Reviews for Classified: Priceless
Devilish Dream chapter 8 . 1/17/2014
Christy! *cries*
Anonymous chapter 7 . 9/17/2012
oooo i can't wait for the next update ! i like it
Devilish Dream chapter 7 . 4/17/2012
Wahhh!d! Azuma is back *giggle* *fangirling* i love the part how yoy have described the emotion that azuma bear for the girl telling us the girl is all he have...interesting amou mission thi is christy..
Iris petals chapter 6 . 4/3/2012
More of the excitment and mystery is getting and i'm so excited for every chapter.. I wonder when the team will find them?
NeKo Meow chapter 5 . 3/31/2012
Why do you have to be in Hiatus when it starting to get more exciting. O.o

~NeKo Meow
Iris petals chapter 5 . 2/9/2012
Good job christy. Mystery!
NeKo Meow chapter 4 . 2/6/2012
finally! I dont have any idea what kind of foods were there. Although it seems /sounds delicious and expensive haha. The description is mouth watering.

I thought ryou will fetch nami there. Haha. My bacteria side.

Anyway, ruri's behavior piqued my interest. She is affectionate and as if she wouldn't do anything harm to nami.

And the butler, would he have a great part in this story?

I'm so curious!

~NeKo Meow
NeKo Meow chapter 3 . 1/22/2012
It was really fun reading your work. It is simple but alive and moving ...the words are actions itself. The descriptions are the scenery and expression. and there is a light humor, just right, preferable for the chapter to make it not that serious.

Did I already mention I like Ryou's character here. Love love it.[even though I was shocked in the latter] But it's a part of the job...right? RIGHT?

And Ruri Amou, she's very witty and smart. I feel that it'll be hard for them to know that she is guilty sort of. Or there is someone else. O.o The suspense is killing me, questions forming in my head, and possibilities crowding my mind.

Hope to see more update.

~NeKo Meow
NeKo Meow chapter 2 . 1/22/2012
And I was O.o

You actually emphasized how Keiichi could be that 'smart.

Their conversation [mostly, Keiichi's] was fun to read, it excites me to read more and more,until I myself will find what's the answer to the case. I feel like I was there and eavesdropping to their conversation, it looks real. haha. I was like watching a movie in my brain.

~NeKo Meow
NeKo Meow chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Sorry for this super late review. [mumbles: even though I read it long time ago due to temptation]

Anyway, back to review:

The description is always superb as ever. You placed the right words for every part. It made the sentence, paragraph, the whole chapter alive and also making me to read every bit of it.

It was really unique, extra-ordinary, a different approach of a story in the fandom. Moi love it so much. It was really different, I dunno how to explain it. There is this strong sense in the flow of the story and as well the plot. [Very strong O.o]

And also, to think that the LCDO characters are spies melted my brain. Although you already told us in the group about it but I didn't imagine it this way. Thumbs up.

~NeKo Meow
Iris petals chapter 3 . 1/21/2012
Now things are getting too interesting. Didn't you make it ryouXnami?
tuNGaw-GiRL chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Interesting. Now that I got to read this, I think I'll be starting to look forward of its updates. Seeing that this is a RyouxNami fic, I'm still hoping to get a glimpse of the rest of the cast in this AU. Specifically, Yunoki. LOL. Anyway, it's a good read. *thumbs up*
Guest chapter 2 . 1/11/2012
Haha I was thinking if Shimizu was there then he'd be the genius of the group, I guess you read my mind :)) Interesting case indeed, but I'm kinda confused at some parts...could you leave out an explanation soon? Hehe update soon!
Iris petals chapter 2 . 1/11/2012
Interesting christy... Naice work. Shimizu is smart he seems to be cute as well as sleepy... Interesting case
anon chapter 1 . 1/9/2012
hmm...I have to say it's interesting. The idea is unique and VERY different compared to the ones in the archive (obviously). Hope you update this soon enough :)
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