Reviews for A Gift for the King
The Fox Familiar chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
I don't know anything about Merlin, but I do find it hilarious how you consider yourself to join the "Review Revolution" when you break the rules by posting porn and think that pornos do have plot.

And the fact that idiotic yaoi fangirls think the anus is a vagina. I sure hope no one got torn anuses.

"i want you to ride me" - Holy fuck, that is fucking hilarious. That is classic porno lingo, and so OOC that I can't see men doing this. No, I can't. But this is, my dear, the sign of a dumbfuck who doesn't have a clue about sex. It's a nice tactic - the Twilight tactic perhaps?

The things with PWPs is - where's the plot? There's none here, other than an obvious set-up from some cock-depraved fag-lover. Other than that, the story's forgettable, even if I somehow found these abominations good.

Anyways, reported. I'm sure Merlin will enjoy some tapeworms.
Grizzo chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Good for a year? Sounds like
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 1/19/2012
I like! Hot and sentimental at the same time. _

Diana Prallon chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
I loved that you gave it a gentle and sweet beginning, making it feel like a love token, not just sex, or a favor, or a present, but something he's like to do to stay close, to stay still, to feel the one he loved around. Oh, god, I'm getting soft. Kill me before it gets worse. LOL
Sharon T chapter 1 . 12/23/2011
Great Christmas story
floating fog chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
Oh my. Lovely fic for the holidys!