Reviews for Hope is the Thing With Feathers On
WhoInWhoville chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
Fabulous! Loved the cadence and flow of their banter. I love a good crack fic. Very well done.

Need to know more as to why they have chickens, though. Are they in the backyard agrarian movement? Do they also have a square foot garden plot? HEE! I love that Ian (GUHREAAAAT name by the way wink wink) and Rose are so domestic. I love a wide variety of Ten II fics: adventure, angst, romance, fluff, pure scifi... But there are very few Zpre domestic stories. Please write more. You really do have a way with them.

mericat chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
lol..perfect way to end a year. Love the added touch of a Hello Kitty bandage, the lollipop and that he bit the security guard.
singing like blue chapter 1 . 12/30/2011