Reviews for Revenge
Guest chapter 3 . 1/11/2019
Loved the story.
Habbi chapter 3 . 3/29/2013
ShadowCub chapter 3 . 11/3/2012

Someone did a portrait of Bella, not the actress that did the film version and she was beautiful and fierce looking.
ShadowCub chapter 2 . 11/3/2012
Bella is a woman who takes action, he must have had a fucking death wish!
ScOut4It chapter 3 . 8/25/2012
Amen sister:
/She wanted to ask Bella to tell her she was joking, but the Death Eater wouldn't joke about murder, she just commits it./
I was going to be pissed if your twist was actually that Rodolphus was really alive and posing as Bella (never mind that all her internal dialog wouldn't make sense as having happened if that was the case). So glad you didn't end that way.
The future still looks a little bleak for these two; they only have each other and the war still rages on.
ScOut4It chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
Oh, Hermione had to know that Bellatrix would get revenge. It was naive of her to think that Rodolphus of all people wouldn't gloat about what he did.
I felt too much satisfaction in Bella's creative use of Imperio. Reminded me a little of that movie "Hard Candy" (which you must watch if you haven't: excellent acting).
ScOut4It chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
Why is Hermione protecting "Him"? Why did "he" beat, torture (rape) her?
I cannot wait for Bellatrix to get 'even'.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2012
great job
CareneNara chapter 3 . 5/4/2012
Awesome ending. So Sweet.I love them. great story.
Goth Albino Angel chapter 3 . 4/27/2012
Aww, that's so adorable... in a sick, twisted, murderous way.
Goth Albino Angel chapter 2 . 4/27/2012
OMG, that was so sweet of Bellatrix. I love this story, it's so nice! I wonder how Hermione will react to knowing what Bellatrix did.
Cissa-Lycoris-Black chapter 3 . 4/24/2012
This was good. I especially like the torturing of Rodolphus :).
LucastaPastaTheShamanRamen chapter 2 . 4/2/2012
Bellatrix is officially, OFFICIALLY my hero now. As if we didn't have enough reason to love her already.

Seriously, I think that's the best Bella-vengence I've ever seen anyone write. Like, ever. That was soooooo satisfying. "Eminently practical, and yet appropriate as always!"

And ooooh so deliciously twisted and creative.

Wonderful Bella portrayal. :)
Gone86 chapter 3 . 4/2/2012
Fantastic story! Heavy but very good. Great stuff.
EvilRegalCyanide chapter 3 . 3/5/2012
poor hermione,i'm glad she had Bella to protect her and that Voldemort bought her story 's justice x)

Good job:)
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