Reviews for Fun Day Out
Cortana Hansen chapter 5 . 4/3/2018
Ah, too funny. Lol! It was hilarious when Dwight followed Angela into the bathroom. :)
Cortana Hansen chapter 3 . 4/3/2018
Seeing as they're all kinda idiots, it's unlikely that they're keeping accurate score. Great chapter, by the way! :)
Cortana Hansen chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
"A skinny Toby?" Aw, poor Gabe! XD Seriously, hilarious!
Cortana Hansen chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
This is seriously awesome! :D
Animorphgirl chapter 8 . 10/21/2012
Well written. Good premise!
The REAL FanFic Contributor chapter 2 . 8/12/2012
Okay, so this one is obviously small, but I like the familiar characteristics, the humor, and what thought you squeezed into it.
The REAL FanFic Contributor chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
I definitely love the idea and how it's going (especially the part where Michael couldn't believe Andy was the boss. Poor guy.) but it just doesn't seem thought out enough. Everything was going by too unprofessionally and I really think you should provide more time, especially since Michael just came back. Also, I think other characters should have greeted Michael. He is an old friend after all. Oh well, I'll keep reading, though.
fishe153 chapter 8 . 4/28/2012
Sorry this has taken me so long. This week (and last week, actually) have been the two busiest weeks of my life. So, it's not a comment on my interest (I am still very much interested in all your work) but a comment on my lack of time.

'"Yes, I'm okay," he repeated, almost childlike.'

This is a sweet line :)

'The group said their goodbye's,'

'goodbye's' should be 'goodbyes'

That was a nice ending for Darryl and Val :)

So, I assume the story's over then? Great work, a very solid first Office fanfiction (well, your first with the exception of your crossover)
Lauren chapter 7 . 4/16/2012
Oh. My. Goodness.

This is so perfect, I'm serious. I can actually picture this entire story happening in The Office! You have no idea how much you made my day right now. KEEP IT UP!
fishe153 chapter 7 . 4/12/2012
'Ah, ah, ah, ah stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.'

It's awesome that this is Michael's ringtone.

'interrupting conversations throughout the group.'

great imagery

Michael's response to Dwight was perfect. I could totally hear him saying that, exactly. Nailed it. ;D

'"I'm banned from Chilli's, remember?"'

Haha. That's a funny throwback.

I really look forward to seeing Darryl. He sounds really bad. :( It'll be interesting to see how Val reacts. Great work, and I look forward to your next chapter :)
fishe153 chapter 6 . 4/6/2012
'Angela suppressed a smile, but Dwight saw.'

Great very-in-character moment there.

'Bet you the Senator couldn't do that good.'

Haha! gotta love Dwight. this reminds me a lot of when he beat the machine in the Launch Party episode.

I really love Dwight's "Women, right?" Funny, charming, and the part with him looking hurt gave it depth to go along with it.

'"I think you mean condescending.'

Exactly what I was thinking :D

'"You never brush your hair on the weekends- what, am I not good enough for you to look nice?" Michael listed. "And, and- you... you always have bad breath, in the morning. So, really. It's called a mint. And I hate it when you-"'

This was a pretty funny snippet, especially with Michael's interview before.

Hoh boy. It looks like Darryl may be in for trouble :( I really look forward to seeing it :)

The moment with Erin and Andy didn't seem natural. Maybe slow it down a bit, but when Andy went and said that to Erin I was totally disoriented. I didn't understand how he went from receiving a compliment to rejecting an offering of love.

But, I did like how Andy's response mirrored Katniss's to Gale. ;D

Hey, Chili's! :D Great office staple... which Pam is no longer allowed to go to XD Speaking of which, I look forward to finding out what's going on with Pam.
jessie 33 chapter 5 . 3/30/2012
Great update, I really love your story, you write all the characters so well. I hope you update again soon.
sudoku chapter 5 . 3/25/2012
Oh boy, there are so many relationship issues in The Office at the moment. Good update!

When you wrote "We... haven't won yet." And frowned, confused.

I think you meant Andy instead of And.
fishe153 chapter 5 . 3/25/2012
I know what it feels like to need a small victory. Poor Pam. Hopefully Jim can make it up to her.

Hey, Angela did well :D And Dwight's reaction is perfect, as well as Angela's reaction to Dwight's reaction.

'He posed, trying to look sexy. Jim stared, wide-eyed.'

That made me laugh :D

Dwight's softly talking to Angela and calling her 'Monkey' definitely hits on their dynamic.

'A shriek came from inside and a woman rushed out, horrified.'

THAT'S pretty funny. And reflects The Dundies episode.

'"I don't know why they were complaining,"'

PERFECT Dwight line :D

'Darryl watched, intruiged, and downs a beer*. He stood and ordered another one.'

I like this little observation :)

'No one opened they're mouths.'

'they're' should be 'their'

Looks like Michael blew it with Holly. ): Hopefully he can make it right. Knowing Michael, he'll do it in a really quirky, off beat yet charming way.

Darryl asking Val out was a very in character moment, and also very intriguing. I look forward to more of that.

And Pam's crying? I LOVE how you've got all of these different sub plots going. I want to read them all to the end D

'Everyone can see the scores on the screens, Erin'

Funny moment, utilizing both Erin's and Oscar's personalities.

'I know, but we might. Do you want to grab a soda?'

Nice cliffhanger. I can't way to see how that works out.

Great work, and I REALLY look forward to the next chapter :)
jessie 33 chapter 4 . 3/8/2012
Great chapter, love how Andy stuck up for Erin. To bad he doesn't face up to the fact he loves him. lol
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