Reviews for Fall Damage
shadewolfedrt chapter 1 . 8/15
I recall reading this chapter.
Raj8 chapter 17 . 6/4
I really did enjoy reading this, the entire thing was very sweet and well written.
Aftermath Man chapter 17 . 3/13
This is a great story, loved it from start to finish. The epilogue is great as well and very believable. Thank you for sharing this.
Dumby95 chapter 17 . 8/13/2019
good closure ;)
Dumby95 chapter 16 . 8/13/2019
good read
Dumby95 chapter 14 . 8/13/2019
how do they know he is kick ass? i thought he haven't his equipment
Dumby95 chapter 12 . 8/13/2019
very good chapter
Dumby95 chapter 7 . 8/12/2019
Dave can grow the pedostache now :p
Dumby95 chapter 6 . 8/12/2019
nice fic
easysam chapter 16 . 6/13/2017
This was a truly great fic and I enjoyed reading this multiple times. I did like that you added the extra chapter (17) to give the story some closure. I have read your other Kick-Ass fics and they were good one shots. I hope you continue writing some more Kick-ass/Hit girl stories in the future.

easysam chapter 17 . 5/20/2017
Great story with a wonderful ending. Extremely enjoyable reading!
Maron252 chapter 16 . 2/26/2016
I think this is the best fanfiction, I've ever read. (I'm a pervert so sue me) .
YaGHeofttHaeLubvit216 chapter 7 . 12/31/2015
Now why would you think that the government would be tracking fanfiction?

Actually, years ago one of my former work-mates son had made some comment about a govenment official and was eventually visited by a member(s?) of the secret service in thier home for a rather longish conversation.

I can appreciate the protective services needing to consider every threat to the protectees but it's a fine line between allowing freedom of speech to say any stupid thing you want to say while not having disregarded someone who might overstep or disregard the attitude of our sence of humor is removed from us when we sign up for the protective services and if you threaten our protectee you WILL be checked out and if necessary we will be talking to you about exactly what you have in mind.

In a way I've had some slight experience with another online author years ago relating to abortion pro/con position. I had been helping him in proofing some of his work and we got along fairly well.

We were on opposite sides of the abortion issue but were able to agree to disagree in a civil manner.

Often I don't think we really appreciate what a special country we have where we can say pretty much whatever we want to say about any topic or person.

I guess it comes down to what my 10th grade civics teacher had told me: Your' right to punch me in the nose ends where my nose begins.

Anyway, a geat story! Thanks for sharing your talent.

YaGHeofttHaeLubvit216 chapter 6 . 12/31/2015
The sequences of 'do-overs' for both the Kick-Ass/H/Hr have been very interesting.

I'm amazed at your (and other authors') abilities to sit down and generate such cogent and detailed story lines with ease. I DO realize that the finished product is typically the result of much conseption/rough draft/revision/polishing and finally, the finished product.

Still, it never ceases to amaze me at what an author can produce.

I stand in awe!

Best regards!

Never Morrison chapter 17 . 8/25/2015
Good story, very cute and sweet and pretty much the exact thing I was in the mood for. Loved the ending, though the implication that they've hung up the armor for good is a tad disappointing.
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