Reviews for There is a boy
MasteroftheTides chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
I don't know if i'm just being emotional or not but that almost made me want to cry.
IWannaLightsaber chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
What a piece of AWESOME! So deep, so clean-cut, so beautiful to my AR fangirl soul. You really make the characters vibrate with emotion, so deep and so varied. It's really great to get all the perspectives and to watch them build... Your writing style is quite good, very concise, very strong, very connecting. AND what an awEsoME way to end it. It's nice that it's actually believable, you know? Nice touch bringing in Wolf... Really quite perfect! Thanks! XOXO
slumberingscribe chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
Wow. Very thought-inducing. Great work.
Rrit chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
good :)
WolfDarkfur chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
Amazing, such a good fic. Love the way everyone views him. Also love the way Alex just takes off one day, no one could find him if they tried. Great ending as well.
Evgenia chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
W-O-W !

I mean, wow!

This is definitely the best one-fic I've ever read! Simply amazing! Extremely well-written and I appreciate that (my eyes hurt when I see serious grammar of spelling mistakes). You express every character wonderfully and the reader can't take their eyes of your text. And, I admit, I cried a bit in one of the points of views. Tom's. Honestly, the last paragraph of Tom was very touching and it really screames 'FRIENDSHIP' for me. The way you talk about Alex in 'Alex Rider' is amazing too. You tell a story and it still feels like one of the previous, but, somehow, it's not really. It's different.

Keep writing.
Writer With Sprite chapter 1 . 12/16/2011
I was really impressed with how you did it. Very well done, and it was a nice read. Great characterization.
goddessa39 chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
How do you know all of the things I'm interested in? I never read Alex Rider books but I've been into the fanfiction of it. Artemis Fowl is a clueless thing to me though I know he is a genius of some sort and had always meant to read the books. Same with Redwell and many. I liked Maximum Ride until it got too depressing somewhere. I'm really into Discworld but have only read a few of those books. I do however have the Hogswatch movie and am so going to watch it on Xmas. Tamora Pierce I love almost every series. I didn't get into the terrier one and the one about Alanna's daughter bcuz the second book didn't come out for a long time, or the book that came after the Circle of Magic adn the Circle Opens.

... wow that was a lot of stuff. I hope you write something about the disc. I know we don't have enough HP gets adopted by Susan fics out there, or maybe how about a HP raised by the cowardly wizard?

This is a great little oneshot, and one way that we figure the series will end without killing Alex or leading him permanantly into the hands of Blunt. Those suck. Screw fate and destiny about that because he was used.
CodenameVirus chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
To start of yes Eragon the movie was **** and now that that's over with I can actually review your piece. One word would suffice really, FREAKING AMAZING. Well hm, I guess my grammar isn't what it used to, no wait that's math. Anyways, this was a brilliantly original idea and I love the way you spelled out what could have happened in Alex's life the way you did. It even almost goes along with the rest of the books (which from you AN I'm assuming you haven't read) and I'm honored to have come across this piece of work.
JackBunjeeKiki chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
I really like this story. How you told it was absolutely incredible. How each section of the story started was really creaive and it drew me in. How you depicted Alex was amazing as well. I've never come across an Alex Rider oneshot as good as yours. Thanks for posting, because seriously, this was absolutely brilliant. I needed to read this.

- Booka
Blissful Winter chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
This is really good, I loved hearing about Alex from all of those perspectives!