Reviews for Anytime, Anyplace
Anujhteb chapter 12 . 1/11/2016
This was soooooooo juicy ! I've always wanted a Spuckcedes collab. You did it justice , pure fire thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Wow just WOW! N AMAZING I did not see that coming !
poetrylivemusic chapter 13 . 9/23/2015
this entire thing is Samcedes fic legend
mrsblessedkelley chapter 13 . 8/28/2015
I loved these one shots! I wish you would update or write more stories!
bcandylandgirl chapter 13 . 10/19/2014
Just finished this fic for the first time. Was sorry to see that it hadn't been updated in a while (a long while) lol. Have to say, I loved them all. But my fave was flashing lights. Too sexy! Thanks for sharing. ; )
Guest chapter 13 . 8/20/2014
These one shots are so hot! Wish you would write more ! I can't believe I've never read this before.
kriddee chapter 9 . 6/11/2014
Oh man, you did so much with this chapter, and yet everything about it felt true and appropriately paced. It could have gone on for years or just into the next day after dinner, and it would have felt complete just as whole. So lovely! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 5/8/2014
Please tell me your coming back I enjoy your ain't shit sam drabbles :)
ericasfandom chapter 13 . 8/3/2013
This chapter is one of my favorite in like, the history of Samcedes. I think about it a lot and come back to it very often. So so great- thanks so much for giving us all of this! :)
LadiJ chapter 6 . 3/13/2013
I have read several chapters of your stories and was going to write one nice and long review after I read them all bur after reading this one I must say BRAVA!THIS WAS SOME OF THE HOTTEST SHIT YET! OK I have to agree Aint Shit Sam is the first inducteein the hall of fame because he is hella hott and sexy and every woman want one of the song was perfect and just added to the hotness of this story. I am just lovin it. *fannin myself* All your stories so far have been hella hott but this one made me say something. Please keep writing and i'll keep reading.

Much Love
mah chapter 5 . 3/7/2013
so hot!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/14/2013
Laughed my butt off once I finished. The both of them was a hot mess lol
Guest chapter 13 . 12/14/2012
You are bad to the bone and i love it.
krazykay23 chapter 6 . 10/21/2012
Hot damn! I need some air!
Jujubee58 chapter 13 . 10/6/2012
Another threesome! Puck, Sam, and Mercedes!
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