Reviews for Blind Faith
JP chapter 9 . 6/28
I absolutely love the story. But the removal of the bandage would have happened in the doctor's office and only by the doctor himself. Things could go wrong. Then he would have tested Blaine's sight and made an appointment to see an optician for proper glasses.
JP chapter 7 . 6/28
Best speeches EVER! ( from Rachel and Wes) Made me tear up again!
JP chapter 6 . 6/28
JP chapter 4 . 6/28
This is my second time around. I honestly have tears in my eyes. These boys deserve each other. I love this story! If only we saw ppl with our souls/ hearts first like these two did. ️
Mjcqs chapter 9 . 9/28/2019
Hi! It’s now 7 years since you wrote this adorable fic and I just came across it today - I love serendipity and the internet:D This story is heartwarming and wonderful and a perfect brief escape from the crazy world we live in right now. Thanks for making my Saturday in 2019 happy!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/11/2018
The whole Blaine not having any kind of sight aid is a little far fetched. I have many good friends who are blind in varying degrees. Legally blind to completely blind since birth and what not. No matter their degree of blindness they all have a form of cane or a guide dog. The canes are different colors and different types depending on how blind they are. Also the whole sun glasses thing implies that Blaine's eyes may work in some way because they could be further damaged by high light exposure. While I'm not positive I thought that kind of blindness was in the eyes themselves not result of a TBI (traumatic brain injury).
levios chapter 9 . 2/21/2018
I loved the story right from the start and you managed to keep the story interesting even though they got together fast and didn't have any fights! Great job! Not everyone can do that :) I often also feel like it's a bit frustrating when they always get better in the last chapter, but in this story it only got me tear eyed! It was described so beautiful and I loved it as an end! Also I loved Susan's comment about Prince Eric! :) I really do believe childrens could be so much smarter than adults :) Great job with this story! I truly enjoyed it! :)
libros5 chapter 9 . 10/18/2014
Love it! Especially Blaine's reaction to seeing Kurt for the first time
Guest chapter 4 . 8/6/2014
Oh my goodness I love your fanfics. There perfect! !
patricia.remacova chapter 9 . 6/11/2014
awww that was so sweet!
error404-known chapter 2 . 5/18/2014
error404-known chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
Omgosh this is amazing! I was kind of hopibg for blaine to be confident and only get nerves about meeting up and not saying he's not worth anything
addyalana chapter 9 . 4/10/2014
IronKissedVampire chapter 9 . 3/16/2014
OH...MY...GODS! I absolutely loved this story so much! You are amazing! Can't wait to read more of your stories!
Ari chapter 9 . 3/14/2014
I loved this! So sweet and great ending!
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