Reviews for Rewind
Guest chapter 2 . 5/14/2018
*croons sadly* Oh~! Now I want someone to punt both the Doctor and the Master into such a situation, preferably a variation that doesn't have any dangerous side-effects and possibly won't wear off. Could you imagine having the innocent cute little versions of them having the Doctor's Angels as their "responsible adults"? I wouldn't be shocked if the creative little humans came up with ideas that may not quite fix Koschei's mental-drums problem but might just prod those brilliant little shits into the right train of thought to find something that can. As long as they're both there and joined at the hip, the besties are not as dangerously alone in the head as they otherwise end up, and with the Doc's Angels prodding them into having something resembling "conscience's"... Even including ongoing spats because the both of them i/are/i leagues more intelligent than the lowly humans around them, but they aren't i/always/i more brilliant...
Of course any such situation also means there shall be angst, eventually, and a lot of it. Sadly it'd be or the best if the Master didn't have the chance to do worse than notice the situation from a distance, unable to interfere. I have few doubts that it'd be significantly harder for him to bring himself to harm an amnesiac little Theta who only remembers his best friend Koschei, but the damage he'd cause before believing that really is the case? Resisting the impulse to kidnap him and "corrupt" his tiny Bestie so he'll be his Best Friend properly again instead of eternally at odds as Best Enemies? That I can't see The Master being able to avoid. The Doctor's Angels might be able to prevent some of it, but if little Theta recognizes his Best Friend in the Madman he'd be very vulnerable to being convinced the humans are tricking him and Koschei is trying to rescue him. Which would be bad.

On the subject of this actual story, this is probably going to be a little bit adorable while also having plenty of angst on the part of everyone but the Doctor, at least until he starts remembering more and finding out more about how sucky a lot of his forgotten life was.
Because he's an adorable little bitty Doctor who doesn't have Shadows in his eyes yet, and the contrast with his ancient, hollowed self is heartbreaking.
LM395 chapter 2 . 3/14/2018
Lol, oh Ianto, how I miss you so...

"Is it fair to assume that you'll require a set of boy's clothes and some painkillers?"
Blurryname chapter 16 . 7/7/2017
Ovlet chapter 2 . 2/26/2017
Of course the first person he'd ask for is Koschei. My emotion just went haywire at the perfect mood...
Breval chapter 16 . 11/23/2016
Just so you know this is one of my all time fav fanfiction and I've already reread it several time 3
pumuckl91 chapter 16 . 9/7/2015
I just read all three parts in a row and I have to say: they are awesome! You are a really talented writer with a great fantasy!
Guest chapter 16 . 4/25/2015
Thanks for the story, it's been truly brilliant and enjoyable. I really love the idea of this support system for the Doctor when he needs it, because he really, really does.
Are there any more sequels to this series? Because we get this ending on a positive note here, and I get pretty optimistic.
Then I remember The Waters of Mars and what came before it *shudders* This sounds seriously awful, but
I honestly think it might have been a good thing for Ten to regenerate when he did. Regeneration, as he put it, is like another man walking away from an old life. He had lost and gone through far too much in that life, to the point that he actually almost lost it.
MisguidedGhostWriter chapter 16 . 12/22/2014
Wow! This l was amazing! An utter emotional rollercoaster rife with a satisfying, heartwarming ending. Really good!
MisguidedGhostWriter chapter 2 . 12/22/2014
Great story so far! It has the perfect blend of funny and weird! I'll keep reading!
YanCaniloun FtorLensoko chapter 16 . 8/16/2014
GhostDog401 chapter 16 . 7/22/2013
CrankWindPencil chapter 16 . 4/26/2013
So this was probably about the eigth time I've read this series. Sorry I haven't reviwed before, but here you are. Great story, entirely love he concept of the Doctor being reverted back into his child self. Read some others about that concept during the year that neve was, but this is by far the best take on it I've ever seen and will probably ever read. A the Doctor Who characters, perfectly in character. Torchwood, same deal. Owen was brilliant through the entire series, loved the way he reacted to everything and his character in general, you really did a great job with exploring possibilities with everyone. About that sequel you mentioned. *pleads like a child* PLEASE. It would make my entire life quite possibly. Just one, or perhaps seven more installments to this series, please! Either way, keep on writing, have an amazing day, and DFTBA!
Uryuu-Nipaa chapter 16 . 3/30/2013
Wow. I thought I loved the last two, but this is so great! And I really loved Donna here. In fact, it was so great that I'm going to re-read it right now. You are really an amazing writer. And I think you have an excellent grasp on the Doctor Who characters. I'm not too sure about the Torchwood characters, since I've only watched two episodes, but I bet you nailed them as well.
Frenchie121 chapter 16 . 2/20/2013
This fanfic was brilliant. Your the best writer. you got the doctor's emotions perfectly. Good job, he is a hard character to write.
One-Eyed Zoro chapter 16 . 1/27/2013
Yes. I just reread all the fics in the shelter series for like the fifth time. You don't know how much I love them. When are going to add more to this series? You're amazing at writing the tenth doctor. You're angst/whump is amazing. You're amazing. Come on I need moooooore
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