Reviews for Lines On Palms
Heronsong chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
A unique way to write a love-moment between the two, but definately interesting. I loved the two points of veiw, each of them being loving and teasing at different times, something we don't see much. The end was brilliant, the Doctor should love River the way she is for 'every one of her scars'. Absolutely . And she makes him feel human. They work together so well 3. Great job writing anyways, interesting and appealing veiw.

-Ashy *.*
make-my-heart-beat chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
wow... love the way you wrote this, exploring more than just closeness. really great to see a different format, its really hard to get right but I think you have. you should be very proud of this, well done :)
Eleantris chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
Wow, this was amazing. So sensous and beautifully written, without being crude, which so much M rated fiction is. This was gorgeous; I loved every single carefully worded line!

X :D