Reviews for Falling and Fallen
Genine Thompson chapter 16 . 7/4/2007
Two words and an exclamation point are all I have to say.


-Genine Thompson
Willow-Bee the Cat chapter 16 . 6/16/2007
Please tell me you're going to update this sometime soon.
bcrush32 chapter 16 . 5/15/2003
I love it so far! I can't wait for more. I do have one request though; get more Jag! I know he was in bacta but please give him some action. Him and Jaina are married and Jaina doesn't seem to care about him anymore. After it happened she was real upset then she seemed to not care anymore. Also, more Han and Leia please, they're in the background and I think you could give them cool things to do. Like find the traitor. It would be a sweet twist if the traitor was Jacen but I know it isn't because I'm smart. Anyway, I love it, keep it up.
movielover03 chapter 16 . 4/24/2003
Haven't updated soon. Please do this getting good.
Aaron chapter 16 . 4/16/2003
So, ya get me all worked up. Now, where's the rest? Please, don't leave me hanging! Keep up the good work!
Jedida chapter 16 . 9/10/2002
wow, L-B, I can't believe you're still updating this story over here, when it's already finished and has a sequel at ...

but even if I have read it already, its still a great story :D. Then again, any story with Jag is...
Jennifer Wisniewski chapter 1 . 6/17/2002
Could you please write a story about Obi -Wan Kenobi in Episode 1 , my favorite character and Padme also in episode 1 my favorite character.
Remie B chapter 13 . 6/17/2002
Ahhh! i love this story! please please please write more soon! i am so impressed with your writing style and creative ideas.
Carii Storm chapter 13 . 6/16/2002
awesome chapters! can't wait for more! :D
Carii Storm chapter 13 . 6/16/2002
awesome chapters! can't wait for more! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2002

A Star Wars Roleplay. Again. _()

Kinda REALLY needs members... so yeah...
Anna chapter 12 . 6/14/2002
This is really good, lots of suspense. My only question is... WHEN is Jag going to wake up?
Xaara chapter 12 . 6/14/2002
Oooh intrigue! A traitor, possible Jacen/Vong relationship, the Jag/Jaina (not so) secret wedding. Can't wait for the next bit so I can see what happens. Keep it coming!
jennifer chapter 12 . 6/13/2002
LOVED IT! Tahiri and Jacen do have a ton in common now, huh? ;)
December Wind chapter 11 . 6/12/2002
LoL! That would be difficult! Sorry I haven't been reviewing, my internet has been screwed up for the last few days so I couldn't do anything. This story is going so well! Keep it up!
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