Reviews for Devils in Disguise
kattfan12001 chapter 12 . 2/8/2014
had to finish reading to the end. Great story
LiseLore chapter 11 . 2/2/2013
Wow, I'm really loving this fanfic ! Its AWESOME ! :D

But should't Scott stay at Alan's and Virgil's side in the hospital ? Owkey, the chapter and scene between Tash and Scott was amazing ! I loved how Tash talking to Scott and telling him how much she loved her.
ofermode chapter 12 . 6/30/2012
Read it all in one go. Chillingly brilliant.
WolfLeap chapter 12 . 6/24/2012
Oh my freaking God, this was incredible!

I still don't understand how you got these intense ideas from, but I just want to say; wow! This was possibly the most gripping stories I've read so far this year. It slightly screwed with my head - but I still enjoyed it!

I really loved how you stirred mystery and anxiety into this - definately reminds me of a Dan Brown book (somehow)!

Well done, I'm so looking forward to the sequel (if there is one)! xx
bubzchoc chapter 12 . 3/3/2012
brilliant chapter
Sam1 chapter 12 . 3/3/2012
Katzen, I'm so disappointed...that the story is complete. Are you going to write a sequel of sorts? I so want to know how John, Virg, and Alan handle the aftermath. As well as how the rest of the family supports them.

I'm so looking forward to whatver you come up with next.
Darkflame's Pyre chapter 12 . 3/3/2012
PLEASE forgive my language Kat, but Holy Effing Crap! Where in the hell do you come up with this stuff? This was really well structured and written; I'm simultaneously impressed and horrified at what you put them through. I'm especially praising of the way you wrote Alan and Virgil's detachment from their injuries; the brain really does try to protect itself doesn't it? You kinda worried me that Virgil would die. And I don't know how Alan didn't die from blood loss. I'm scared of the repercussions that are imminent. Brilliant work!
thunderbird5 chapter 12 . 3/3/2012
What a sad ending. What happened to the Hood, John and Tin Tin and Alan? Also the rest of them?
thunderbird5 chapter 11 . 2/28/2012
Yeah, someone should really get the family back together again.
bubzchoc chapter 11 . 2/22/2012
brilliant chapter
idreamfan24 chapter 10 . 2/15/2012
OMG this is the best Thunderbirds story ever.

I had to read it all the way through and it is now 2am so i shoukd go to sleep.

I cried at the end soooo sad please write more john angst stories you write soooo well.

But well done awesome story.

And please uodate soon if there is more to come even though you could prob end it there.

Again awesome story

Xx idreamfan
Xenitha chapter 10 . 2/14/2012
Uh, Kat, Scott is starting to scare me...
bubzchoc chapter 10 . 2/13/2012
great chapter
thunderbird5 chapter 10 . 2/12/2012
poor john. Poor alan and virgil.
Sam1 chapter 10 . 2/12/2012
I was so excited to see the update alert in my email so soon after the last update.

You just weren't content to put Alan through hell but you let Gordon get hurt too? That just isn't right, Kat. Virgil is safe, right? Nothing bad going to happen to him whilst in surgery? I totally missed the bit about Scott going into that room the first time I read it. Excellent little bit there...implied but not described.

Poor John, I can't imagine the pain he's feeling right now. There is just so much going through my mind at the moment with this udpate that I can't really put it all into words. I'll just have to settle saying well done and I'm so looking forward to your next update.
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