love this so so much! Please come back to writing this story whenever you get the chance. It's truly phenomenal. I really miss it. Please? With Damon on top? :D
Guest chapter 12 . 2/16/2018
This was so hot!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/8/2018
"I promise I will update soon" lies. Please update this is a wonderful story.
DEsBlackRose chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
Such a shame it won't be completed
N chapter 17 . 8/31/2017
Hey! So I knew this story is incomplete but I read it anyway when I checked the last chapter, at least I didn't end up on a cliffhanger between DE, that would be the worst for me.

Anyway, after like 2 years from the last update I doubt this story will ever be finished or even if you update a chapter who knows how much time will pass until the next one but still I'm commenting anyway, even though I doubt it will make any difference.

DK - I know you said in 2nd chapter you're confused people are grossed out by it but come on just because it Ian/Nina doesn't mean we actually enjoy it considering the story between them. But, thank you for not taking it further and making Damon confident and not falling under her trap again. I very much doubt I'd have made it to the last chapter if DK happened again. With that said it annoyed me when at some parts of this story DK had more moments than DE (it was hate moments but still) bc I strongly dislike DK.

Kat - is a complete psycho. It was all fun and games until she actually tried to rape him for real like wtf? I can't even say this is OOC considering she was crazy in S5 when she was willing to pretend to be Elena so she can sleep with Stefan. I'm so sad I didn't get to see her downfall here. Is there too much to hope for she'll end up dead in the end? She'll never give up and death is what she deserves.

Stefan - is actually a saint in this story and I can't believe I'm saying it but I feel sorry for him. He deserves to know about Katherine and dump her. He even has every right to be mad at Damon but I really hope they end up on a good note in the end.

Elena - I LOVE HER. She's so fierce and I love her background story. She's my favorite character here. She's really naive when it comes to Kat which I dislike but it is in character so...Other than that I love her, I hope she ends up being a hero in this and ends Elijah and Klaus. I love when she puts every men in his place who tries to manhandle her.

Elijah and Klaus - Overall I love this plot even though they're both so annoying with their obsession and bringing Elena into this. Why couldn't they just take their revenge on Katherine and be done with it? Ugh.

Damon - I admit I have mixed feelings about him. While I love him too, what he did to Stefan was wrong and he acts so many times without thinking and I hope this improves. Also his womanizing ways were so eww at times for me personally, even though not for Elena. But still, I'm so glad he rejects Katherine every chance he gets. I hope he tells Stefan and apologizes and I really hope he's the one who will first admit his feelings for Elena bc the whole point was him believing in love again and taking a chance so I hope this will happen.

Delena (saving the best for last) - I love their dynamic here. And I think out of all DE fics I read (and I read a lot!) you describe their passion and lust for each other the best. I love the way you wrote the connection between them and especially once they give in to it and can't get enough YUM. Great job! Your smut is really one of the best ever. Also, I love Damon respecting Elena from the start unlike with other women and Elena feeling the passion for him she never felt before. In the last few chapters tho they barely had any scenes so if you ever update I hope we get more of it and especially I hope them confessing their feelings to each other.

I don't know if I forgot anything else but this is it for now. I know you keep saying you're gonna finish but when 2 years pass you can understand me doubting it in the end. But I really hope it will happen especially now when Delena !FINALLY! got their endgame in the show too, maybe that will inspire you.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/15/2017
I wish the story was finished and not a cliff hanger I was so hooked
Matsuo Nozomi chapter 3 . 8/11/2017
omg the cliffy !
Matsuo Nozomi chapter 1 . 8/11/2017
interesting first chapter !
Anje chapter 17 . 6/16/2017
Loved this story so much, but am so frustrated that it is not complete.
VitsAsh chapter 17 . 5/13/2017
You haven't lost your audience and I'm sure everyone is waiting for you to update this story as it was so addicting and amazing. You write beautifully and you're obviously talented. Please continue this and don't stop writing such amazing Delena fics.
Elena Fan chapter 17 . 4/19/2017
Guys we need to get her to finish the story so we need to email her and keep posting reviews!
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