Reviews for A night at the office
InsertImaginativeNameHere chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
Very festive considering I'm reading this in June but hey, there'll be Christmas songs on the radio in a matter of months got to get in there early.
This was...I liked the look inside Columbo's head, we only really see him from the outside and it's difficult to know how he's feeling this was an excellent glimpse. Well done.
I need to get myself a coat like that to be honest it's multipurpose. One day I can be Columbo, the next, Castiel, the next Constantine (as in the bloke from Hellblazer), and I'm sure there's some other fellow whose name begins with c out there. Once again good job and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to read work for this fandom.
GinnyStar chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
This is great
Kami the Music Box chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
This one is really good, too! Kind of a tear-jerker. One thing I noticed you have a problem with is turning dependent clauses into sentences. Go ahead and attach them to the end of the previous sentence. Here, I'll show you:

"Larry kept his head down. Staring dejectedly at the fishing magazine."
Technically, this is incorrect. That last bit is a sentence fragment, not a sentence. Try this:

Larry kept his head down, staring dejectedly at the fishing magazine.

It's grammatically correct that way. Trust me, two clauses is not a run-on sentence. You want to read run on sentences, read Les Miserables, or any other Victor Hugo work. That man loves his commas. :D

Other than that, fantastic job.
StardustedSong chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
I love this!

I watch Columbo every night on Netflix with my mom and brother. I love it, and I love this fanfic. Keep writing!
rm101.1984 chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
AWW this is sooo sweeet!

This made my day!
Planet Enchilada chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
Lovely holiday story; I'm sorry there aren't more reviews. There's dear old Columbo, yes, once again I could hear Mr. Falk's voice in your character. It had a nice frosty feel throughout and it seems to me just the sort of thing the lieutenant would do for Christmastime. Once again, a job well done.
sobjack chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
what? no reviews? you are absolutely marvalous for writing an english columbo more of this won't you?