Reviews for Into Romania's Mansion
MagicTactician chapter 5 . 11/13/2012
Please update soon I love this story very much!
welcome to the chapter 5 . 11/9/2012
the heck? dude! that's cruel! don't leave us hangin' here!

well... in my brain, romania choosed to sleep in his coffin which is on the third floor (?), then gilbert discovers? i dunno, but please continue it so that i'll know. we'll know.
welcome to the chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
too short... veeery short.
Read-Sleep-Routine chapter 5 . 11/9/2012
I don't mind if it's kinda kiddy. But I hope you get to be more descriptive, so it'll slow down. But it's been a long time since you've update, are you planning on abandoning this? I am interested with the plot, although I admit I really am not a fan of vampires. The rare pairing is good too.

I'll follow this, I'll be expecting an update sooner. Again, please be more descriptive and don't rush it.
Kanamelove chapter 5 . 8/5/2012
So good write more :
Guest chapter 5 . 7/3/2012
I, a Prussia cosplay that hates Romania, actually LOVES this story so far!
Aquailita chapter 5 . 7/2/2012
nice short chapters. they have a nice touch that other stories' short chapters dont have
well done!
CallMeSasstria chapter 5 . 6/19/2012
LOVED IT! Please Continue!
World's Cutest Dictator chapter 5 . 4/23/2012
I really like this pairing, glad that its finally something without PruCan! I like this concept but, not to be rude, u should be more detailed and longer chapters cause I'd like to keep reading your story!:D
Jaxxik chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
I think that this could be way better if you had less short sentences, for example instead of "Prussia's heart raced in his chest. Prussia's breath grew short." you could write "Prussia's hear was short of breath, his heart raced as he ran." And putting more description into the sentences would help a lot. You also used Prussia a lot in the first few sentences, maybe describing him as "the albino", white haired man", or something like that would help.
Darkmoonphase chapter 5 . 1/23/2012
I wanted to read this because it's an interesting pairing and that's why I finished what you had up... However... I'm going to say this as nicely as possible without meaning offense. I felt like I was reading a story meant for a child. The only difference was the swear word and the fact that two guys were sharing a bed. Admittedly, chapter 2 was a bit better and I had hope that it would continue to be that way. Then you fell back into your pattern from chapter 1! They were short sentences and you continually said Prussia's name when there was no reason as he was the only one in question.

I suppose that if I could look past the writing, the concept wouldn't be so bad. It's a little fast paced, like a daydream you decided to put into a story (which I've done before so I wouldn't be surprised :) ). But if it slowed down a little, it could be a pretty interesting idea. Maybe make Prussia get locked in the mansion or something that would actually keep him there because at the moment, he's "attaching" himself to a perfect stranger.

So my suggestions are to slow down the story a little bit and take the time to describe feelings, surroundings, time, etc. Expand your sentences so they don't cut off short like in a children's book. Play with other ways to say who's talking, not just "Prussia". Common ones are "he, the albino, the ruby-eyed man"; be creative. :) And maybe don't let slip the pure intent of Romania so much; let the readers wonder what he's up to and if he'll let his thirst out-weigh his want of a companion.

Hopefully this didn't discourage you because this is a very odd pairing and I know that your reviewers would probably like to see this to the end. You can either try my suggestions or completely disregard them and I'm sure your reviewers wouldn't mind either way - they've liked the story so far!

Keep writing because it's the best way to express yourself and if you love it, no one should stop you. :D Thank you for putting this pairing out there. It's appreciated.
Iuly chapter 5 . 1/21/2012
Interesting! XD
Myrna Maeve chapter 5 . 1/15/2012
Romania: Prussia is prost.*prost means stupid in Romanian*

Me: He really is.
HetaliaFan69 chapter 2 . 1/14/2012
I can not believe you used this as your second chapter! XD
Cheerful Black Rose chapter 5 . 1/10/2012
Like Prussia would listen to the note xD
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