Reviews for Uyimbube: You are a lion
Guest chapter 9 . 10/24/2017
Nice thanks
Alenairam chapter 9 . 12/6/2015
Just found this, and I can say for sure it's the most adorable story I've ever read! Puré fluffiness that I am sad its over. Thank you for this story, it's gold. :)
hoglee chapter 9 . 6/2/2013
This story is so perfect. Utterly adorable and irresistible.
shopgirl152 chapter 9 . 11/7/2012
Oh my goodness; I loved that they named their first born daughter Kiara. Thank you so much for writing this fic. I highly enjoyed it. A faberry perfection if I ever saw one.
shopgirl152 chapter 4 . 11/7/2012
Quinn circling Finn and singing Be Prepared equals awesome. Oh my goodness; I want this to happen on the show now.
shopgirl152 chapter 2 . 11/7/2012
Aww. Poor Quinn. Her parents don't seem to understand that she's pretending.

Understand her being overwhelmed after the Broadway show though; I saw that where I live. It's amazing, especially the beginning when all the animals walk down the aisles.
blueashke chapter 9 . 10/11/2012
SO DAMNED CUTE. That is all.
morethancheesee chapter 9 . 8/21/2012
Beautiful story :'D
Harley Quinn Davidson chapter 9 . 3/3/2012
love it and can not wait for more.
Aaml-sp5 chapter 9 . 3/3/2012
Now that I've finished reading this, I think I'll have a Lion King marathon
aca-fearless chapter 9 . 3/3/2012
Awesome ending!

I love me some Fababies. :)

This was a VERY SWEET story, it's nice to read Quinn having something to turn to when her life was crap.

:) good job!
Jesi M chapter 9 . 3/2/2012
:333 I absolutely LOVE this story! When I was little I loved the lion king so putting it with Faberry just made this story completely amazing :D love it, love it,love it!
Alex sweets chapter 9 . 3/2/2012
Haha I found it funny that I read this chapter and my brother was watching the lion king it put a smile on my face
aca-fearless chapter 8 . 2/8/2012
So cute!

Go Rachel for getting that part! Amazing!

Alao, Fababy! Loved it!
Harley Quinn Davidson chapter 8 . 2/8/2012
love it can not wait for more
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