Reviews for Little Wind
DamSlytherClawSchist chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
I'm saving this, this is one of my favorite kh fanfics. I was looking for some parents aqua and Terra and this fanfic didn't disappoint. I love all the cheesy parts where they hug or kiss and the funny parts like where Aqua and Terra were making out. this was such an intersting story to figure out and ahh I love that Aqua and Terra adopted him. even though it hurt, I loved the parts where they were in pain, it showed they were human. I love how they took care of Ven as a baby, that was the cutest thing I had ever read and I think my favorite parts were those! Ahh anyways this was such an amazing story that I'll never forget!
Sora Tayuya chapter 5 . 5/31/2015
Hm. Decent ending.

This fic still gets props for that excellent excellent 4th chapter.
Sora Tayuya chapter 4 . 5/31/2015
My absolute favorite chapter in this whole fic. Seriously. I just wasn't into last chapter at all. Not enjoyable for me. This chapter though?

Fantastic. Bowled myself over in worry and laughter. Mostly laughter. Though I am ashamed to admit I foolishly didn't realize the gates were the Org member's using powers until Vexen's. I feel extraordinarily ridiculous and dense for not immediately knowing that obvious thing.

But Axel's, Demyx's, and Luxord's gates I loved. Especially Demyx's. But I do want them to try Lexaeus' sweets now.
Sora Tayuya chapter 3 . 5/31/2015
Hm. Luckily I am familiar with Tam Lin. However, this chapter still is confusing, fairly all around. Hm.
Sora Tayuya chapter 2 . 5/30/2015
'teind'? Oh dear. I just looked that up.
Sora Tayuya chapter 1 . 5/30/2015
Hm. Not sure how to think about this one yet. Xigbar was his usual fabulously jerky self, but otherwise unsure.
tsunasoraceillover chapter 5 . 11/27/2013
This is really really good i love it
The Awesome March Hare chapter 5 . 12/29/2012
This is so cool. I love it.
Taliax chapter 5 . 6/4/2012
'"Guard duty's boring as heck, huh," Axel commented.' Pretty much anything Axel says amuses me way more than it should. xP

'"Looks like we've got something in common, then," Axel muttered, sitting down on the roof beside her. / "You and I both miss someone we care about,"' Yay, canon quotes! And Kairi steals one part of Axel's canon quote! :D xD

Axel and Kairi's conversation was sweet. :3 I like how Fae are pretty much the equivalent of Nobodies in this universe.

XD I'd copy and paste all of Ven and Axel's conversation, but I wouldn't have anything useful to comment on it. I love how you can get everyone's dialogue so IC.

'"I mean, they weren't exactly thrilled at first, but Aqua legally adopted me as soon as she turned eighteen." He pouted. "I stopped growing as soon as I returned to Faerie. But anyway, I've been behaving myself. Her parents kind of love me now. Heh, Aqua's mom treats me like I'm six, but I don't mind much. It's better than them kicking me out."' Yay, Aqua's his mommy! :D XD And of course he'd be treated like a six-year-old. XD XD

'"Mortality's not so bad. I've met Aqua's grandparents, and Terra's. They're all really sweet. There's no one like them in Faerie. I'm...almost...looking forward to getting to be like them." / "Sicko."' XD XD XD That is so weird and amusing. I can understand Axel being grossed out.

"Then maybe you're somewhat oblivious to the stakes involved." / "Nope. Life or death." So matter-of-fact. :P The whole Axel-fighting-Ven-to-stop-him-from-killing-himself thing seems very IC. Depressing, but IC.

"Roxas, you can be an infuriating little punk sometimes." / "You're really sweet, Reno." / "Shut up." D'awww. x3

Yay, ice cream! :D The perfect way to end it, in my opinion. I'd like to see the companion if you ever get the plunnies for it, but it not this is good on its own. I need to read more BbS trio 'fics.
Taliax chapter 4 . 6/4/2012

Gate 1:

It's hard to specifically review anything here, it all flows together so well. I especially like the way one realization leads into the next.

"The concept of love was too much, too much; but the despite the pain, it was a good thing, a desperately good thing, and it - she - knew there was something so very important to be done because of it." I really like this line, but I can't think of much to comment on it other than that I like it. XD

Gate 2:

'"Good job, sweetheart," he murmured to her.' The TerQua seems sudden, but I can understand it after all they've been through.

'She was suddenly hanging in the middle of the gate, looking like she was about to throw up at the sight of her arm ending abruptly at the elbow, her hand reaching out of nowhere several meters away.' Terrifying and oddly amusing at the same time...

Heh, that's cool that it's Ven singing to calm down Terra and Aqua this time. C:

"What? Which up?" XD

Man, Xigbar's gate's just as annoying as Xigbar himself. XD

Gate 3:

XD No, bad tornadoes, you've been VERY NAUGHTY! XD XD XD I love how Ventus talks to them like they're disobedient pets.

"They made it out of the third gate, looking ridiculous with their hair whipped into bizarre styles." As in, more bizzare than they already were? :P

"Aqua somehow produced a comb and used it to tame her own locks, then ran it through Ven's hair until he stopped looking like a crazy trick-or-treater. Terra did not object when she pulled him down into her reach and combed his hair as well, so that most of it pointed down again rather than up." D'awww. :3 I love those three. I'd do fanart for them if their clothes weren't so annoyingly detailed and I weren't so OCD...

Gate 4:

I really like how they get through this one and how you describe what the cold feels like (or doesn't feel like, heh. ;). Aqua figuring out how to use her heartblade was cool.

"her skin now looked like skin again, rather than some kind of horrible blotchy inorganic substance" That's both funny and gross at the same time. *sweatdrop*

Gate 5:

"Pressing his hand to his chest, he practically tore out his heart-blade in a fury. It shone in his grip, pulsing as it drew power from the gatefield itself." W00t, go Terra! :D I can so picture him doing that.

"Terra smiled at him, flipping the Keyblade in a nonchalant manner and then dropping it. He scrambled to pick it up again, slightly pink in the face." XD XD XD Oh, Terra. xP *hugs*

Gate 6:

Poor Ven... ;;

"Oh, gross, my nail polish is starting to flake off. I want to get home already." XD That's a sure way to know it's an illusion, when Aqua's worried about nail polish. She kinda reminds me of Larxene in the illusion.

I know it's just an illusion, but still... Illusion!Terra and Illusion!Aqua are awful. ;;

""Yeah. You should go die," Vanitas suggested." That's a very... Vanitas-y thing to say. Dx

Thank goodness Vanitas and Sora were already dead... Man, I think that gate's the worst so far. Getting your head messed with is way worse than physical pain in my opinion, not that I want to go through either. *sweatdrop*

"Look, no homo, you're like my little brother, but it's like you suddenly went from really cute to, I dunno, normal." XD XD I love Terra in this universe. I never liked him much in the games, but he's so funny here. XD I'm glad Ven released them from the glamour, too.

"Wait, do you guys still not hate me?" / "Are you trying to make us?" xP

Gate 7:

Their overreactions here are hilarious. XD

'"Oh, GROSS!" Ven yelled. "That was disgusting, don't ever- AAAHHH!"' *wince* Yeah, I'll agree with Ven here. It's kind of amusing if I don't actually picture it, but still gross. *sweatdrop*

"That's really important. I don't know why. Gah, I want to kill them." XD This is all so funny and awful at the same time. Funny from a reader's POV, awful from any of theirs.

"Eep...guys, don't eat me." XD XD XD That glamour can come in really handy. They're following him around like scary puppies...

Poor Aqua and Terra, realizing what they did... ""I tried to kill you. Aqua, ask me to do anything to make it up to you and then tell me to move to another country, I totally deserve it. You too, Ven. Ugh, I should just go drown myself..."" Man, that would stink big time, and that's still an understatement.

'"Would it make it better if you guys started dating?" Ven suggested. / "Nooooo!" Then, immediately, "Yeeessss! But not right now! Oh, I can't believe I did that! Ohhhhh, why did I do that?" / "You were kissing him back when he started making out with you. I think you actually like Terra," Ven mused. / "Nooooo!"' XD XD ; *sweatdrop* So hilariously awkward. Poor Aqua. xP

Gate 8:

"Then Terra gently tipped her chin up until she was looking into his face for the first time since they had crossed the threshold of the seventh gate. Her cheeks flooded with color again, but her eyes did not leave his. He smiled, then leaned forward and laid a soft kiss on her cheek, near the corner of her mouth. "It will be all right," he whispered." :3 D'awww

"Hmph. Xehanort can't get rid of me that easily. I'm too useful, for one thing." :P Oh, Axel.

"Dream on," Axel snorted. "Live in the humans' ugly iron-and-concrete prison world? I don't think so." XD XD XD

'"Nah, you still owe me. I won't quit bugging you 'til you pay up." / "Good. Because I'd be sad if I never saw you again." / "I told you, no sappy stuff,"' XD xP *has nothing relevant to say*

Gate 9:

"Ven, what does dancing and singing have to do with the giant lake that's rolling around in there?" Dance, water, dance! XD *shot*

'Ven began to boogie, shouting out at the top of his surprisingly tuneful voice. "Faster and faster, fast it goes! Playing the sitar with my toes. Hutalahey, hutalahey, hutalahey, oh, oheyoh! I like my sitar! I like my sitar! I play the sitar, sitar, wherever I go! Oheyoh!"' *falls over laughing* 'Surprisingly tuneful' because he's Jesse McCartney. :p The Sitar Song, FTW. XD XD XD

'"I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world. Life in plastic - it's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undre-" His face flooded with color as he remembered the seventh gate. "Gah, I can't do this!"' I love this gate. XD lol, that of all things is the first song Terra thinks of. Of course, after gate seven... *sweatdrop*

'Terra was staring at her. "Sailor Moon?" he said in disbelief. / "SpongeBob SquarePants?" she shot back. / "...Touché."' I love this. XD XD XD

"I don't want another pretty face, I don't want just anyone to hold." Ven waved his arms at them impatiently. "I don't want my love to go to waste, I want you and your beautiful soul." More Jesse McCartney FTW. XD

"Estuans interius ira vehementi - Sephiroth!" *dies laughing*

lol, Gaston. XD I wouldn't want to be glomped by water sprites, or any sprites for that matter.

Gate 10:

Command Board! :D :D :D I got to reference that in my AU, too.

"At first, it seemed normal enough, until they realized that they were playing for health instead of GP. The first time Terra landed on a Damage Panel, he yelled as if it had burned him. Any time one of them landed on another's panel, some of their wounds actually transferred - Ven's bite marks ended up on Aqua's arms, the scratches on Aqua's back moved to Terra's, Terra's bruises were divided up among the other two... They helped each other as much as possible, trying not to steal the prize cube or buy too many panels, opting instead to get as much GP as they could from the checkpoints." Whoa, that's freaky. And awesome, from a reader's POV.

"Unfortunately, no...I think it's pure luck." Yup, that's something Luxord's gate would require.

Gate 11:

"The prettiest ones are probably the most dangerous." When it comes to Fae, that seems pretty accurate.

'They continued on, trying not to look at any of the bright colors, and simultaneously trying to keep an eye out.' That would be difficult.

"Aqua drove her Keyblade down, snapping the vines, which gushed sticky red sap like blood." That's rather creepy...

"It's only sentient enough to want to kill us." Oh, wonderful. *sweatdrop*

"Yeah, whatever. Just shut up and take it." Pfft, that's Axel for you. :P That's awesome that he's still watching out for Ven.

Poor Aqua... ;;

Gate 13:

'"I like that gate best," Aqua decided, making the boys laugh.' Me too. :P Did it heal her vision?


'She hugged Ven and then Aqua, and grinned at Terra, who self-consciously crossed his arms over his bare chest before she giggled and made a loose white shirt appear for him out of nowhere.' xP Heh, magic is convenient.

"Yay! Thank you! Now, before Baldinort over there tries to cheat yet again..." XD XD XD XD XD Baldinort, that's even better than Xehasnort. *falls over laughing*

'"Ventus is forever free from all fey courts unless he willingly and whole-heartedly swears allegiance again, and the three of you, by successfully conquering the thirteen gates, have free access to and from Faerie forever. You can even eat their food now," she added, much less ceremonially. "You should try Lexaeus's sweets sometime, they are so good."' Lol, Kairi's just as much a spaz as Sora. :P

Sorry for being such a slow/lazy reviewer, I'll try to get to chapter 5 faster. *sweatdrop*
Taliax chapter 3 . 2/18/2012
FINALLY getting around to this chapter. :D

'The Aqua he knew was dignified, slightly haughty, and would never have stooped to being dependent on him for anything. This girl in his arms was so overcome by grief that she no longer cared about upholding appearances.' D: ;.; Aqua's seriously having a breakdown if she's depending on Terra, considering how she's been before. I can understand because of how important Ven was to her, though, and seeing Marluxia's giant death scythe would be enough to have most people terrified anyway.

Rule number 1 of fantasy: The adults are never going to believe you, so don't bother trying. :C That would be awful, seeing that and then having everyone think you're lying and that it's your fault...

'His cell phone had been confiscated and he was severely grounded - unless he was willing to defy his own mother to her face, he was trapped in his room and even barred from the Internet where he might have been able to look up something to help Ven.' Might as well have been put under lock and key for all the usefulness he could do under the circumstances. D:

'He ended up cleaning his bedroom in an effort to vent his frustration after he failed at trying to exercise in the cramped space. The afternoon passed as he angrily shoveled all the dirty laundry into a pile, crammed random bits of garbage into the trash can where they belonged, organized his movie, music, and video game collections after matching them all to their cases, cleared off all the flat surfaces, and even begged clean bedsheets from his mother, along with use of the vacuum cleaner.' I think I've resorted to organizing all my junk once when I was grounded from the computer and video games, before I spent most of my remaining free time reading and writing. Doing /anything/ tends to help when you're aggravated, or in Terra's case, severely angry and feeling helpless.

'He surged for the window, but then halted when he remembered that he was only wearing boxers. Blushing a little, he yanked on the pants he had discarded earlier and then opened the window for Aqua, who was looking like she wanted to hit him out of impatience.' Heh, awkward. *sweatdrop*

"A way to get to Faerie. We're going to rescue Ven." *plays epic adventure music*

'When Vanitas spoke, it was like Ven was listening to his own thoughts.' *wince* I'm failing to find words for how terrible that would be, especially with everything Vanitas is saying.

I bet even now you think it won't happen...they'll use someone else for the that guy, Axel..." D: So teind is like a sacrifice-thing, right?

;.; Vanitas is seriously evil to the max in this, pretty much crushing every piece of hope Ventus has, trying to mess with his head. He's really good at that. And creepy.

"I'm so flattered." Canon quotes FTW!

"Nuh uh. Don't pull those puppy eyes on me. I refuse to get turned into a Dusk on your account - you're not the guy I used to know." XD Even in the middle of something so serious, Axel manages to make me laugh. And he still has his weakness to cute things. XD

"Don't do this to me...Reno." PFFFT. XD Of /course/ it would be Reno.

'Axel swept forward, wrapping his hand around Ven's throat and slamming him against the wall.' I think Axel likes slamming people into walls.

So Ventus tried to make some sort of unbreakable oath? And Axel was going to be teind?

"You're really something, Little Wind. Charming people into loving you, blinking those big blue eyes of yours and getting whatever you want." It probably helps that he has magic, too. Magic big blue eyes. XD

"Give me your hand. And if you don't this time, I'll punch your snotty face and drag you out there with a wonderful black eye, how does that sound?" XD Why is it funny when Axel threatens people?

'He had to figure out a way to make himself known to Terra and Aqua, without revealing the fact that Axel had failed to lock him into the enchantment.' DIFFICULT. I seriously had no idea how he was going to do that.

I don't like Xehanort. *shudder*

'The test is impossible, especially when he cheats with magic.' Tears stung his eyes. 'Terra, I'm here...Aqua, I'm right here...' It was so heartbreaking each time one of them came and paused before him and looked at him hard, as he gazed into their eyes and willed them to recognize him, then watched the hope die a little more in their expressions as they moved on...' D: D: D: ;.;

"No matter what the time, we'll always be matter what the time..." :D GENIUS. THIS IS GENIUS.

'"There!" Terra shouted. He tackled Ven, perhaps fearing (rightly) that Xehanort would try to cheat again if he was not quick enough.' XD I can just picture that tackle having all the force of a fangirl glomp.

"Your heart is so full of darkness, foolish boy. Why do you continue to hold on? Ventus is a being of pure light, your very touch is a desecration. If you persist, such purity will burn away every last bit of darkness in you. Do you think there will be anything left if you have no light in you, boy? The light is quenched by your fear and anger, it will consume you, let go now before it is too late..." Shut up, voice. D:

That beach sounds freaky. Everything looking so perfect and being excruciatingly painful at the same time... Sounds like it represents so much of the fae.

"Think about it, Terra. Ven is a being of pure light. How could he love someone who doesn't have any light at all?" There was a pause. "Just so you know, such a thing is impossible," he added. "A being of pure light cannot love a being of pure darkness." Yay for Riku being helpful~

The Guardian kicked him impatiently. "That's not what I meant, idiot! Turn it around." XD XD He needed that.

"Fear. Behind people's rage and bitterness, behind their pride and obsession and stubbornness, it's always fear." Riku's smart. Really smart.

That whole scene about Riku and Terra talking about what Terra's afraid of and what he'd do about it was awesome. I liked Terra even more after this. :D And Riku. He's just cool.

"Oi, Faerie King," xP Yeah, that's who you address someone who's likely to kill you. Well, I guess he's technically not allowed to kill Terra, but still.

"You set your claim on Ventus, and I will hold to my word: no member of my court will stop you from leaving. However, Vanitas is no longer a member of my court. He was released as soon as Ventus was, and you hold the same claim over him as you do over Little Wind, for they are one and the same. Vanitas will accompany you to Earth...that is, if he decides to go quietly. He is a mischievous one, and I don't see you having the means to subdue him if he decides to cause trouble." *headdesk* Always a stinking backup plan with Xehasnort! D: Though I will admit that's insanely clever.

"Why would I have a problem with screwing over a couple of stupid, sentimental mortals, or chaining Ventus to the stake when Vanitas would make just as good a teind? I'm fey, after all. I just love causing mischief and cheating my way out of bargains. Keep at it, Chief, we're all right behind ya." Axel, ILU. XD

Ven's using their keyblades! :D But Aqua and Terra... 'Ow' definitely doesn't cover it... D:

'Despite that, the battle was both physically and emotionally grueling. Terra and Aqua had been dragged to the side, where they held on to each other and cried out in pain with every blow, their bodies jerking and convulsing. Keyblades were not meant to be wielded by any but their own masters.' Y'know, I'm really terrible at commenting on scenes like this, but it's both heartbreaking and awesome at the same time. I don't read a whole lot of fanfiction with plots and battle scenes like this. I need to find some more good fanfics like this.

'The moment you vanquish this Keyblade, Ventus, your heart will be lost forever. You can't stop me from doing whatever I want, because you don't have the guts to break your own heart.' Oh man, it's just like the X-Blade, that last battle was terrible because you /know/ it's a lose-lose situation, and it just /stinks./ Once again, not enough words.

'The dark mass semi-solidified into a figure, a vaguely humanoid monster with glowing eyes.' Doom. Doom-de-doom-doom. D: I'm so glad I've already read this; if I reviewed it earlier I would've panicked/cried so much.

"I'm your Guardian, I'm supposed to keep you safe! I totally messed up! I'll never do that again, I promise!" Yup, that's spastic I'm-the-hero-I-must-do-everything Sora. :D

'"I told you," Terra said roughly. "I trust you. I'm expecting you to win this one, Ven." / "We believe in you," Aqua said softly.' Aqua and Terra, you are amazing. :D

Whoa, that description of Time Splicer was amazing. Heh, Xig's yawning. *thumbs-up*

"Even if I have to erase myself from existence, I will never let you touch the people I love again!" Ven just reached a new level of rage. Oh Vanitas, you should've known better than to do that.

'Vanitas's eyes went blank at the same time Ven's did. There was a long pause as everyone stared, not sure if it had truly happened. Then Vanitas collapsed and Ven fell forward as if his strings had been cut, both of them sprawled across the floor like dolls. They did not move or breathe, and their faces were completely clean of expression.' THERE IS NO EMOTICON FOR THIS LEVEL OF TRAGEDY.

"Sorry, Riku. Guess I won't be much help after all. Naminé...I love you." *confused flail* Now I want to see where the SoNami came from.

I wish I could feel more sad about Sora's sacrifice, but I'm just really relieved Ven's back.

"Kairi..." *more confused flail*

Chain of Memories setup? Are you going to do that Sora backstory-thing, then?

Whoa, I've only got about 200 characters left in this review. O.o
Taliax chapter 2 . 1/24/2012
Pfft, snoring Terra. XD I wonder how confusing it would be to wake up and find yourself a few years older than the day before.

"What's a fairy?" XD Oh dear, this could get awfully confusing, then...

"Slave driver," Terra muttered. "And if that's your idea of 'almost done,' I think I need to acquaint you with a dictionary..." XD Terra, ILU. But I would totally be a slave driver with any sort of group project. XD

"The little elf guy is so dumb that he tore himself in two when he got mad. I don't think real fae are like that." / "Eh?" Terra exclaimed. "Disney movies scare you, but you can handle someone tearing himself in half?" / "What's Disney?" First of all, Ven's memory loss is really amusing, and second, which fairy tale is that?

"Woman, your heart is made of stone!" Terra is almost constantly making me laugh. XD

"My butt's sore from sitting for so long, my eyes are all swimmy from staring at tiny text, and I've got a paper cut." XD Terra, Terra, Terra... But paper cuts really do hurt. xP

"So I have to look up even more books?" D'aww, poor clueless Ven... xP

"Just don't be a vampire, 'cuz if you turn out to be a sparkly bloodsucker, I'll disown you." XD XD XD Terra, ILU more.

"Ven, was it? Who did you say your parents were?" / "...Axel. And...Larxene." XD I hate that pairing, but that just made me almost fall over laughing.

"My treat! To celebrate the completion of our darn project and our first real date!" XD Ice cream is a wonderful way to celebrate anything. Even if wasn't actually a date. Just let Terra have his fun, Aqua. :P

Pfft, Terra and Aqua arguing~ They're so funny and cute. C:

"Yeah," Terra said. "It's at the corner of Dominion and Castle." I see what you did thar. xP

Ven's going to high school! :D

Lol, improv cover-up nice move. :P

Ven, you crazy confusing fairy-creature-light-bending-thing, you. xP

XD I love Terra's overreaction to getting a lunch from Aqua. And how disappointed he is that Aqua gives Ven a thank-you and not him. Man, I just love all of their random banter.

Go Aqua, knowing how to use salt as a weapon! :D Vani's still pretty scary.

MARLY? Well, I didn't expect that. And Xigbar returns! :O Hopefully I'll get time to review the next chapter soon, that and chapter 4 were my favorites.
The Layman chapter 5 . 1/10/2012
And with that this story comes to a close. Overall it was a pretty good story, though some parts felt a bit expidited. (It would have been nice to see at least a little bit of how Terra and Aqua actually got into Faerie.)
Taliax chapter 1 . 1/7/2012

'The drawback to scoring the hottest girl in school as a partner for the folklore project was that she also happened to be a brainiac. Which meant that not only were the two of them spending Friday afternoon at the public library instead of, say, on a date, they stayed so late that they actually got kicked out at closing time.' Aaaaand I'm already laughing my head off. XD

Terra is a little OOC like you mentioned, but his character is so stinking /difficult/ to pin down for some reason. . And he's funny, so I don't really mind. Aqua seems perfectly IC to me.

"Wonderful! Now I look like Cinderella." He gave the egg an exasperated look. "You are cramping my style, you know." XD And now I want to draw sparkly!Terra not looking amused. I need to stop getting drawing-bunnies so much, I have fanfics to write! *headdesk* And lol Cinderella, I see what you did thar.

'Terra could not see why, since (slightly to his disappointment) there weren't any undergarments lying around or anything.' *Whacks Terra with a rolled-up newspaper*

"Man, the school genius is slipping if she thinks it's smart to call a guy at eight o'clock in the morning on a weekend." XD

D'awww, little Ven is adorable!~ And so is Terra's way of trying to get him out from behind the sofa. XD

'The beautiful, serious young woman had taken compassion on the egg at first sight, nurtured it, and dealt with things alone when the tiny, needy creature had entered her life. She had not called for help, even when she had obviously needed it, even though he had been with her when they found the egg, all because she did not want to cause him trouble. "She's really something, isn't she," Terra remarked.' Aqua's awesome. 'Nuff said.

XD Terra takes the kid up to the roof. Niiiice. Because /that's/ safe. xP And why I am not surprised?

'Instead, amid the strong wind that suddenly whipped up, the child's fall slowed and he almost drifted into Aqua's arms, light as a feather. The wind immediately died down, and the boy smiled up at Aqua as he patted her face.' O-kaaaay... Not surprised, but definitely confused. Well, I was the first time I read this, before I read the other three chapters. :P

"Uh...well, you know, it's like what I found in that book yesterday, about our names meaning stuff in and water. Ventus means wind. The kid seemed the wind, you know." He added hurriedly, "This was before he decided to jump off the roof." Yay for things that will be important later~

'By lunchtime, he was speaking in rudimentary sentences, asking "Akaw" for more milk and demanding that "Tewa" do the sticking-the-spoon-on-his-nose trick again.' XD Ven is being more adorable, and I'd like to see Terra do that too. xP

"Wh...Why did you say that? You just made me look studious!" XD XD XD

*Squees at Ven's baby-talk*

'Cars seemed to frighten him. Every time one passed by too close, he gripped Aqua tightly and hid behind her.' Cars do look pretty scary if you don't know what they are. Weird metal monster-looking things.

'Once they had arrived, she was tempted to stay for hours, since it was so darn fun dressing him up in outfit after outfit as if he was a life-sized doll.' xD Aqua plays dress-up. And dolls. At the same time. Kinda. :P

'It cost pretty much all the munny she had in her wallet, but she wanted to be prepared.' Yay for still using canon currency~

Invisibility? /confusion Ah, I understood once I read chapter 3.

"Fairies. And flowers." Terra shook his head. "That's cool, but come on, man, how about some dinosaurs or ninja or something?" XD Terra is actually pretty cool in this.

"Nija. Nija dead." 1.) Ven's baby talk is still adorable. 2.) I laughed /so hard./ XD

"Did...did he just...kill my ninja?" Terra, ILU. x3

Ven's drawings were confusing, but I understand them now. Excellent foreshadowing/set up there. And the 'bokken' part was so adorable~

'He was so darn cute!' /agree Ven sounds a lot like zombie!Roxas now, actually.

"You could have killed us!" / "That was kinda the idea, bro," Nice way to cut to the point, Xigbar. That scene was pretty creepy. I normally write Xig as just messing with people, but you show his downright evil side here. And poor Terra... ;_;

"Can't afford Band-Aids, huh?" / "I can't, actually," she muttered. "I've been buying a lot of clothes recently." I really like this, for some reason. Terra's good at being a tough guy.

'The child would not settle down at first, getting freaked out in turn by Snow White's wicked stepmother, Maleficent's spooky debut, and the horrified realization that Cinderella's father was dead.' I actually had the same problem with Maleficent and Snow White's stepmother when I was little. xP

"Because no way I'm gonna afflict you with this Tinker Bell spin-off atrocity, little buddy." Terra, ILU more. *squee*

'"The third movie's not bad," Aqua muttered, fussily sliding the Tinker Bell DVDs back onto the shelf with the others.' XD at Aqua's OCDness and the fact that she actually like Tinkerbell spinoffs. Ven might've liked that actually since it has fairies in it.

"Whatever; go out for coffee, take Ven to McDonald's, see a movie- play a board game, for crying out loud! Anything!" / Aqua sighed. "I need to grab some bigger clothes for Ven. Then we can have, I don't know, a game night or something." / "Yes!" Terra crowed. "I'll take what I can get!" XD XD XD I'm so like Aqua when it comes to schoolwork. And I still love Terra. Sheesh, I actually like him more in this than in canon. Wow.

'He looked out at their surroundings with inquisitive eyes, occasionally asking Terra things like why the cars were different colors and why it was not okay to sniff the doggie's butt if it was sniffing his.' XD And nice job explaining things, Terra. /sarcasm

Not-Sora/Vanitas /seriously/ gave me the creeps here. *shudder* It was awesome, though. Vanitas is a psycho. That's what makes him cool.

'As if that wasn't enough, innocent little Ven now grabbed a long wooden cooking spoon off a nearby rack and stabbed it hard at Sora's face.' W00t! *cheers*

'To Terra's great surprise, the monster-kid, who had not batted an eyelid when being attacked in the face with a wooden spike, screamed bloody murder as the snacks scraped over his flesh.' I understood this after reading the later chapters, but when I first read this I was really confused. *Needs to read more about fae*

'ThankyouforchoosingPipin'Hot,weappreciateyourbusiness.' LOL, things fast-food workers are required to say. He's got it memorized! *shot*

Command Board! :D Canon references are awesome.

"Don't die," Ven mumbled, his face half-hidden. "I love you." ;_; So cute and sad at the same time!

'"Boys and girls our age don't sleep together." / "Oh, don't they?" Terra said mischievously. Aqua smacked him.' *Smacks Terra too* *But laughs anyway*

"Quietly, stand in the exit way, and, in the pitch-black, take the light..." Yay Hikari translations! I actually managed to mangle the syllables enough to sing the translation along to the tune of the Japanese one and only had to change a few words. Uh, I get really bored sometimes. ;

"You have a nice voice." D'aww, Terra being sweet~

So yeah, this story is awesome. I now like the BbS trio a lot more now. For some reason I didn't care for them as much before, though I don't know why. BbS was my favorite game gameplay-wise. *shrug* I'll have to review the other chapters later.
The Layman chapter 4 . 1/7/2012
Yeah, gate 9 was my favorite as well.
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