Reviews for Disappointed
kiky21 chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Perfect. Ok, so you're writting is kind of perfect. I most review so you see what I've read, and because I write too and love to get reviews, but this is getting into my nerves. I promise to come up with better words one of this days..
highlyfunctioningmikyla chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
Really cute and sweet!
Dlvvanzor chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
Very sweet. 3
dark-nexus17 chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Hello there! Firstly, when you get to 100 stories, I think I will explode, I am completely and utterly envious of your ability to continually write marvellous pieces. I was extremely peeved at Mycroft's comment, I wanted to punch his smarmy face in. Sherlock looked a bit hurt. I wanted John to stand up and shout, we're having incredible sex, and I'm going to take him away right now and take the bed sheet off so we can have more you pompous twerp! Alas, it didn't happen. So excited for tomorrow! Can't wait to see what you come up with using all the delicious new material :)
mustangwoman chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
I say take his hand and let the sheet fall! Lovely story! Thank you for sharing it.
emma de los nardos chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Wonderful twist on the scene in the spoilers! I cant wait to see if there are really any convoys like this (not romantic, just John wondering about sherlock's experience) in the episode.

Tomorrow is too far away!

And - might you be persuaded to write a sequel? This is such a promising start. We all know that John is a patient fellow, so maybe he'll do he work necessary to get Sherlock up to speed.

Yay for slash!

Skyfullofstars chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Lovely little interlude before the new series begins and I hope to God I can find it to watch it somewhere online..since the states don't get it until May..the bastards..

And I can't wait to find out why Sherlock is wrapped up in all those sheets ...John says, "so you don't have any pants?" I assume, he doesn't have ANY clothes but don't know it because John does all the laundry and he's been away?'ll be fun.

Thank you and the idea that our Sherlock honestly thinks John could EVER be disappointed in him...oh my...that hurt..
mattsloved1 chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Mmm...very nice. You did a very nice job using those teasing trailers for 'Scandal'. But more importantly I love how John addresses Sherlock's fears and honestly reassures him they will work together. Lovely as always! If only Moffatt and Gatiss thought like you did! Thanks! :)
TheXEnigma chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Really enjoy the concept, but I'm a little bewildered by the instant change of scene- Sherlock and John are in a cab, but then Sherlock is naked under a bed sheet. And after I stopped drooling over that mental picture, I reread the story and still couldn't follow the change of location. Still- I enjoyed reading this and your Whispers down the phone line. Very nicely done! TheXEnigma