Reviews for A Choice
JojoJinx chapter 10 . 9/5/2019
How do i access the outtakes of this story that are in edward's pov?
JojoJinx chapter 14 . 9/4/2019
Okay, so i haven't finished reading yet but there are a few things that are really bothering me. I realise you may address these issues later on though hopefully but i just thought id mention it. Ok, the first thing that's bugging me is you never explained how on earth bella thumped Tanya and wrestled her to the floor. If Tanya's a vampire that would be impossible for bella. Is it because in your story she's a succubus? Is that something different? My second issue is the fact that bella knocks Mike unconscious and they just leave him there. I hope this gets addressed. My third and final point is just to say that i feel you haven't got there characters right... But i understand you want your creative freedom as an author and i am still enjoying reading so thankyou.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 2 . 5/8/2019
I'm confused. What's the actual story here? It's so random.
athena1880 chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
well Guest maybe you should write a book and make your account real. Then maybe your opinion would count. That writer made her best and I really love her book so instead of criticising try to learn from her errors.
JD Thorn chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
I think it’s very pathetic of you reviewers Guest and JK who hide behind anonymity to make a writer feel like crap. Someone who is brave enough to actually have an account and share her work even though she leaves herself vulnerable to assholes like you. I am so sick of reviewers that have no idea how it feels to put yourself out there and get flamed. If you find something wrong, or spelled wrong, or if you find it “juvenile”, or don’t like the way the characters talk, don’t make them feel bad and tell them in a nasty way. Have any of you heard of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM? Didn’t your parents teach you ANY manners? If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. So the story may be a bit different than what you’re used to, either don’t read it and move on to another story or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Bexie25, I for one LOVE your stories, and i’m Sure there are others, even some that don’t review that love them too. I don’t review a lot it sometimes I will. I can’t wait to read the “I’m a Girl series. Thank you so much for being brave enough and putting yourself out there for us to read. NEVER give up.
JD Thorn chapter 7 . 12/9/2018
That was exquisite.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/17/2018
This is very juvenile
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
Some of the grammar is pretty bad in this first chapter

Also im confused with the way this is starting. Bella is given an ultimatum, she has to chose between jake and Edward...but she hasn't even met Edwards family yet? um ok
koyana chaki chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
Does anyone know the name of the twilight fanfiction where Edward is an elite guard of the volturi and is send to capture gifted humans who happens to be Bella and Alice... Plz let me know
Guest chapter 19 . 1/27/2018
I predicted pretty much this whole chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
oh id love to meet our family my love
? You expect us to believe that BELLA talks like that? I dont fucking think so.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/30/2017
Emotional? More like cringeworthy. Took me hours to read this chapter because I feel so embarrassed for the characters lmao chapter 1 . 9/28/2017
Sweetie, you need to add an AU and OOC warning to this story.
Bella Swan is supremely out of character - she's acting more like a slutty version of Jessica or Lauren and while I am sure they are lovely characters, they are not the Bella you are attempting to capture.
The AU label? Jacob did not imprint on Bella Swan. That did not happen - for it to have happened you need to explain that it's AU or a canon diverge.
And even if it had happened, imprinting means that Jacob would have become what Bella Swan needed - a horny, pushy boy that contradicted her feelings and told her that what she thought she felt was always wrong - yeah, not seeing how that's what any girl, let alone Bella, would want.
He would have respected her relationship with Edward and been the best friend/little brother that Bella always wished he would be.

For a story that says the intense bond between Edward and Bella is stronger than any other vampire - it's just doesn't make sense for her to actually be tallying up the pros and cons of either Jacob or Edward. It makes this epic love with Edward a joke - and the 'love scenes' laughable, instead of touching and passionate and bonding like they could be.

Good luck on your future writing. The ideas are there, explore them.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/15/2017
Im crying
Guest chapter 29 . 6/14/2017
Stories always say a mate will be avenged.
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